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    Posts posted by ostprussenmann_new

    1. I am glad to you came to this forum to get an evaluation.  If you went on the Wehrmacht Awards Forum I am afraid you would not have gotten such a nice response as you did here.  There are some “elites” on there that like to laugh new members and collectors right off the internet. Not all are bad, but the SS and Dagger “monkeys” seem to be very rude for the most part because they don’t feel new collectors are not worth their time.  I have seen them run some very nice people off.  The rest of them seem to really try to help people out; that is why I don’t show anything on there.  What I saw them do to a young guy was just horrible in the last week.  If your Dad brought them back there are priceless to you.  Good for you finding them. Welcome to the forum.

    2. 15 hours ago, Ian said:

      Sorry, but I am away from home at this time, but once I am back at home (Wednesday my time) I will search for the information.

      Regards, Ian

      Works for me.  Thanks brother.

      9 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello : Gentlemen , my pleasure , regarding to General Urban I aventure that during WW1 he dont had a first line command . other point that come to my mind is that probably he was awarded with the Militarverdienstkreuz during the occupation of Bosnia in the year 1878

      That is interesting.  I may have to read up on that.

    3. 1 hour ago, Bayern said:

      Hello Gentlemen ,Good news , I found into the Schematismus fur de KuK heer 1914 , our man or so I believe , Eduard Urban , who received the Militarverdientskreuz in 1879 , he was in 1914 Feldmarschalleutnant ,that is lieutenant general .

      Bayern,  This is great news.  Thanks alot.  Can we find anything else on him like units and other military service?  I will start looking since we have a name now.  I owe you.

    4. He took the photo out of the frame



      1 hour ago, Ian said:


      As best I can make out the medals are as follows:

      Order of the Iron Crown 3rd Class, Militar Verdienstkreuz on war ribbon, bronze Signum Laudis on red ribbon (peace time), General Service War medal, Officers Long Service Cross (probably 3rd class), Jubilee medal and Jubilee cross.

      There is no General Vrban in my copy of Antonio Schmidt-Brentano Austro-Hungarian Generals 1816-1918. Could he possibly be a Major?

      Regards, Ian


      Thanks for identifying the medal.  I do not know what Rank he is.  All I have is the photo and Name.

      8 minutes ago, Bayern said:

      Hello : The uniform could be light blue pike grey.one of the colours of Generals uniforms .the Austrian Generals were unique in wearing buttons with a design on them . a rosette . Artillerymen weared buttons with a design too but this was cannon and balls . All the other military corps weared glatte (plain ) buttons .Regarding to the name i suggests to look for a Urbanc . the germanized form . another question . Vrban is the paternal or maternal name ?

      Bayern,  Maybe Vrban is like you said.  Thanks again.  My friend only has this photo (painting).  This is very interesting.

      17 hours ago, BalkanCollector said:

      The surname can't be Vrbon. It's probably Vrban.

      Balken,  I have always found the Croatians very interesting.  One of my favorite units is the 13th Waffen SS Handschar Division and the 369tth Heer HRVASTKA Division that was destroyed in Stalingrad.

      Not to get off subject, but I have a WSS Gray-green Handschar Fez, Obersturmfuhrer set of Mountain Board from the 27th Regiment (rare), Collartab, and Sleeve Shield.  I am trying to get some stuff from the 369th.

    5. 10 hours ago, BalkanCollector said:

      The surname can't be Vrbon. It's probably Vrban.

      You are probably correct.  Thanks for looking.

      17 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello .: A question first , which is the name of your friends mother ? .second ,if the tunic is white ,or light blue and the buttons are not plain  ,the man portrayed is a General .

      My friend stated the uniforms looks Gray and the buttons have a design on them.  The photo is a family painting.

      So maybe we look for "Vrban"

    6. 8 minutes ago, Bayern said:

      Hello .: A question first , which is the name of your friends mother ? .second ,if the tunic is white ,or light blue and the buttons are not plain  ,the man portrayed is a General .

      name is Vbron (don't know if first or last name, but I will find out)

      I just texted my friend about the name and your questions.  When I hear back I will repost.  Thanks for taking an interest.  he should be easy to find right?  I don't know much about this field of Pre-WWII stuff.

    7. On 11/30/2017 at 04:21, LarryT said:

      PM sent.



      Thank you Sir.  I have one other of my Grandpa and his cousin, but completely understand if you can't.  The two that I sent you of my relatives will be awesome to share with my family.

    8. 6 hours ago, hucks216 said:

      Looks like he is wearing a wrapper in the photo so possibly panzer or panzerjäger which I would think rules out Der Führer and it does look like a LAH on the shoulder board. 

      As for the action that saw him being wounded it may well prove impossible to tell. LSSAH were in Austria from April 1945 so it could of been any time from then onwards.

