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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by hunyadi

    1. No - I would not toss it out as these things were still worn by the 'Old Guard' as this run of medals was not tossed to the side - though after 1956 it was not awarded, but could still be worn on the medal bar. From the fading - its been exposed to sunlight for a little while so its proable that this was worn by an old Workers Militia member on parade day a few times or - of course it could have sat in the window of an antique shop for several months. Hard to say. Do you happen to have a box for it?

    2. As for ribbons the originality I would suspect that its a 1970's version. In my cabinet I just ran the black light over all of the ones on display and only a couple of the 1970's awards glowed. That being said there is a huge market for the ribbons here and it would not surprise me none that they have started making replacement ribbons.

      As for being lowly that is a $50 medal now-a-days....

    3. Badge-???

      This is the Industrial Co-Operative Excellent Worker badge. Created and awarded by the National Council of Industrial Co-Op's (OKISZ). The Industrial Co-Operateive systems was mant to build coperation between industires and trades for grater profits and prodction. The purpose of the badge was to "better increase the function, encourage development, protect the acheivemtns of the old guard and the work of the Industrial Co-Operative" - all very patriotic wording. The badge was awarded after serving in direct relation with the Industrial Co-operation. The badge would be awardeda after five years of service. After the first badge was awarded the indivdual would be awarded the badge again after every five years of serivce. The badge carried with it a monetary award of 3000 HUF. The badge was insititued on Noveber 1st, 1957.

    4. Hi Greg - a day at the library of the Miltiary Museum has shed the perfect light on a subject that no one could seem to answer.


      States that the Combat Leadership Badge is created to recognise the service of every officer in direct invlovment with front line troops from September 1st of each year. The officers who qualify for the badge can only be in service of a troop strength of a regiment or below. (During the interwar period and during WW2 most regimetns were of battalion strength) Should an offcier be transfered to a larger or different posting for a significant ammount of time, the officer would be allwed to retain the badge for wear. The officers to qualify must also be in these branches of serivce: Infantry, Calvary, Artillery, Armor, Engineering, and Regimetnal Command. The badge was to be worn mid-way on the upper breast pocket of the service, winter coat, or prarde dress uniform.


      States that the Combat Leadership Badge can be awarded to Bordergurad Colonel and below, fighter pilots of at least 3rd Lieutenant and to the offciers of the of the "armed transports" (those equiped with a medium machinegun)

      The fact that it was given to officers after Sept 1st is an interesting development and may have led to the confusion that every offcier would get one after graduation of the military accademy. Every year the commisioning service is on August 20th -should then the officer's posting be to that of a unit who was a 'front line unit' the offcier could qualify for the badge. The confusion can also be seen as the offciers goign to such units would of course have to have special coursework that would have dealt with direct combat roles of the offcier in charge of a squad or platoon. The other belief that it was similar to the American CIB - being for officers who have seen combat is also plausable as during the war 2nd Lieutnants were commissioned and sent directly to the front lines where they would see action. Also offciers tranfering in from other units to lead combat units in actual combat would (if they survived to Sept 1st of that year) qualify for the badge.

      AHHHH - its good to see the light finaly... :D

    5. A breathtaking set of photos! I am in Hungary and been into militaria for a year and a half, but had never seen such a nice album...

      I don't know if you are hungarian, but if you are, you should check http://www.netlabor.hu/roncskutatas/ (It is a forum page dedicated to Hungarian WWII militaria) These pictures should be post there as well.

      (If you are not familiar with hungarian language I would like to ask you to permit me to post them there, please (with the source noticed, of course))

      Decker - lehett!

    6. Hi all, hope you can helpme out on this one. My wifes Granddad served in the 78th Div and she has his uniform tunic. He has a wound stripe and of course overseas stripe. However, on the upper left sleeve there is a red stripe (like a modern PV2). I don't believe this is a rank insignia as his discharge papers show him as a Private (not a PFC). He was in the infantry. Anyone know what the red stripe is for?

