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    Posts posted by ostprussenmann_new

    1. I can tell you that the papertrail wasnot the best for American Army Units in WW2. My Great uncle has three separate papers all saying something different on them because he was in three different units during WW2. Long story, but strange things are possible. Remember Marine Gunnery SGT John "Manilla" Basilone. He was prior service Army in the Phillipines prior to becoming famous int he US Marine Corps. I also know of a Platoon Medic from Vietnam who was awarded both the Combat Medical Badge and Combat Infantry Badge. Stranger things have happened in the US Forces.

    2. This Medal Bar was just won on ebay also: Eisernes Kreuz 1914 ( OEK 1909 ), Kronenorden 4. Klasse mit Schwertern ( OEK 1763 ), Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen

      2. Klasse ( OEK 1831 ), Militär Dienstauszeichnung für 15 Jahre ( OEK 1974 ). Getragene Spange, alle Teile

      unbeschädigt, in sehr gutem Erhaltungszustand

      He has it listed for $385 Euro, but I think it sold for over 700 euro.

    3. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_09_2011/post-12533-0-45004200-1317054113.pngThe Pour LeMerite for enlisted and NCOs was discussed at length here in another thread but merits an update for those who did not see it. Ebay seller maxmalen_0 curiously sells some copies now and then and gets impressive money for them. Among his offerings was a PLM as pictured below with markings that are fairly transparent. Note the "T" in Verdienst is not distorted as an original made during the war would have been.

      Ouch, I was watching this item to see what it sold for and didn't it sell for over $500 Euros? This is crazy! Before I ever buy anything since joining this group, I always ask first. I have definitely learned a lot from everyone on her and got smarter on this collecting field.

    4. I would say that anyone bidding on this item would be aware of its Shoah associations. Regarding the Gypsy children, let's take a look at the chronology. Nazi racial dogma initially contended that Gypsies were Aryan. However, the decision was made on 30.1.1940 to transfer Germany's Gypsies to Poland. It is true that German death squads were already murdering Gypsies there. However, these were ad hoc actions predating the concept and instigation of the Final Solution and the imposition of Germanic order upon the killing process. Himmler's office did not order the incarceration of Gypsies in concentration camps until 16.12.1942. Prior to this, Himmler promoted the sterilisation rather than the killing of Gypsies.

      As for this relic, it is hard to see how a US Army doctor "working inside the camp system after the war" could have obtained it were it from a camp where mass-killings involving Zyklon-B took place. Even Buchenwald was under Soviet and then East German control. Unless Gottlieb was referring to a Soviet doctor...

      Business must be bad to be scraping the bottom of the barrel like this. Really creepy... But maybe we should try to tell the buyer that this can was probably not involved in the last, agonising moments of women and small children. Then he can get a refund for his fake Precious from Gollum.


      Great point, but I love the portion "his fake Precious." A little side-tracked, but he is my favorite character.

    5. Dan

      You made me think of something that happened to me a few years ago regarding people who don't understand anything and the differences between Nazi and Imperial German items. I had to educate my wife on some basic things because when her firends come over and see my display of my Great Grandfather's medals and other things related to his unit next to my Grandfather, who was an American Marine in WWII and Korea, people ask here why there are Nazi things on the wall (ie: My Great Gradnfather's EKII (1914))? So she has to explain the EKII all of the time and the differences between the year, the "W", the Ribbon, ETC. One time a wife came over, who was Jewish and was offended by the display of the items and asked her to take it down while she was in our house. My wife first told her to leave, and then gave her a quick history lesson of the EKII along with throwing out the fact that Jewish people served in the Imperial German Army. She also stated if she was that ignorant, then never come back. I was not home, but to say I was really proud of her. So why do I tell this story? It goes with your posting; I don't have any aspirations of owning TR items. I am in a profession that can cause problems because of ignorance. I would like to at least own a TR EKII and EKI at some point, but that is it and it will never be displayed nor will it be a while.


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