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    Posts posted by EuRob

    1. German collectors here :cheers: have pointed out that the thick lower reverse arm is invariably tied to Orders which no longer have real gold center disks, but only late war silver-gilt ones. There does not seem to have been any good REASON for this (I had always simply dismissed it as extra protection on the surface where enamel was most at risk, without ever correlating the disks detail), but that's been proven on every single BMV4X I've seen since being educated about this.

      The Maker is Hemmerle ;)


      I was led to believe that G. Hemmerle always made real gold centres Or was that only on earlier BMV4X pre '14?


    2. Hello Gents

      Dont know whether to laugh or shake my head in disbelief!!

      Saw this on ebay


      I am looking for a Bremen Hanseatic and a LD2 so emailed seller for better pics and got these :lol:

      I asked for a close up of the damage on the 3 o clock arm as was described in his sales pitch and I do believe the 'blurry' close up is of the 9 o clock arm!

    3. Hello Gents

      Got this PK recently to go in the book with my TWM.

      He looks a young 'un and not sure of his rank (cant see the epaulettes) but he has leather gloves in his left hand? (when I was in the Royal Marines these were worn by officers but this is prob a mile out and he is just a rank and file)

      Any help on the script would be really appreciated, cheers fellas :cheers:

      All the best



    4. Hello Gents

      I got another pic recently although nothing special I would like some ID on the medal or what it is likely to be?

      I am pretty sure its a LS medal as when looking through a loupe there appears to be a faint outline of a crown in the centre of the medal.

      I dont know what length of service and probably wont but any help would be greatly appreciated.

      Also I would very much appreciate any help with the translation of the script on the reverse of this card

      Cheers guys :cheers:

    5. Thanks for all your kind words :cheers:

      I find it hard to believe that somebody else has not thought of this but if I am the first then thats great!!

      Tony-I secure the medal ribbon with 2 paper fasteners, the type with split pins and I sow the medal to the ribon so it doesnt flap about. There is a drawback to this in that you cant see the reverse of the medal but I can live with that. I will post pics of me doing this (Blue Peter style :lol: ) when I get my next pics.

      I am waiting on a pic of a HH recipient from Heiko and when I get it I will post mounting stages. I do have a problem with the HH medal though as it is folded and stitched into a trapezoid ribbon with an old skool pin and I really dont want to mess about with this so as to put in the book. So I think I will be looking to trade this for another plain/normal HH ribbon so if anyone is interested the pic of my HH is on post #9!

      Ulsterman-As of yet no I havent researched the regiment/action but I probably will do in the future some time. I am really stacked up with work and renovating my house at present so no real time to do this yet! I have had some help from other members at GMIC with translations and personnel etc which I am very grateful for. Here is a link to one of them kindly researched by RICK



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