      Thanks So Much!!!!!


      Hi Greg -

      The wound stripe should be on the lower cuff of the right arm. The overseas stripe should be on teh lower left arm and mid way on the left arm should be the Discharge Stripe - this was like the WW2 version of the "Ruptured Duck" patch - it allowed the individual to wear the uniform in public as a discharged civilian so that the MP's would not go around and round him up - as happened with my grandfather after serving two years in the CBI and he landed in CA...

    7. Kings - well more like Court Jesters - I sent you this in an email Jeff - didnt know if you got it but here is what I got from the book...

      Excelent Blood Donner - Kivalo Verado

      Bronze class 10 donations, Silver 15, Gold 20. Every year there were about 1300 gold ,about 2500 silver and 10,000 bronze distributed. Bronze came with 500ft prize, Silver 1000 ft and gold 1500 ft. After 30 blood donations the ribbon was switched to a green color and this was awarded to about 400 people per year. after 40 a blue ribbon (about 100 people per year) and 50 a yellow ribbon (about 50 people per year were awarded.) No mention as to when the award was created or what color the ribbon was for the Bronze, Silver and Gold class below 20 donations (? - perhaps it was only a badge??).

      Excelent Blood Donor Technician Badge - Kivalo Veradoszervezo

      For service in the field of the Red Cross as a worker in the blood donation centers and activities. The badge was awarded after five years of service. The badge was insituted in 1975.

      Execlent Work in the Red Cross Badge - Voroskeresztes MunkaertGold, Silver and Bronze classes. Awarded by the Leadeship Council of the Hungarian Red Cross for exemplarary serivce in the Hungarian Red Cross. Bronze class awarded after 5 years of serivce and cmae with a 1500 huf award and was awarded to about 250 people per year. Silver class for 10 years of serivce, a 2000 huf award and about 150 individuals per year. Gold class was for more than 10 years of service, but could also be bestowed for a certain meritiorious work. Came with a 3000 huf bonus and about 120 people were awarded per year.

      Excelent Red Cross Workers Badge - Voroskereszt Kivalo Dolgozoja

      Awarded by the Leadership Council of the Hungarian Red Cross for distinguised work over a period of time concering the technical operations of the Red Cross (machines, equipment, etc...) The award was bestowed about 10 times per year and the recipient received a 1500 huf bonus.

      As for cases - Red and Deep Wine Red (Order of Labor, Order of Hungarian Freedom, and April 4th Order) for state awards. Blue and Gray are seen for Red Cross and Firemans awards. For the commemorative Red Cross awards (100 years in Hungary for example) these came in a sand brown case.

    8. "GREETINGS & SALUTATIONS!" Speaking ill of mothers-in-law, did you know they do not make a greetinbg card for the Mother-in-Law? They have greetings cards for Aunts, Fiances, Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters, Wives, etc.! Some might think you report a mother-in-law to the local dog-catcher if they are unkind? The "Stolen Valour Act" is something unenviable like the notorious mother-in-law, there, but best ignored? Does "stolen valour" include crappy politicians on both sides of the aisle? Sarge Booker of Tujunga, California (POST SCRIPT: Only on The Jerry Springer Show do some men end up with their mother-in-law in some compromising position?) :Cat-Scratch:


    9. ... one would think given the percentage of Bar members sitting in the House & Senate that there would be a fraction that would understand the impact of the words of the law that was passed..... I will bet money that prior to voting, a great many never read the law. :speechless1:

      As heard from the mouth of a congressman and a California state politician (Congressman wants to create the fair reporting law - IE a conservative based talk show would have to give a liberal side to the issues discussed - the CA lady wants to make a law that would prohibit parents from spanking thier kids as a disciplinary action) = both of these folks said (basicaly) to the public on radio 'Awwww, come on! You know we would not do that!' when asked "Are you going to arrest the mother who spanks her kid at WalMart when he clearly becomes disobedient?" and "Are you going to put me in jail because I refuse to have a liberal agenda on my show?' - Awww come on - you know that is too extreme - we would never do that (even though the law clearly states as such)

      Its a piss poor land where the laws as written become subject to 'it only applies when I want it to'. Getting the form letter from the representative clearly shows the 'just because the law is written that way does not mean we will enforce it' attitude - How about rape, murder, assault, burglary - since to be fair = the laws now are just 'when I feel like it'....

