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    David Gregory

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      Mainly Imperial German award, identity and service record documents; researching personal biographies of 1914-18 combatants, particularly documents and awards to Mecklenburg units.

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    1. Hauptmann Schmidtmann of IR15 (Minden) in 1914 was identified by Chris (webr55) in a thread a while back. Among other awards, he had the Dutch Order of Oranien-Nassau when his portrait photo was taken on the eve of WW1.
    2. That is an attachment for small-bore rifles to enable an instructor to check the aim of the weapon while the recruit was learning how to use it. From the packaging and finish, it was probably a commercial item made for shooting clubs and paramilitary organisations.
    3. It was still fairly common to see the Imperial eagle on goods wagons until the various state railways (L?nderbahnen) were amalgamated into the Reichsbahn in 1924.
    4. Considering how many of these awards are sold for relatively low prices on eBay, it is nice to see so many "low-end" medals in wear. The image gives a perspective on otherwise anonymous collector's items. He obviously wore his awards with pride.
    5. I can see how the Epingle pin mounts are just stuck in where they are needed, but how are the "ball bars" (bizarre, but accurate name) actually worn?
    6. Brian, Very nicely done. It encourages me to attempt the same thing with a group in my collection. David
    7. I think you are referring to http://www.ordensjournal.ordensmuseum.de/, which I believe is a site belonging to a German member of GMIC.
    8. Here is a tag to Leutnant der Reserve Kuno Reusch, commander of 5th battery, Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 108.
    9. Very nice stuff, indeed. However, I don't see why he attributes the Sturmbataillon tag to Rohr's unit. It could be any 5th company.
    10. The best image available online is from above at Google maps. I bet the church bells were loud! If I recall correctly, slotted dog tags first appeared in 1916, so I assume that your wonderful example dates from 1915 or earlier. Is there any available literature on German tags?
    11. By 1936, I would expect to see him wearing a Frontk?mpferkreuz on his medal bar. The photo was probably taken a while before the dedication was written.
    12. Bear, They are not from the era that primarily interests me, but as an obsessive document collector, I can appreciate how much they must mean to you. Despite the fact that one of them has been cut up, they are still outstanding pieces of history. David
    13. It may be a delayed award for actions or services rendered up to 1918. Interesting, nevertheless.
    14. One entry seems to read Feld-Straf.-Gef.-Abt., which I presume means that he served with a penal unit. Whether he had been convicted of some sort of crime or serving on the staff of the unit doesn't seem clear.
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