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    Posts posted by Ulsterman

    1. There have been groups out there of BB & Co. awards that are clearly marked on the packets "awarded to such and so by Emire whoozit on x.v.16". We can be reasonably certain that BB & Co. were war time awards by their ubiquity. If they weren't issue, they wouldn't show up in Bulgarian flea markets with regularity-and of course in old WW1 vets' effects. They captured them and kept them.

      We know by Bannermans' catalogue that they were around as of 1922 (the year the print was set, although I think the catalogue was Spring, 1923).

      Also, I believe there are BB & Co. pieces in Turkish groups. I have a reprint of the bloody ridge diary as well as Eturin's book and as I remember, both indicate BB & Co. were awarded in theatre pieces.

      Given the turkish archives still exist-it might be possible for some intrepid soul to discover the contract for these.

    2. OK: Will do-the most common award, the excellent workers badge. A friend of mine is in the process of writing a really good article about these;there were a lot of variations of the badge and redesigns made to reflect both the political and economic changes in Hungary from 1949-89. It's the most common Communist era award out there and lots of fun to collect-and so far, cheap, with no fakes. The early ones are really well made too.

    3. I have NEVER seen a period picture of a GI with any medal worn except bravery medals and the good conduct medal. Only ribbons were issued until AFTER the war.

      My understanding is though that the order should be:

      Good conduct/US Emergency/US Campaign:defense/ European/ Pacific/ Victory/ Phillipine medal(s).

      Most ribbons were worn three across and often done wrong. I suspect most period GIs did theirs chronologically or by the regs and most GIS-at least those who were out by October, 1945-did not actually ever receive their victory ribbon until they were civillians again-if then!

    4. Now I have all award rolls from Mecklenburg-Schwerin and it was very easy to get it. I was spocken with the director from the archiv and later all doors was open for me. :P

      I told him, I try to write a book about the orders and medals from Mecklenburg-Schwerin and the rest was very simple. But it was not so cheap. I payed more then 1500 Euros for all copies. I Schwerin and other cities in Mecklenburg you can find a lot of interesting papers and documents.

      Sorry for my bad english.

      This is GREAT NEWS!!!! :jumping::jumping:

      Any chance we can get copies of the copies or that you will publish any rolls?

      CONGRATULTIONS on identifying the bar! :jumping::jumping:

    5. He is wearing the medal of independence so this pic is post-1922. As i have been told all ottoman empire decorations were abandoned after 1922. Active officers were only allowed to wear the Indenpendence medal, so it is funy that he wears the War Medal and the lyakat aswell.



      EXACTLY the point! :beer::beer::jumping:

      There seems to be some evidence of transitional wear of Ottoman medals up to @1925.

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