      What really happened - is this - soemone in the office of the senator looked at the law and siad "if you dont want your opponent next election using the ammunition that you think its OK for lunatics to go running around the parade grounds with medals on their chest when all they did is sit at home and watch CNN and masturbate in 2003...then you have to vote 'Yes' for this law"

    10. One thing that threw me a bit when transalting is that there is a difference between the section B) title of "Socialist Bragade" where it mentions a green wreathed badge and is equal to the "Excellent Workers Brigade" in section A).... Then it mentions the award after the "Banner of the Socialist Brigade" as the Gold, Silver and Bronze class of the "Socialist Brigade" in section D).

      With that it seems that during the first year of the Brigade you could get the Socialist Brigade or the Excellent Workers Brigade (Or Excellent Youth Brigade) and that all three of these titles were of the same level. However its about as clear as mud when the requiremetns for all of the badges / titles are just to meet or exceed your projected requirements for the year. No distinction as to why one brigade should get Excellent Workers Brigae or the Socialist Brigade (with the green wreath)... :unsure:

    11. After three long night of translating 'Lawyer Talk' - here is what I was able to get from the Blue Bible (?A Magyar N?pk?zt?rsas?g Kit?ntet?sei?) I am aware that my translation may not match exactly with the wording of Grodons source, but it should gove a good outline of the precedence and requiremetns for each of the grades.

      The General terms of the Socialist Brigade are to reach, surpass or exceed the required realization of our slogan by ?Living the socialist life, its mode, its work, and its teaching? The sooner we attain this level the better it shall be for all of us.

      It is therefore required that we dismiss and discipline those of the collective who neglect the communal requirements.

      These are the conditions for which the title and badges of the Socialist Brigade is to be bestowed:

      A) The requirements for the title of ?Excellent Workers Brigade? (Kiv?l? Munkabrig?d) are a year or more of exemplary performance by the collective, for this accomplishment the title shall be awarded. For those Socialist Brigades whose majority of members is under the age of 30 and who participate in the yearly KISZ organization, its competitions and its yearly action program, this collective shall be awarded the title ?Excellent Youth Brigade? (Kiv?l? Ifj?s?gi Brig?d) The title of ?Excellent Workers Brigade? or ?Excellent Youth Brigade? is given in the form of a certificate to each of the collective members. This title does not carry a monetary award.

      B) There are three requirements to attain ?Socialist Brigade? (Szocialista Brig?d) title or the ?Excellent Workers Brigade? or the ?Excellent Youth Brigade?. First all titles are given out for the exemplary accomplishments carried out during the period of one year. Secondly additional awards can only be given out after the required previous title is bestowed upon the collective. Thirdly the title must have the appropriate proof and documentation that the collective was able to exceed their yearly pledged goals. These titles do not carry any monetary award. The ?Socialist Brigade? title is given on the occasion of the first year of service. Each member of the collective is to personally receive a certificate of the title. For the second instance in which the ?Socialist Brigade? title is given, a small green wreathed badge is bestowed in three classes: gold, silver and bronze. The next highest class is awarded when the members of the collective already poses the previous grade. Proof by certificate is required for individuals to be awarded the next highest class.

      C) The second title awarded to the collective is the ?Banner of the Socialist Brigade? (Szocialista Brig?d Z?szl?). In order to attain this title the collective must already possess the title of ?Socialist Brigade?. This title does not carry a monetary award.

