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    Everything posted by Jason

    1. Compared to the technology of today....the caption reads "one of our fast fighting machines"
    2. here's some stuff from Palestine.... Abbie Williams in the barley patch - drawing Turkish artillery fire. The caption on the back reads: "One of Abbie, his horse and mine in a big patch of barley. 8 miles east of Jordan. Jacko had just finished shelling us. Notice Abbie is under cover for observation behind the bush. We were drawing Jacko's shell fire to find out his strength and position of his guns. We attacked it about a week later. 1 killed. We had 9 horses hit and 1 killed & had 2 men wounded"
    3. Last one from France....a bit sad this one. My Grandmother's cousin from Canada, even she couldnt remember his name. Anyway, he was killed in action on Armistice Day.
    4. The might of the BEF....the Army Service Corps, camped on Salisbury Plain, 1914. Guess who standing 2nd left
    5. my Great Grandfather on the left with his mate (sitting) and 2 Belgian refugees. His mate on the right ended up adopting the young lad, but he suffered shell shock in France and gassed himself after he got back to England in my Greatgrandfathers workshop.
    6. my great grandfather's ASC workshop unit. He's sitting front row far left
    7. Hi everyone I've photographed these pics, no access to a scanner today sorry! These one's came from my Great Grandfather's time on the western front 1914-1918. This one however is of his sisters wedding day 1906 - her new husband was a Boer War veteran. His name was Fred Tomkins. cheers Jason
    8. Hi David, I'll try and scan some of the pictures at work tomorrow. Its amazing - the second battle of Gaza was one of the battles Grandad Albert fought in when he was a machine gunner! He was also in the Beersheeba charge, Bethlehem, Jersualem and the Jordan Valley. I have a great pic of him in a barley field having "just drawn the fire from Jacko's batteries to determine where they were hidden" Incredible!!! cheers Jason
    9. As you can see, nothing spectacular, no MMs or VCs, not an officer among 'em. Just 4 little fish who all played their part in 2 World Wars. I've got heaps of other stuff from WW1, mainly photographs and very artistic sketches drawn in pencil in the fields of Palestine. I don't know how they'll scan up but I'll give it a shot if anyone is interested. cheers Jason
    10. And now....my father QX39489 Corporal Vivian Oliver Williams 9th Australian Maintenance Platoon 1942-1946.
    11. The 2 little pink badges he made from denture material from the unit stores. He cut the faces off some shilling pieces and gave them to my mother when he got home. Apparently only these and a few other little pieces made it back, everything except his kit bag and the uniform he was wearing were stolen by a wharfie in Sydney. Again we have a little commemorative medal my mother received at the end of the war. cheers Jason
    12. Back from lunch and full of energy...here's Reg's son-in-law, my maternal grandfather QX56841 Corporal Clifford Frederick Theodore Gordon, 2/12th Field Ambluance 2nd AIF 1942-1946.
    13. Off to some staff training now boys, WW2 stuff coming after lunch! cheers Jason
    14. He painted this scene on a leaf and sent it home. cheers Jason
    15. Some notes on machine gun rangings on an envelope. cheers Jason
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