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    Posts posted by EuRob

    1. I am a little puzzled??

      I have been collecting for roughly a year now both imperial and TR. I do believe that all that I have is original and have mostly researched my purchases, I didnt at the beginning I admit and I got stung a couple of times!!

      I took advice of members from this site and am better equiped to research the "one" I want.

      I have come across the same words as was said by the starter of this post ....TR items are fake why do people still collect?

      Whilst I know that there are a lot of fakes around I do believe that there are also good pieces out there. Also its thanks to sites like this and return policies of dealers and sellers that make TR collecting a bit more "peace of mind-ish"

      Whilst I am on this topic I also believe that if TR was so risky then surely so is collecting Imperial, British etc as some of these pieces fetch a fair sum and lets face it the forgers are doing it purely for profit. It would be logical to assume that most areas of collecting are (fun but) risky. Research and plenty of advice and opinions helps avoid the disappointment of parting with your hard earned cash for a bit of junk, and maybe still you may get hit!! But if you can return?

      Thats the rub!


    2. Thanks Rick :cheers:

      I will post another pic

      It is really hard to make it out as the letters are behind the point of the maltese cross

      I have tried with a glass and zoomed in as best I could with the camera I have.

      I am pretty sure it says W Co and thanks for the info.

      Is there a list of imperial makers initials anywhere on this forum that anyone could post me a link too?

      Thanks again

      Rob :beer:

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