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    Posts posted by Ulsterman

    1. I believe what you have here is a transitional uniform photo of a Jungsta member around June, 1933-1934. During the year the Stahlhelm was “ coordinated” into the SA Reserve under Roehm, with senior members being retired or shuffled into party jobs or brought back into the Reichsheer etc. so as to politically neutralize the monarchist/ nationalist ( heavily armed) paramilitary, veterans’ association. Someone with more SA knowledge than I can fill you in on the 22/240 collar tab, but there was a year long shortage of brownshirts and other NSDAP party regalia (members had to usually buy their own kit) because of the forced coordination into NSDAP party organizations and because of the more than 1 million “ Maiblumen” new party members who rushed to join the NSDAP after power was consolidated in the May, 1933 elections. 

      What this chap is wearing is a Jungsta uniform with SA insignia. 

    2. Good Luck. You know, I reckon a trip or two to the Bavarian Army Museum would be time well spent. You also could do what a lot of my colleagues are doing- write a shorter, (250 pages) book with a website adjacent for additional information or expansions if topucs- a sort of hybrid. Why you could even attach it to GMIC. 



    3. Yes. This fakery  has been going on for a while-the technique is common for US Civil War CDVs and has been since the 1970s. I was shown Confederate CDV  fakes in 1975.

      Bartko Rehrer was the guy who bought the old paper and reprinted photos. i have an original of a freikorps chap with a dog -and three slightly fuzzy copies of the same picture. I think Dave Danner gave me one of them. 

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