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    Posts posted by Ulsterman

    1. Amen to that! :jumping::jumping: I must say, that blue certainly does contrast nicely with the gold of the award and the red and white of the rest of the case. And looks like it has a nice clasp on it too! :cool:

      Yet another terrific find! :beer: I'm so tempted to mortgage the house and fly over there and load up with tons of goodies! :P

      Dan :cheers:

      You and me both. if only Jetblue flew there-and they let me have my passport back :banger:

    2. Ulsterman,

      When you say this Saxon was bumped up, bumped up to what? I ask this because I was trying to think of what a deputy officer is and I could only come up with a Feldwebelleuntnant. This soldier has a pip on his boards. I have never heard of a Feldwebeloberleutnant, so what am I missing here? Would that not then make this fellow just a regular Oberleutnant? And is it just my old eyes or is that an enlisted national cockade on his cap? The state cockade looks like a regular Saxon officer's, but that other one sure doesn't look like an officer's to me. Strange.


      It's an odd picture to be sure-but look at the LS medal. NCOs only. He got a promotion.

    3. Frankly, given the violation of ascribed copyright for H & S (especially if you are scanning a reprint) the OMSA will not run an ad that violates its ethics rules.

      As a lawyer, hear me well when I say this, you are entering deep waters here.

      H &s is still copyrighted to the original authors and copyright was claimed by others only 20 years ago.

      Ranklists were government publications and part and parcel of military material that was surrendered in May, 1945. Ranklists are public domain.

    4. ooooh-that airborne carrier jacket is niiice!

      Check to see the Combat medic badge hasn't been removed though- I can't see how he got that rack and not have received one.

      Funny enough, I was in the Salvation Army yesterday and got you something CD! It's odd, but has character.

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