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    Posts posted by EuRob

    1. Here's an eBay one now... Look Familiar??


      Hi Stogieman

      I looked at your link and I didnt purchase from this seller. I believe that both my medals are kosher with the exception to the ribbon on the EK which glowed under uv. TOM Y kindly donated an original ribbon to me. So I think I got a good set?? I will post pics at the weekend under natural light ( I work during the week and I leave when its dark and come home when its dark!) and see what others think.



    2. hehe cheers Kev :beer:

      Yep you certainly disproved my analogy, big hand to you .

      i do like the mini that was the reason i got these as they were sold as a pair. Was thinking of getting hold of a combatants ribbon (period) and swapping them over and wait for the whole deal on the non combat to come along. good plan? I know some would say that the ek and band are not a true historical representation. But if it works for me? etc

      The positive thing to come out of this is that I got a uv torch!! :P and all my other items dont glow! But get this, that flandern x band I got doesnt glow or melt but it is brand spankin new, has a feel of like when you get new sneakers :beer: it is firm, clean, serated cut at the top, ?? :speechless:


      Rob :beer:

      pssst if ya see any nichtkampferband originales knocking about ahem ;)

    3. Hello

      On a list of medal makers marks, from The Kaisers Bunker,


      'G' is listed as Godet und Sohn. I like the EKs but I am uncertain about the large non combatant ribbon. It looks in your photo just a little to clean and white for something that is anything between 76 and 92 years old, (they were still making and issuing the 1914 EKs into the 1920s / 30s). Does it glow under black light, (UV light) ?

      Hi David

      You were right. It is a replacement ribbon. I tested it under uv light and it did indeed glow!! I also burned a little of the frayed top and this did melt. I did test the mini and am glad to say that this did not glow!! Now do I have the impossible task of trying to find an original ribbon? I reckon that will be a lifelong task!!

      Now my thoughts have turned to the ek itself. It does look good but hey I got it wrong on the ribbon! lol what do you think?

      Cheers Rob :beer:

    4. Hello

      The site that you have been looking at is operated by a Paul Waterworth. There is a rather long queue forming full of people he has ripped off, and all looking to 'have a chat' with him.

      Waterworth, and his wife Susan, are well known purveyors of fakes. If you look hard enough there are some genuine items in his stuff, but the bulk of what he sells is junk. He actually has the stuff made for him, and then artifically ages it. The man, his website, (incidentally he doesn't live in Blackpool. He lives in a place called Leigh between Manchester and Liverpool in the UK), and his goods should be avoided at all costs.

      Whatever you do, DO NOT deal with this person and do not buy anything from his website. He is a fraud. Most collectors here in the UK have heard of, or come across him at one time or another. Just ask around.

      Good one David :beer:

      Glad I spotted that, was liking the spanish russia medal! Dont think I will bother. Valuable info for all other new collectors who read this thread.

      Thanks Rob

    5. Hello

      I noticed this ek on this site.


      (scroll down to the bottom. Ek1'39 and bar on ribbon)

      It looks like Franks ek and I am thinking this too is a fake. I have a "20" EK1 and the stamp is on the inside of the pin and it looks nothing like the stamp "20" on this EK.

      It would be interesting to know if other members think/know that it is a fake?

      Regards Rob

      .....or indeed any other medals listed on this site?

    6. Fots bring back a few memories Rob...

      ...it did for me...the band in full blues on a very hot summers day in 82 were at the gangplank at Southampton when we returned on the Canberra...awesome display of music and turned the day into even more of an event....when they played Land of Hope and Glory the entire crowd sang their hearts out...just like last nite at the prom...

