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    Posts posted by Ulsterman

    1. I have this book. Everything Col. Al. Gleim did is well worth having.

      The 42nd Div. was entitled to the following clasps(Circular 46 War Dept. June 30, 1924):

      Defensive Sector



      St. Mihiel

      Meuse Argonne

      I note the 26th Division also had these clasps.

    2. The bronze medal may well be original to the bar.

      There was an article a while back somewhere about a Prussian Doctor (MD) who was a combat surgeon in the Union army in the US Civil War and then went back home during the Franco_Prussian war. He was given BOTH bronze and steel medals by the grateful Reich-and there were documents to prove it. it was odd-but odd things happen(ed). I'd leave it alone.

    3. I know -and dislike-this family rather well.

      I believe there were two or maybe even three Buddenbrocks active in the Napoleonic wars. The chap you are looking for I believe topped out at Major and was elderly by 1850.

      The Almanach has extensive genealogy on these folks.

      A Buddenbrock grandson also surrendered Spandau to the Russians in 1945 as I recall.

      Buddenbrocks seem to have congregated in the artillery, although todays Freiherr once told me they were "always cavalry" (which I think was posing snobbery).

    4. wow. I think you have a winner. #1 is dead on, as is #2, #3 could be a reflection flash and #4 is so dark-who can tell for certain...? but it matches yours.....ribbon 5 in the pic has swords-as does yours, there's 2 LS awards in the right place and the last ribbon also seems to match! Also, there's the odd, if not unique double mounting...I really do think you have his bar.

    5. Yup-that is phillip. I'll dig out his email.

      Interesting about this archive. There were and have been rumors for years and years that the Russians hauled away a good chunk of Hess's department archives, including a complete duplicate master index of NSDAP numbers and party cards- as well as several Gau archives.

    6. Belliard was made general d' Division before Austerlitz. This guy is younger-still a Brigadier AFTER the Bourbons have returned 10 years later.

      Really interesting about the KGB docs. Has anyone attempted to have them opened or returned recently? I thought there was an academic "thaw" going on.

      By the way, there's a lot of Murats' documents still extant in Naples and Italy. Have you contacted any of the Napoleonic Society? There are some key researchers there-like Haythornwaite, who may have this stuff tucked away in an odd file somewhere.

    7. Thanks Barry for your kind words! I am trying to increase my collection of napoleonic documents

      Ulsterman, I didt know that! could be possible that you give us more information about the attempt of murder of Napoleon sponsored by the prince? and about his intelligence network ?

      thanks in advance!

      well-a few months late, but yeah...there's quite a bit of recent scholarship that demonstrates how extensive the Bourbon intelligence network was. There's no doubt they tried quietly to kill him and while recently rehashing of "was he poisoned" reworking indicates he probably died of stomach cancer, one of the reasons he abandoned Elba was the Bourbons refused to pay his pension (guaranteed by the treaty of 1814), with which he was paying his small court on the island.

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