      D) In the third instance, the collective is to be awarded the bronze, silver, or gold ?Socialist Brigade? title. The grade that shall be awarded in each instance is one that the brigade does not already possess. A monetary award is given for this title and certificates are required to certify this award. The grade that is to be awarded in every instance one grade higher than the one that the brigade already possesses. The bronze, silver and gold titles come with 400 HUF, 600 HUF, and 800 HUF awards respectively and are given out according to the average number of employees of the brigade over the period of the year for which the title is given.

      E) The title of ?Enterprising Excellent Youth Brigade? (V?llalat Kiv?l? Ifj?s?gi Brig?d) is awarded for exemplary and continuous measurable performance over the period of a year with the same conditions outlined in the ?Excellent Youth Brigade? (majority of members under the age of 30 and participate in the over the year in the KISZ organization) and two previous awards of the title ?Socialist Brigade? in connection with the KISZ organization, its action program and its yearly competitions. The title ?Enterprising Excellent Youth Brigade? and the required two titles of ?Socialist Brigade? shall be awarded from December 31st, 1977 to December 31st, 1980 for the performance, competitions and relevant programs in the KISZ organization until new titles and award for this organization shall be revised. This title comes with a monetary award of 1000 HUF to each member of the collective.

      F) The title of ?Enterprising Excellent Brigade? (V?llalat Kiv?l? Brig?d) is given to the collective when it already possesses the gold grade of ?Socialist Brigade? and at least five previous titles of ?Socialist Brigade? and increases the pledged quota of work by 10%. Even if the pledged quota is exceeded, the members of the collectives must possess the golden grade of ?Socialist Brigade? in order for this title to be bestowed. Along with the badge, 1500 HUF is awarded according to the average number of employees of the brigade over the period of the year for which the title is given.

      G) The title of ?Professional Excellent Brigade? (Szakma Kiv?l? Brig?d) is bestowed when the collective has ten or more titles of ?Socialist Brigade? and the title of ?Enterprising Excellent Brigade? or ?Enterprising Excellent Youth Brigade? and increase the pledged quota of work by 10%. This title is reviewed and if the requirements are met awarded in the middle and / or at the end of the yearly action plan. It is possible for a collective to receive the title twice in one year. Along with the badge, 2000 HUF is awarded according to the average number of employees of the brigade over the period of the year for which the title is given.

      H) The title of ?The Hungarian People?s Republic Excellent Brigade? (Magyar N?pk?zt?rsas?g Kiv?l? Brig?d) is bestowed when the collective had fifteen or more titles of ?Socialist Brigade? and at least two titles of ?Enterprising Excellent Brigade? or ?Enterprising Excellent Youth Brigade? and at least one title of ?Professional Excellent Brigade?. The title shall be awarded upon the review of the middle and / or end of the yearly action plan of the collective. However to maintain the integrity of the award only 80-100 collectives may receive the title per year. Along with the title, 3000 HUF is awarded according to the average number of employees of the brigade over the period of the year for which the title is given. Also each member of the collective that receives the title ?Enterprising Excellent Brigade? or ?Enterprising Excellent Youth Brigade? or ?Professional Excellent Brigade? or ?The Hungarian People?s Republic Excellent Brigade? shall receive the respective representation of the medal for wear.

      I) The State Prize (?llami D?j) is bestowed to the collectives under the decision and regulation of the Ministers Council as prescribed by their direction and judgment.

      J) The Red Flag Order of Labor (Munka V?r?s Z?szl? ?rdemrendje) shall be bestowed to a collective after a minimum of fifteen years of service and at least two titles of ?Professional Excellent Brigade? and at least one title of ?The Hungarian People?s Republic Excellent Brigade?. The collective must also have demonstrated outstanding work and production while living and emulating the socialist cultural ideal. In order to also maintain the integrity of the highest award possible to a collective only 10 to 15 collectives may receive this order. With the order a monetary award of 6000 HUF is awarded according to the average number of employees of the brigade over the period of the year for which the title is given.

      Translated from pages 93-95 of ?A Magyar N?pk?zt?rsas?g Kit?ntet?sei? K?zgazdas?gi ?s Jogi K?nyvkiad?, Budapest 1979.

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