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    David Gregory

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    Posts posted by David Gregory

    1. Chris,

      It set me back a whole 100 Euros.


      Thanks, the cross is fast becoming my favourite although I'd swap it for your one with the picture on the reverse. ;)

      The case has had a few knocks that should really be expected but, the piece at the back that's used as the hinge was missing and a normal piece of black tape was in its place. At least I didn't pay the (in my opinion) over the top going rate for it.



      Not only is that a very nice cross, but you also paid a lot less than the going rate for it.


    2. Very nice dagger!

      If anyone has images of the uniform worn by members of this organisation, I would appreciate seeing them. I have a document group to a member of K. S. Freiwilligen-Automobil-Korps (including a reminder to members that they should wear their formation's uniforn, and not army uniform) and later S?chsische Armee-Kraftfahr-Kolonne 362. I'll post a thread on the document group when I have finished researching it.

    3. Hanna Reitsch told us personally that in the Reichskanzlei Hitler down to his lowliest follower were terribly nervous ?und spinnen?( ?)

      "Spinnen" might be translated with "crazy/spouting nonsense".

      This is one of the most interesting personal stories and research threads that I have read in many years. The fact that Wieprich resisted the system, refused to wear Luftwaffe uniform and also considered creating a peace initiative is frankly amazing. If there is any more to see and read, I would welcome the opportunity.

      Thank you very much for sharing this part of your collection and the effort involved in telling his story.

    4. Here is the award document for the commemorative medal issued to Wilhelm Brey of Bavarian Gebirgs-Batterie 8. There is a fairly good chance that his path also crossed that of the men from RJB3.


      This postcard showing Helsinki/Helsingfors was sent by a member of 2. Reserve-Kompagnie, Magdeburgisches J?ger-Bataillon No. 4 to his wife on 1 May 1918.


    5. K?st was an avid manufacturer of Freikorps awards right after WW1. I never heard that his firm even lasted into the Third Reich (someone will soitenly correct me if he's on the LDO List, but it's too late for me to go look for such a minor point) so that does seem to date this VERY modern looking design to the 1920s.

      This is an exceptionally interesting group!

      Kust is not listed in the 1941 Berlin telephone directory, so there is a good chance that the firm no longer existed or was only trading from its premises in Stendal.

    6. Dear Heiko,

      Thanks so much for the picture of the medal. Do you know what it is awarded for? and a stupid question, what is the translation of denkmunze?? (I could not find it in my translator)

      By the way, you have a wonderful and quite focused collection which I saw pictured on the forum.

      Gary B


      Nice bar! Denkm?nze is probably best translated as commemorative medal.


    7. Dan,

      I don't systematically collect or catalogue EK2s, they just accumulate when I acquire document groups.

      This is one marked G that I found fairly quickly (I know I have others, but it would take a while to find them).

      The condition will probably make some collectors weep, but it is undoubtedly real.

      Perhaps a comparison of the core details will help you. It is only marked on the large ring with a simple G.




    8. The last for now, this a an advertising card for Leibnitz cookies. What every soldier really wants for Christmas.

      Dan Murphy

      Bahlsen published more than 60 Feldpost advertising cards featuring images by various artists between 1914 and 1916. The one below is the other christmas motif by the same artist (Diez) as Dan's above.


      The second card entitled "Weihnachtsabend" (Christmas Eve) was published by the Bayerisches Landeskomitee f?r freiwillige Krankenpflege im Kriege.


      Best wishes from Germany and I hope you all manage to enjoy some relaxation over the holiday,


    9. An entry indicating that the holder was entitled to wear the badge was included in the Soldier's Soldbuch, as can be seen in the lower left of this scan from a Soldbuch belonging to a member of 9. Kompanie, Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 60. This Soldbuch came with one of the badges with two holes, which is almost certainly post-war.

      I have seen these badges offered at a number of shows in Germany, usually the post-war type still attached in large numbers to pieces of thick brown card, probably as supplied by the manufacturer.


    10. What a coincidence that after looking for a particular regimental history (IR 180) for two years I found it last night on a site that Detlev gave me at the MAX two uears ago. I have checked that site every week for the last two years to no avail but it was there last night and is currently on hold for me. MTF




      Can you post or PM the URL?

      Ta in advance,


    11. I must add a minor correction to the information above. After its inception, RIR 234 was initially assigned to 48. Reserve-Division before being transferred to 51. Reserve-Division.

      This has prompted me to finally finish a couple of overviews showing orders of battle and calendars of battles and engagements for 48. RD and 51. RD which I have now uploaded at http://www.militaerpass.net/48rd.htm and http://www.militaerpass.net/51rd.htm

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