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    Posts posted by Ulsterman

    1. I was talking to an old guy this morning whose father won the Croix D' Guerre at this hamlet. According to him, the "last stand" made great newspaper reading, but in fact the Yankee Division got whomped. Pershing was considering firing the Divisional commander and Brigade commanders but the French Brigadier made a big deal of the raid and awarded over a hundred Croix D' Guerres for the action-which made formal public discipline impossible. So afterwards Pershing tightened the U.S. Troops' abilities to be awarded foreign medals. 

    2. On June 12, 2017 at 22:13, speagle said:

      The Longevity and Good Conduct don't match up.  The Longevity indicates 16 years service (basic ribbon=4 years with each cluster=4 years, hence 16 years)  

      The Good Conduct indicates 3 years service (basic ribbon=3 years). SO-the Good Conduct should have 4 bronze oak leaf clusters indicating 15 years service).

      Actually- no- it means he went to OCS and became an officer.  I see LOTs of these bars weekly. A Tip- USAFA prior enlisted who have been selected for the academy have a star on their basic training ribbons, as they have to do it twice. 

      Given whats there-and not there- @(1976-1981) to (1996-2001) career range. I think the scond star to the NDSM was authorized very swiftly after 9/11/2001. 

      Also- I think the old USAF good conduct was given for 4 years- but changed to three in 1996? 

      This guy was a Major- maybe a rising Lt. Col. and this was his/ her bar upon retirement, because who adds the final cluster to their longevity ribbon after they discharge? 

    3. As a follow up-this Order seems to not be widely awarded by the Royal House in Exile- but where it is, it has some prestiege- examples are to a number of prominent Ethiopian business people in the USA, General Westmorland, and including one to a pilot who got the Red Star in the Somalian war under the Derg! I doubt there were more than 300 of these made. 

    4. In a word - yeah. The mini medal is kind of common. The American Red Cross stuff - not common at all, statistically. The ribbon on the Red Cross badge/ medal tended to come apart over time- being silk. The blue ribboned badge was awarded to women volunteers who completed 800 hours of service. The badge was worn on duty in uniform. Tens of thousands of women volunteered in WW1 for the Red Cross, but its estimated that only about 10,000 got the 800 hours medal. 

    5. It was a private purchase " Allied Victory ribbon" made in England ( and later France) and sold in the US PX by Jan. 1919. Subsequent Army HQ orders ( April, 1919?) of the day warned against wearing " unofficial ribbons" but by that time a lot of GIs had them and wore them anyway. The official Allied Victory ribbon was not finalized I think until later in 1919- around the Versailles Conference.

      We know this was English made because a complete 100 yard WW1 vintage roll came up on eBay a few years back -made in 1919. I think theres a photo of it here abouts somewhere. I believe it was made in Sheffield by some family firm. 

      Studley also had this in his catalogue as a WW1 Victory medal variation and many towns and counties used it for their local medals. 

      There is a massive thread on this subject in the US militeria forum. 

    6. Re: the Sta. Btlnfhr. I think has the German War Veterans Assiciation badge/medal that Kleitman write about and is/was so often seen in 1933-35. I am on my phone so can not access my photo files-but it has Germania putting a wreath on top of a soldier Victoria-ish. It's sort of teardrop shaped.  That's when that photo dates to 1933-35-as the NSDAP insignia has been pinned on as a member of the SA Reserve. After the Roehm  Putsch and the subsequent mopping up, the Stahlhelm insignia quickly disappeared and were soon replaced by SA/ NSDAP /NSKOV insignia. Several score of Stahlhelm senior officers were either shot or imprisoned after Roehm. 

    7. Not only that-he claimed to be the son of an SS Obergruppenfuehrer, was in the HJ/Volksturm in 1945 and then acted as a recruiting agent for Rhodesia-for which he was fined 3000 Marks ( see Der Spiegel)  in 1976- and he also  claimed to have served in the Legion!  He is still alive and lives not far from Chris  B. ( google him-he is not the Koblenz Notar who died in 2014 and also served in the Volksturm). 

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