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    Everything posted by Jason

    1. "At Ismaelia Bridge", a profile portrait, and a study of horse feet!
    2. ok one more....the first one from his drawing book, sorry for the poor quality, its the best I can do!
    3. Hi Tony, actually the cemetry shot was taken over in Palestine in a military cemetry. Unfortunatley I have no idea where it's actually located, there are no notes on the back. cheers Jason
    4. Thats it for tonight lads. The interesting stuff from his sketch book will come tomorrow. Hope you're enjoying this so far! cheers Jason
    5. Another leave shot. These 2 pictures were taken in London's Hyde Park. Abbie, reclining on the left. Note the brand new sergeant's stripes!!
    6. On leave in England 1919. Abbie, second from left back row.
    7. the grave of one of Abbie's mates from their home town of Beaudesert in Queensland.
    8. This is Abbie's other brother, Herbert Leichhardt Williams, a private in the 31st Battalion AIF. Served in France and was severely wounded in the Battle of Amiens in 1918.
    9. not sure if you can make it out....this is one of a captured Turk, blindfolded, so he "can't make out the details of our camp"
    10. more to come later gents - i'm off home in a minute to try and beat the impending thunder storm!! cheers Jason
    11. something different...one of Abbies drawings, again on an envelope of a Turkish lancer.
    12. Willie Markwell's grave after the battle of Beersheeba. There are Australian Eucalyptus trees planted by the grave site.
    13. group shot of Abbie's machine gun section. A bunch of roughies all right!
    14. This is a studio picture of Abbie's brother, who was in the 5th Light Horse with Abbie. This is Clifford Rupert Williams, a regimental farrier.
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