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    Posts posted by Eduardo

    1. Thanks Iver. It took two years and a month to translate but it was wroth it. I have another card written by a french boy to his parents thankibg also for the food they have send him and how he is saving a sausage to eat alone during his night guard. Terrible to feel in this cards the happiness of the kids for small things and the anguish of the parents at home.

      Once I found a group of some twenty letters send by soldiers during the Peru-Ecuador war of 1940. The soldiers were from small towns in the mountains and the address were so unclear that they had never been delivered. After some ethic considerations I decided to open them . Nothing new to history but it was clear that the letters to parents insisted that everything was fine and safe; those to girl friends were full of action and dangers. I found that very interesting.



      My dear brother in law, sister and "Vilou?ku" (i think its nickname for Viliam)...

      At first, recieve my greetings and kisses.. I must once more thank you and tell you, that i am well relishing. chees, eggs and especially butter are like made for bread. (he probably got a packet with food from them). Here is opportunity to buy soap, so I will save some and will bring it. It costs 10 Kronen (Austro-hungarian currency), but what to do when at home (in Skuhrov nad B?lou in Bohemia-now Czech republic) its inpossible to buy it.

      Greetings and kisses from yours Otakar...

    2. I have just bought this card. The picture was taken in the Ardenes but cannot point out when was it taken Enselborn was specially important during WW II but this one seems to be from the Great War. I cannot read what seems like a date in the upper part and of cours the hadwritting which, bsides being in Gernan is very clear. Could someone help please?


    3. It has been a long time since I last posted a card here. I have been having problems with my scaner and waiting for someone to fix it. I believe that will get a new one and forget the old one.

      This card here shows a group of Belgian and French prisioners guarded by German soldiers and a Red Cross man.

    4. Thanks Jeff,

      Will follow your sugestions and have already taken note of the details you give me.

      I have been just informed of an article in Flemish written by Brone L. and Gilissen J. published in the Tongerse Koninklijke Kunstkring in 2007, that mentions among other things that on 22 August,1914 General Von Bertrab ordered that the men off the ?burgerwacht? Had to be at 13h. in front of the town-house. 52 men were captured and send to Germany (Muntserlager ? Hannover) They returned after one year.

      I hope to have the whole article soon and will have to have it translated at least in the most importante details.


    5. Dear Gentlemen,

      I am working in an article about the Invasion of Belgium in August 1914. I have found some details about the arrival of the German troops in Tongeren on the 18th. Arnorld Toynbee explains that on that day the civilian population was taken out of the city and Tongeren was sacked sistematically. He also mentions that at least 17 civilians, including a 12 years old boy were murdered, and some houses were burned.

      I have not been able to find more details nor in Lipke "Rehearsals" nor in Pirenne's "Histoire de la Belgique". Could someone please sugest where I coiuld find more or tell me more about it.

      Thanks in advance.


    6. Today in many countries, mine among them, we celebrate Mother's Day. My best to all the mothers of GMIC and I include a very interesting denary of Julia Domna (196-211 AD) which pictures in the reverse godess Isis with her baby Horus. This is said to be a base for all future Madonas but in reality I think it is universal or is there a better way to depict motherhood.


    7. Hello Snoopy,

      Interesting coins of the low Empire. The history behind them is so interesting. I think I have spoted one from IVLIAN the apostate. When you get the chance od making some scans I will be glad to help you with the clasification. In the meantime will do my best as soon as I have the time. That is also part of the fun of having roman coins ar helping friends.

      As you say, the best part of them is to know some person like us had have it in its hand and used it almost two thosand years ago.


    8. Hello bigjarofwasps, Sorry I have seen your tread only now. If I can be of any help please contact me. This is the address of my page on the subject of Roman coins. It is my collection.


      As you say well, gold roman coins are for big guys and museums. Silver and copper coins can be real fun and there is much to learn from them. There are three groups and each one is as interesting as the other. Republic; High Empire and Low Empire.

      Contact me


    9. Modification of 29 Oct. 1986.



      Lima, 29 de octubre de 1986

      Visto el Acuerdo adoptado por el Consejo de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n".


      Que la orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" tiene como finalidad distinguir a quienes destaquen por sus obras de bien social o contribuyan al progreso de la salud p?blica, al adelanto de la medicina o de las ciencias relacionadas con la salud;

      Que por Resoluci?n Suprema N? 00175-69-SA/DS, de 7 de noviembre de 1969, se aprob? el Reglamento de la Orden, se?alando las condiciones, insignias y dem?s normas para la concesi?n de esta distinci?n;

      Que es conveniente comprender en forma expresa adem?s de las personas naturales a las instituciones p?blicas y no p?blicas que destacan, colaboran y participan activamente en el campo de la salud, y contribuyen al adelanto de la medicina y de las ciencias vinculadas;

      Estando el tenor de los Acuerdos adoptados por el Consejo de la Orden en la sesi?n celebrada el d?a 30 de setiembre de 1986;


      Adicionar al art?culo 1 del Reglamento de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" aprobada por Resoluci?n Suprema N? 00175 69-SA/DS, el siguiente p?rrafo:

      "Esta distinci?n podr? ser otorgada a las instituciones p?blicas y no p?blicas, que re?nan similares condiciones a las se?aladas en el p?rrafo precedente. En cuyo caso, la imposici?n se har? al m?s alto representante de la correspondiente instituci?n".

