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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by hunyadi

    1. Not a them-an "it" and it doesn't scan well.

      convex shape-

      No the paragraph above is my summary of your article. Do i have it right? Were Munka badges earlier and non cash awards?

      Sorry - yes - I was talking about the motherload among the tupperware? - As for the Worker Badges - most of them came with some form of monetary gift but not all. To my knwoledge the star and banner type always came with some sort of money bonus, but that varied with the times and the economy. The pin type badges (stars, wreaths, circles, odd shapes - sounds like a kids cereal eh?) were a left over of the guild era as certain governmental ministires (health, small industry, metal workers, etc...) were given the authority to make their own little badge, pin, medal ect...and issue them with their own type of requirements and bonuses.

    2. Well, I hit the motherlode today with rick, but that's another story for another day...

      So, in reviewing the JOMSA article on these badges there were 4 major types and eras:

      type 1: "professional association badges" 1948-52, dates on scrolls (I think of this as the "guild era")

      type 2: well made Rakosi era (and coat of arms) star badges: three grades (inc. Stavon. badges)

      type 3: Not so well made badges, use of plastic. Post Rakosi coat of arms, reintroduction of some types of professional association badges and also the "Munka... series badges ...1952-mid 1970s?

      type 4: Mid 1970s-1991: Use of Munkaeret medal, flat cold enamel badges, soft tonka-toy type red cases or brittle plastic keystone types. continued proliferation of "munka" type badges (possibly because there was no cash bonus with that badge?).

      Also during all this were the "brigade" badges and the semi official company badges for merit or long service.

      When can we see them??

    3. Though we try - it comes down to supply and demand. Most of us (not all of course) want to have a set that would remain together with the medals, the documents, the uniforms and the toothbrush. But for many of us its a hobby and not our job so we are not out there scouring the trashcans and the European flea markets evey day - so we find a source and that source is out there searching high and low for us and we pay them their fair share of work. However they are in the money end of it - so they know that one guy will pay X ammount for that pretty little FJ order and the other guy will buy Y and yet another guy will buy Z. But its harder to find the guy who will always have the money to buy X,Y,and Z so they break them up, take them appart and in the end of the day most people are 'satisfied' - not always 'happy' but 'satisfied'.

    4. These are certainly for civilian wear for your Sundays Best. There are so many various attachment methods, but yours appears to be a lapel button hole type. I know that there are some CDV's and photos on this site (imperial section) with these in wear. Try a search. The Signum Laudis medal is an officer only medal so this would have been worn by an officer. The swords with the crown indicate the award was given for combat valor as this medal was bestowed in wartime, peacetime, rear units and frontline units. But to get the swords you had to hear the guns...

    5. Hi Gordon - thanks for the information on the dipping eye, I had not known that before. There is a 800 mark just below the eylet on the reverse. Also knowing what its worth helps ease my fears. What would the general price be for the later DKIG? Problem is that so far I have not found many for sale (actualy none today) on the web to give me a rough idea. I am looking to sell the DKIG and want to get a fair price.

    6. Have been wanting the RK for quite some time now - but never gotten around to getting one. Kenw that I wanted a magnetic core and the acorns hanigng lower. My suspicions is that this is a 1960's version as the ring dips into the frame and there are no die flaws. But I know these are being 'faked' - so I need to know if I need to get my money back, shame on me for not doing more research, but when you are going through a box at an antique store and you find these for cheap - I went with gut - now hopefuly I didnt get punched in the...

    7. Here are the newest additions

      First Kivalo Dolgozo type III 1954-56

      Order of Victory

      The nice part on this one is that the backing plate of the star is made of another material not brass as commonly seen. I can find about 20 brass backed ones to one of these 'alloy' (???) types. Nice growing collection. :beer:

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