      Hi Chris :beer:

      Where abouts was the event? It does look like Southampton and not the dockyard? I played many ships in and get this we used to see all the girlfriends there and we saw them in "Joannas" the week before and lets just say they were enjoying themselves! :lol:

      I knew a bandy who was on Canberra in 82. His name is Fred Miller, you know him? He was a sergeant when I was in the mob and a very funny bloke. Once we both played in a small orchestra on HMS Victory for the 2nd Sea Lord and the tune we were playing was "Sobre las Olas" by J. Strauss, a well known fairground tune, well Fred was simulating shooting ducks with his flute and I was struggling to keep it together on my solo and the Bandmaster gave me a look of "dont u dare!". I did have a great time in the mob and got to know many a decent bloke and lots were Bootnecks. Mostly provost at Deal and PTI's, PWI's, oh and a mention to the provost Sergeant who once gave me a bollocking of the century but thats another story!!

      I saw a few places and I wouldnt be doing what I am now if I hadnt of joined the RM Band I am sure of it. I have so many great experiences It would take too long to put on this post!

      Thanks for the pics Chris


    7. EuRob,

      Congratulations! :jumping: A very, very nice medal! :beer:

      I had the honor and distinct pleasure of enjoying a performance by the Royal Marine band several years ago. When I was in the army and stationed in the Washington, DC area (1985-1990) there was a big show nearby at a local sports arena that featured the Royal Marine band and a Highland band (it may have been The Black Watch, I don't remember). My wife and I attended. I love British military bands! I was not an army musician, but I was in marching band in high school and university and have always enjoyed military music.

      Again, congratulations.

      Thanks chaps :beer:

      It really wasnt a moment of outstanding bravery but its a nice medal. Mike, I am happy to hear you like military music, alas I do not! When you have played HM Jollies umpteenth millilon times (actually that was an ok one to play) but you know what I mean :lol: , it got tedious. I left and freelanced as a muso gigging around Europe then went back to school and got a music degree. I now teach and gig(UK), clarinet/sax/flute.



    8. Hello fellas

      I got this item this morning. I think it is a fake. It looks good, obverse and reverse, the ribbon looks very old too, but then when you look at the edge!!

      To quote Military History Journal-vol 1 no3 T.E. Sole South African Military History Society.....

      ...There are in existence privately minted copies of the medal in various metals which, apart from slight differences in design, do not bear the name Schultz on the obverse. On genuine medals his name appears in minute letters on the truncation of the bust of Germania.


      Could I indeed have one of these? If so is that an out&out fake?

      Opinions from members more clued up than myself would be gratefully recieved.



    9. Hello

      I am an ex RM musician so thought I would post this for you to check out as it is unusual and I guess you dont see many on here?.

      I am the recipient of this award Cassell Prize silver medal . I won this in 1993 for winning a soloist competition held at the Royal Marines school of music, Deal, Kent. This competition was open to all of training company and was run over a few months culminating in a final of 8 musicians. I played clarinet and played "Three Etudes on Themes of Gershwin". I was presented with this medal at Stationers Hall in London by Worshipful Company of Musicians.

      collector of all Deutsches Reich medals and awards

    10. Your 1914 looks fine. (for the most part) pre WW2 EKs are smaller. aprox 42 cm

      compared to the 44cm of the WW2 EKs. The have thinner curved arms. As with

      anything you will find exceptions to the rule. But this holds true in most cases.

      Welcome to the forum :beer:


      Thanks Greg my cross matches your analysis.

      Rob :beer:

    11. Hi fellas

      I just received this EK1 1914 1st class this morning. I compare this with my EK1 39 and I notice that the 1914 is thinner and not as bulky as the 39 cross. Is this usually the case? I purchased this as an original and I believe it to be so but I am a novice collector so opinions would be warmly recieved.

      Cheers :beer:


    12. The "6" is a common maker-with the "20" it's a different situation-a friend of mine owns one,but the core doesn't match to the 1st class.....so it's a very controversal piece!


      Cheers fellas :beer:

      Was referring to the "20" (CF Zimmerman).

      Micha, so there are marked "20" ek2's out there? Controversal, can you elaborate on this Micha? I understand what your saying about the core dont match the 1st class but why is this controversal except the cores dont match. Is there a reason for this and is that controversal?

      Am always learning from people like yourselves so for that I am very grateful and makes my hobby very interesting.


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