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    Everything posted by landsknechte

    1. This one wouldn't be complete without the description... "This German Ribbon Board features 9 ribbons. The first one is black with white stripes. We think this is an iron cross ribbon. The next is blue with yellow stripes, it might be a waterloo ribbon. The next is white with blue and black stripes, we think it means order of military merit with swords. The next one is white and yellow, we think it?s a langensalzer ribbon. There is a white, black, and red one, we think it means Honor Cross Combatant. The next one is all blue. We think it means long and devoted service officer. We think the white red and green one means Mamaland Ribbon. The next one is white red and black, we?re not sure what that one means. The last one is red with green stripes. We think that one is a luitpold ribbon. The ribbon board also features 8 pins. There are 3 crossed swords pins and one of them has a helmet over it. There is another with three leaves and the number 25 in the center. There is one with four arrows pointing inward with a crown on top. There is another with two swords holding up a board. And the last one has a bird on it." Woo-hoo, hold up your boards on your swords, we're invading the Mamaland!
    2. The proportions might be slightly off, but it's pretty close. I haven't been able to find anything whatsoever that's even vaguely close, but I'm rather out of my area on this sort of thing. Thanks, --Chris
    3. Courtesy of Photoshop, I was able to put together an image that looks more like it:
    4. The gray is about the same, maybe a hair lighter. No border. The white line is a double row of ~2-3mm white cord. No pic I'm afraid. I happened to be without my camera at the time. --Chris
    5. Please bear with my crude representation. I don't have a photo of the item... I've seen a dove gray collar tab with a white double "line" made of a heavy cord that extends about halfway from the edge of the tab towards the middle. Ring any bells with anyone? --Chris
    6. Very nice. To clarify my original post, I was thinking more in terms of the number of decorations present than sheer physical size.
    7. Having recently picked up a yardstick of a ribbon bar myself (a 12x bar to a senior Bavarian NCO), I'm curious as to just how big the really big bars out there are. I'd be interested to see what the biggest medal bars or ribbon bars that y'all have might be? Even if you don't own it, what's the biggest one that you've seen? --Chris
    8. Nobody else has any other Weimar-era oddities or obscure bits that are tormenting them?
    9. Therein lies the rub... Do you actually want to give this *@^*$@ your money? Been there, done that. I got in early on the wave of Danzig Cross ribbon bars he started pumping out, before it became quite so obvious that they were bogus.
    10. Imagine this exact tab, but instead of the red, there's grass green in it's place: Schutzpolizei NCO, or something else? Thanks, --Chris
    11. Went back today and grabbed one of the two that they had on offer. One was identical to the original picture that I posted, but I ended up getting the gold one instead:
    12. Found a website that deals with Polizei shoulderboards a bit, and found a pic of the identical shoulderboard. The example I was looking at didn't have any devices attached, but is otherwise identical. The site concurs that it's Bahnschutzpolizei. --Chris
    13. ...oh, and by the way, the darker color in the center part of the braid is dark brown, not black.
    14. I picked these up for a song, and I rather suspect that they're probably East German. Nevertheless, I'm a rank newbie when it comes to shouldboards, so I thought I'd run them past the collective wisdom of the group. Are they Third Reich Schutzpolizei (and if so, what rank), or are they East German? For what it's worth, there's a little bit of the white material underneath the silver braid that's visible, and it doesn't glow under blacklight.
    15. Just on a lark, since the mini-EK device is so heavily Saxon in flavor, would that help in any way to narrow it down?
    16. Never really thought about this before, until picking up a bar with a OZL with silver swords. Do silver swords on a Z?hringer L?wen indicate a 2nd Class award, and gold swords a 1st Class? --Chris
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