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    Posts posted by EuRob

    1. Hallo EuRob :beer:

      Its for a Prussian War Veterans Association, (similar to the British Legion of today) a members badge, not strictly a military item but I feel at 35 Pounds you paid over the top :( Its probably pre WW1 though, with a nice old style pin.

      If you have the chance you should look at German ebay: http://listings.ebay.de/Deutsches-Reich_Or...ListingItemList the page even in German is easy to navigate, and with the Aid of:http://babelfish.altavista.digital.com/ you can do a basic translate from German to English.

      On German Ebay and you will find many similar pins and badges and some sell for far less, anyway, militaria is a learning curve and nearly all members here will tell you, that research and reference books are a must.

      As stated by Tom Y the name refers to the location of the Association.

      By the way Tom Y I think yours is showing the head of King Ludwig of Bayern, its very similar to a medal in my collection again for a Veterans Association.

      Kevin in Deva. :beer:


      Could you recommend literature/website on German orders (any reich)?

      I know of a couple of books and of course I use the net for info. I am learning all the time and I feel this forum is a great way to learn and has really helped me!

      Regards Rob

    2. Hello~

      I have just come back from a collectors fair where I picked up this item from.

      I like it and was assured it is original so I parted with ?35 for it. Can anybody give me any information on this item as I know nothing about it? As I say it took my fancy and bought it. The pin badge (top of medal) reads "DEUTSCHE KRIEGER BUND" and on the cross it reads "KRIEGER U. LANDW. VEREIN" and "JEETZE"

      On the reverse of the pin badge it has maker "HEINR.TIMM-BERLIN-WALLSTR. 21/22"

      Thanks for your help and once again what a great forum!


    3. And what a nice double marked Zimmermann Bill has! Nice catch on the L/11, totally missed that one! That makes me feel like saying what the heck, and buy um both! I say go for it he you can. I can spend other people's money so easily. :cool:

      Cheers fellas that has helped a lot. One more thing though.....The L/11, isnt the mark supposed to be in a box as I read somewhere that the L/11 early 57 EKs where marked in a box identical to the 39 EKs?

    4. Rob, I would definately like to see a picture of the reverse of the Deumer before commenting. Even honest dealers make mistakes, so being called an original by a dealer doesn't necessarily mean so sometimes. The Zimmermann looks good, and a double marked Zimmermann is not that common, but you do see them occasionally. They do get a little more for the double marked pieces. As far as what piece or pieces to purchase, it's really just a personal preference thing. Some like minty, and some like salty, I personally like somewhere between the two. Russel

      ok here is reverse.....

      Thanks for your opinion Russel much appreciated!

    5. Not sure what you are asking. The one on the right is a C.F. Zimmermann, and the one on the left appears to be a Deumer, would like photos of the reverse before rendering opinion though. Are you thinking of buying or selling one of these? Russel

      ....I am thinking of buying both these items and choosing one and selling the other. I am a beginner collector of German medals and am learning stuff all the time, like buying fakes when I very first started!! They are both from a dealer of these things and both state "original" so am confident (i think????) on originality. :unsure:

      I guess what I am asking is: what would be more desirable/higher end item to an EK collector, double marked but a bit salty OR in vgc with a single mark. The double marked is slightly more in price but negligible in the wider scheme of things.



    6. Hi~

      I have deliberated over these 2 EKs? hard to decide so 2nd opinions are most welcome!

      The EK on red background is MM L/11 and looks in good nick the other EK has some small rust around the swas and a touch of rust on left arm but is double marked 20 & L/52.

      Not sure which one? advice from more knowledgeable people than myself on this subject would be most grateful.

      Thanks EuRob

    7. Hi~

      I am a new member on this site and saw the post with the "Medalla de la campa?a".

      I too have one of these although I dont know much about it except that it was a common award to all those who fought in 1936-39 civil war.

      My version has 2 initials AM under the griffins? foot, also on the reverse alongside the shield is the maker "industrias Egana". (see pics)

      Can anyone give me any info on this medal and/or the marks?

      Thanks Rob

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