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    Posts posted by Ulsterman

    1. Always on the lookout for decent gongs I noticed this in a National Geographic magazine last year-the medal bar of a Kenyan army Sjt. Maj. Timothy Brown Wando at a Mau Mau commemoration ceremony. Information on African medals is hard come by-let alone the medal bars themselves. These look great and I would be proud to have this as a center piece of my collection. However, I can only guess as to what and why most of the medals were actually awardedto Mr. Wando.

      Any ideas? Ed?


    2. The Boy Scout medal is given for service to the scouts (a much more important organization in Thailand than hereabouts)-and donations, sometimes. One can also legitimately obtain a few royal orders for donations to the royal AIDS charity and the royal red cross charity.

      I think #13 is the 1988 longest reign commemorative medal.

    3. I bought the below bar this week from an impeccable source. However, I know nothing about Japanese medals beyond the basics- Rising Sun, Sacred Treasure, WW1 victory, Red Cross etc.

      Would anybody please be so kind as to let me know what the medals on the bar are and what they represent: navy NCO, army officer, postman, municipal recreration director?

      My deepest thanks.


    4. From the Stars and Stripes, ETO edition, July 10, 1944:

      "The Age of Miricles, It Seems, Is Now Here

      George McCann, Chicago railroader, has been in the army just five weeks, but already he has been (1) Given a two week furlough, (2) sent to the ETO, and (3) been made a tech seregant.

      McCann reported for induction at Camp Planche, La., last month and immediately received the usual two weeks leave granted selectees. Later he embarked on a brief training program which earned him a T/4 rating.

      The drilling over, McCann was rushed to England and upon reporting to the Military Railroad Division was promoted to a five striper."


    5. Grossly undervalued in my opinion, I remember when these were 25 pounds at Spinks only 7 years ago. I just picked up this third class in silver (silver marks on the back too) for pocket change. I love these: the precision, quality workmanship, the snow white enamel work, silver filigreed oak leaves and sweeping, smooth, curve of the cross's arms make this my favorite merit award. This is the Austrian version of the EK2 noncombat award I suppose-but much nicer.

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