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    Posts posted by Ulsterman

    1. there was a BDOS article about female nurses who got the 1914 EK2 a few years back. Gordon can also tell us more as he has made reference to a few and I believe Glenn J. may also know a few names.

      A few years ago Bare on eBay sold a split up series of nurses photos from 1940 that had a close up portrait of the "Oberstannbannnurse" :rolleyes: -a very stout, hard-looking, matronly woman who reminds me of a Nun I knew at age 9, but who was sporting a 6 (!) medal ribbon bar, INCLUDING an HKx ! I balked at the winning price of $40.

      There are a number of references in vets magazines to "ladies who got the frontkampferkreuz".

      The records of the Asianbund may still exist, as I have seen references to the Colonial office records extensively in academic literature-includingan article 2 -3 years ago about "Gender and Rhetorical Being in German imperial Afrika"...about German women in the Camroon.

      I would also like to know if the DRK archives are all still there. Has anyone ever asked?

      Otherwise, how would we know about the mere 8,999 DRK2 medals out there?

    2. Back again..... I don`t have a 1914 navy rank list, only 1916... there is NO ONE with the combination RAOmedal + KOmedal + AE........

      I have only ONE man with the two order medals but no AE : Feuerwerks-Oberleutnant Sewald - entered 31.5.99 - could match with China...

      just a thought....: could it be possible that the first ribbons ARE the orders RAO4 and KO4 and the second orange/white ribbon is a AE???? is this possible?

      too many questions....

      That's my guess-remember what came BEFORE the HKx according to the 1939 regs-and what came after. Rick posted these a while back from an old reprinted catalogue.

    3. Ahhh! We are too far apart for me to keep up with your varied interests. Didn't know you were "into" these.

      PART of what I got with more rolls last week is a BOX of Tony's stuff on veterans awards. A lot he seems to have published in OMSA magazines after I left that organization but lots and lots of things are organizational histories, various jubilee publications 1890s-1980s detailing same, lists of organization officers etc etc etc.

      YOU are the right person to get those then, since these are completely outside my knowledge. I'll bring them along next month for you. :beer:

      Many thanks!

      i miss Tony. he was always cheerful on-line. :(

    4. I have been collecting vets association magazines for several years -since Tony Colson sent me a dozen a few years back.

      In reading these and the vets' association year books it is stated that some of these medals- were NOT-"everyone can buy one" cheap vanity pieces (notably the "Hamburg Feldehrenzeichn"), but awarded "for service and merit (which may have included sizable donations)" by the autonomous Lander Kreigsvereinen.

      Some of the medals on bar #1 were awarded for long service (as in 20 years membership+) or merit to a state veterans organization-and some were limited to under or about 100 a year. The magazines include annual award lists.

      They were not "purchase from the association" things like the modern "Order of the Battle of the Bulge". They were more in the character of the U.S. "VFW" and "American legion" medals put out in the 1920s-1930s.

    5. It's almost certainly the medal of merit. The lady I bought this from got it from a clear out at the supply depot at Fort Devens near Boston, Mass.

      I also got a dozen WW2 vintage bars of all sorts, including VFW and Guard.

    6. Beautiful and highly interresting bar.

      I don't think it's a Royal's bar, more a diplomatic, scientist or artist ones. All Royal German bars I've seen by now had several jubilee medals, more than any officer can have. The classes on this bar are strange though. A IInd row bar might still be possible, maybe with five other German awards (Prussia, Bavaria and Saxony?!) in Ist row?!

      Might you please be so kind to show some more pictures of it, the reverse e.g.?

      Yeah- you are right-no commemoratives...

    7. To be honest I can not comprehend this bar with that Saxe Meinigen medal. There are always exceptions to the rule, but I can't for the life of me explain #2 and that medal-even if it was a kick-rump navy Luftschiff/Submarine/ engineer/gunner-pilot hero of some sort-and that is supposing that this is 'the top bar" of a two piece set.

      But it certainly look original by the fading, ribbons etc.

      Could it have been messed with?

      Also-(I can't find the thread but Rick R. posted the order of precedence from a 1939 catalogue reprint) isn't the precendence out of order? That' seems a minor issue in this instance though.

    8. I have doubts about this bar-mostly because of the last medal, but also because there-are-so-many-of-these-here.

      However, this bar makes sense if this man was a Gaufuhrer/Stabsfuhrer of a Stahlhelm or other Weimar vets formation.

      These uniformed Weimar vets leaders sometimes wore a profusion of "honorary' or other association awards, but seriously,it stretches credibility that this guy was a simultaneous member of the Saxon, Bavarian, Prussian and whatever other Landerbund is thrown in there. I think its a made "uberbar".

      Still, the sale price might be less than the parts individually-we will see.

    9. Here is a man who lived a full life: General Bela Kiraly PhD, Head of the Hungarian Defense College, hero of 1956, ex-Professor and New York socialite, fought in WW2 under Horthy, lead a Brigade until arrested in 1951 by Rakosi and sentenced to death, released in 1956-joined the revolution, fought the Russians again, escaped with the help of the CIA and now has a really interesting ribbon bar.

      What is he wearing? Note the badge above his left breast.

      He lives not far from you members there in Budapest.

      Any chance for an interview?

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