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    Everything posted by Jason

    1. That's a beauty Jens....it seems the detail on the Prinzgrosse Centenary is much finer than the standard sized version... Lucky for me this one is mounted in the middle of the bar, with the "foreign" awards after it, an almost perfect balancing act! cheers Jason
    2. Thanks Tony - the OS stripes seem to make sense to me, he was over there for the duration! This has cleared up a question that has bugged me for years. Also, did you notice the little Belgian boy in the photo is wearing Reg's 1914 star ribbon bar??!! Oh yes, just found out also my dear Mum has some patriotic silk hankies he sent home, if I can sweet talk her during Christmas lunch I'll try and get hold of them for photographic purposes! cheers Jason
    3. Mmmmmmm....pre-1900 as well......very very nice! I'm still chasing a mounted 1866 campaign medal..... cheers Jason
    4. Just a thought....can any of you guys help identify the 4 stripes on my great grandfathers sleeve in post #29? I know he served pre-war in the RAMC, I have a feeling these may be long service stripes as my mother has told me he was never wounded. Any info would really help out! cheers Jason
    5. Thanks Otto, Paul - you've made my day, thanks! You can't beat those medals - nice and big and heavy - perfect for unbalancing one end of a medal bar!!!
    6. Very nice Paul....even though they're common I love Centenary medals mounted on bars! cheers Jason
    7. Hi Tony, no sorry! No SMLE bayonet at my place! Only got a butcher bayonet and a Turkish lance top Abbie brought back. I'll get round to posting those up in the New Year once I recover from my holiday! cheers Jason
    8. Well thats it for the time being, I hope this hasn't bored too many of you! I'm more impressed by the line drawings than anything else.....Abbie was quite the artist apparently, and took every opportunity while overseas to record the "little things" that meant something to him at the time. I'll try and get some more of this stuff scanned/photographed in the New Year when I get back to work. Again, sorry for the porr quality of the drawings, they are quite old and a bit smudged and dont come up too well cheers Jason
    9. 3 landscapes - the top 2 are of Romani and the bottom is of Ismaelia
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