      Try contacting WASt and ask if they have his service record or hire a researcher to look through the SS enlisted men's files at NARA to see if his records are there (Series A3343)

      Huck,  thanks for the help.  I have a buddy in DC who may be able to help with the NARA.  Yes my scans do not show full detail, but Josef is wearing a Panzer wrapper, but it seems to be grey. Not black, so I was guessing Either Assault gunner or Panzerjager.  PJ may make more since because the piping (waffenfarbe) on his shoulder boards in the death photo look lighter than period photos of Artillery guys that I have seen in the past.  

      Either way, this is a fun project.

    9. I am looking for Waffen SS casualty lists for Enlisted Soldiers for either 1st LAH, 2nd DF, or 12 HJ Panzer Divisions in 1945 (these are my best guess on units from photos).

      Yes I know this is a big request, however, I think that I can help narrow it down if you just stay with me.

      So recently, after spending last weekend with my extended family looking at photos, I was given a death card and a photo of my great grandmother's sister's kid.  I am just trying to find out anymore information.

      Information that I know:

      Name: Joseph Becker

      Born: 28 March 1924

      Died: 29 July 1945


      Photo (i know these are hard to tell, but the Death Card looks like Josef has Slip-on LAH cyphers, however, they could also be Der Fuhrer.  These are the best scans that I could get)

      Dort is mein Bruder Josef (there is my brother Joseph) It's very hard to read the rest but I think it says something about meeting in Bonn near the Rhein River on 12 January 1945. possibly when he was home on leave?


      Death Card

       Ich habe keinen anderen Wunsch mehr, als dass ihr fur mich betet

      I have no other desire, than that you all pray for me

      (either this is from a scripture, or a request from the mother.  Monika?)


      zum frommen Andenken an den Gefreiter Josef Becker

      In pious remembrance of the Corporal Joseph Becker

      (the first part is hard to translate directly, but sort of like "in loving memory of")


      Born on 28 March 1924

      Died on 29 July 1945


      an den folgen einer schweren Schuss-verletzung im Lazarett zu Schaerding am Inn

      As a result of a serious gunshot injury in the Hospital at Schaerding am Inn

      (Shaerding am Inn is a small town in Austria about 10km south of Passau Bavaria.  The Inn river is the boundary between Austria and Bavaria, and Schaerding sits on the Austrian side of the river, hence the name "on the river Inn" in the title).  


      Am 2 August 1945 wurde er auf dem Friedhof in Schaerding beigesetzt

      On 2 August 1945 he was buried at the cemetery in Schaerding

      If anyone could help with narrowing down unit, date of enlistement, awards, action of death, etc., it would be appreciated.


      Die schwergepruefte Mutter und die trauernden Geschwister bitten um ein Gebet fuer ihren lieben Toten

      The grieving mother and the mourning siblings ask for a prayer for their dear deceased


      Herr, gib ihm die ewige Ruhe

      Lord, give him eternal rest


      Thanks in advanced.

      Becker Photo_Front.jpg

      Becker Funeral Card.jpg

      Becker Photo_Back.jpg


    10. On 9/21/2017 at 16:33, Claudius said:

      .......and that's why I asked if you liked document groups.  (remember post #2)  If you don't like documents...that's ok. 

      Not everyone does.  Or swords, or insignia, photos, signatures, hats or kewpie dolls.  If your not interested, just say so. 

      have a good MAX show.

      I honestly don't even get this post?  He is asking on every forum out there.  what I am going to do, walk around the MAX with a sign saying I have named ribbon groups for sale for the random person who has been asking on every forum out there?  Then see if he walks up to me?

    11. 13 hours ago, Christian1962 said:

      Frank Adolf Dr. (14.06.1901 – 12.09.1939)

      ÖBH1:      Zugsführer

      15.08.1929 Wachtmeister (HSch) [VBl. 10/1929]

      01.10.1929 vers. zur InfFachSch [VBl. 15/1929]

      15.08.1930 Leutnant [28] (AJR 9) [VBl. 10/1930]

      01.09.1934 Oberleutnant [VBl. 20/1934]

      26.03.1935 Silbernes Verdienstzeichen [VBl. 4/1935]

      01.09.1935 vers. zum IR 11 (Bruck a.d. Mur) [VBl. 14/1935]

      01.11.1937 vers. zum AJR 10 [PVBl. 13/1937]


      14.03.1938 übern. als Hauptmann mit RDA 1.4.1937 [103]  (Chef 2./Geb.Jäg.Reg. 137)

      01.10.1939 Major [posthum]

      12.09.1939 gefallen bei Borownica (PL) [1400]

      Silbernes Verdienstzeichen des österreichischen Verdienstordens, Dienstzeichen für zeitverpflichtete Soldaten 2. Kl.

      Thanks Christain

    12. On 7/31/2017 at 12:19, Евгений said:

      Good evening, there was no body, I think he buried the rewards before surrendering. Nearby I found several more awards belonging to other people. In this forest, more than 5,000 German soldiers were taken prisoner. Tried to learn something about his fate, nowhere is there information ...

      Oh interesting story.  I wish I could be there and find some stuff.

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