      Reg?strese y comun?quese.

      R?brica del Presidente Constitucional de la Rep?blica.


      Ministro de Salud.

    10. I have been asking and making phonecalls all day long. The dates are those mentioned and was created by president Manuel Prado. have is that

      According to Article 2 of the law of creation the Order is divided in fout clases:

      Gran Cruz, Gran Oficial, Comendador and Oficial.

      The modification was done to authorize that the order could be given not only to persons but also to institutions which had done something outstanding on behalf of the health of the country.

      Finally I found the whole law (not the modification) in a long page about Carri?n. This is the address:


      Since the address is so long I have copied the part with the law and paste it here. I already have the modification at the University so I can send that tomorrow.


      20 de julio de 1957


      Decreto Supremo

      El Presidente de la Rep?blica,


      Que es deber del Estado exaltar los m?ritos de quienes realizan efectiva labor de bien social;

      Que igualmente se debe rendir homenaje a los que con su acci?n personal, sacrificio o trabajo perseverante contribuyen al progreso de la Sanidad, la Medicina o las ciencias que se relacionen con la Salud;

      Que para tal fin es preciso crear una condecoraci?n que a la vez que signifique justicia a los merecimientos constituya un ejemplo para la colectividad; y

      Que esta recompensa debe ir unida al nombre del M?rtir de la Medicina Peruana, cuyo primer centenario de su nacimiento se conmemorar? el 12 de agosto pr?ximo;


      Art. 1? Cr?ase la Orden de "Daniel A. Carri?n" destinada a premiar a las personas que realicen ejemplar obra de bien social o contribuyan al progreso de la Sanidad, al adelanto de la Medicina o de las ciencias que se relacionen con la Salud.

      Art. 2? La Orden se divide en cuatro clases a saber: Gran Cruz, Gran Oficial, Comendador y Oficial.

      Art. 3? La Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" se conceder? por Resoluci?n Suprema, en la que deber? constar los servicios prestados por el propuesto por el Consejo de la Orden, y a quien se otorgar? un diploma firmado por el Presidente de la Rep?blica, que ser? el Gran Maestre de la Orden y refrendado por el Ministro de Salud P?blica y Asistencia Social quien ejercer? el cargo de Canciller.

      Art. 4? El Consejo de la Orden que ser? presidido por el Gran Maestre estar? constituido por: el Ministro de Salud P?blica y Asistencia Social, Canciller; el Presidente de la Sociedad de Beneficencia P?blica de Lima; el Presidente de la Cruz Roja Peruana; el Secretario General de la Asociaci?n M?dica Peruana "Daniel A. Carri?n"; la Presidenta del Hogar del M?dico; el Director General de Salud; el Director de Areas de Salud y el Director de Servicios T?cnico-Normativos, quien actuar? de Secretario.

      Art. 5? El Ministerio de Salud P?blica y Asistencia Social queda encargado de formular el Reglamento de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" que ser? aprobado por Resoluci?n Suprema.

      Dado en la Casa de Gobierno, en Lima, a los veinte d?as del mes de julio de mil novecientos cincuentisiete.


      Jorge Haaker.

    11. Thanks Alex for your words on my country. Per? is a pluricultural country full of enriching experiences. My fields of study -at my 62 years - have been several but mainly have done economic history of Peru focusing in the monetary aspect. Have a few books on the subject. My collections are WWI post cards; Peruvian early postcards and protographs of Peruvian presidents and other important people, mainly XIX century. I teach history at two local universities. Besides History and economics I have a degree in Heritage so I insist that am ready to help any member of the GMIC who comes here.

      There is documentation of the subject of decorations and have already begun asking and cheking. Here I include a photograph of Adm. Miguel Grau, mentioned by Jonatan.


      P.S. If you want to have a general view of the country read "Customs and Cultures of Peru" Greenwood Press, Westport CT. 2003. With Dr. Ferreira, a Peruvian at Oklahoma Univ. we tried to give a full updated historical and cultural view of the country.

    12. Will try to get more info in this particular medal. Some time ago I thought about doing a collection of Peruvian medals myself and the truth is that after some time with little luck I gave up. A friend of mine in the other hand has a fairly good one so I'll talk to him. In the meantime I include here a photograph of Coronel Francisco Bolognesi. He is the main hero of the Peruvian Army.

      I see that some members visit arround here so this is my phone number in Lima (051-1) 33440971 at home and 5136300 ext. 2090 at the university. As a historian and with friends that collect almost everything I might be of some help so count on me.


    13. This Monday I finally received Jeff Lipkes' "Rehersals- The German Army in Belgium, August 14." Leuven University Press, 2007. Have been able to read the first two chapters of the 815 pages total. The first chapter deals in detail with the declaration of war and the reactions between the political actors in Brussels. The second one covers the actions in the province of Liege. As I had expected from the book exerpt, it is very detailed and rigurous in its method. I strongly recomend its reading to those interested in the early days of the great war.


      PS. In chapter Two: Liege, a detailed account of the incidents at University square are given. Here I enclose a photograph /postcard taaken after the events.

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