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    Allan J Woodliffe

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    Everything posted by Allan J Woodliffe

    1. Some of Paschal's personal effects - sword etc. - are coming up for sale shortly.at Rogers Jones & Co Auctions in Cardiff, South Wales (UK) https://www.rogersjones.co.uk/ by 21st May 2023. Wish I knew where his medals were! Allan
    2. Can anybody suggest where I might possibly locate a picture of Freiherr (Baron) Friedrich Georg Christian von Wichmann please? After his service with the KGL he returned to Hannover, where he served with the army until he retired as a major. After retirement, he was appointed governor to the Princes’ Ernst and Albert, the two sons of Duke Ernst I of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Price Albert was to later marry Queen Victoria. When his duties to Prince Albert were concluded, Wichmann lived at the house of of Princess Juliane of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, (Grand Duchess Anna Fyodorovna of Russia), who had an estate on the banks of the river Aare, for a number of years. He was certainly well connected! As far as I can tell, his only medals and decorations were: 3rd class Guelphic order, 3rd class Saxe-Ernestine House Order, and the British MGS & Waterloo medals. Thanks, Allan
    3. Thank you 'Great Dane'. I think that you and Andreas have put that one firmly to bed. At least I have since found that Wichmann is a holder of the 3rd class of both the Guelphic Order and Saxe-Ernestine House Order, and the Waterloo medal. Some nice things to look for I guess.
    4. Thanks Andreas, I thought that the heading ( Inhaber der Rettungs = Medaille )) on the page meant he was a Holder of a lifesaving medal from 1846, not that he was in an organisation that gave out the medal. Soldiers do not normally like getting too close to water! As my German language is just about non-existent I used an online translator - oops. Allan
    5. Can anyone help me with this KGL officer please. He is Baron George Wichman KH. First of all does anyone have any idea where I could locate a decent obituary? Secondly he seems to have been awarded the 3rd class Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden (1833) - can anyone post a picture of the type that he would have had? Lastly in the Hannover Staatsbook for 1860 he is listed as Inhaber der Rettungs Medaille in 1846. is this a lifesaving medal, and if so could anyone post a picture of one please? Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks, Allan
    6. Blackcowboy, Many thanks for your kind reply. I now understand more clearly, especially in respect to the KGL, whose medals are my main interest. As for your book, being such a large tome I can understand why the text has to be in German. Perhaps I could give you an idea to think about? What if you produced an English, text only, translation which could be purchased and downloaded from the internet as a simple Word or PDF file, for a nominal fee? This could give your book a much wider worldwide audience, as people like myself, who are not conversant in German, would then be far more likely to purchase the book because of the availability of the 'online' translation. Anyway, something for you to ponder over.
    7. Q1. Can anyone please explain exactly what the bronze 1813 Hannover 'volunteer's medal was awarded for? Why particularly for 1813? Would anyone in the KGL qualify for it? (I was advised, probably in error, that it was awarded to anyone who volunteered to fight in Northern Germany in 1813-14) Q2 Regarding the bronze 'Medal for Volunteers in the King’s German Legion 1803-14' would all ranks of the KGL be eligible for this?
    8. Thank you both for for taking the time to reply to my question. I suspect that Wild Card's figure of 44 is correct for a total issue, especially when you consider that only 156 of the 25 year William Cross were awarded. BlackcowboyBS, what is the latest on your book. Are you planning to make it bi-lingual or do I have to get a better German/English phrasebook? Allan
    9. Regarding ODM of Hannover: ERNST AUGUSTUS CROSS. CREATED AUGUST 1845 FOR 50 YEARS’ SERVICE Does anyone know how many of these long service crosses were awarded? Would I be correct in assuming that they were only awarded 1845 to 1866 when Hannover was annexed by Prussia? Where would be the best source to try to obtain one? Thanks, Allan
    10. Does anyone have a picture of the badge, or anyone wearing one, of 3rd class knight of the Royal Guelphic Order with 'Schliefe' (bow). I understand that it was only awarded to the following seven Officers: Generalmajor B. Riefkugel Oberst Lt. Schneider Oberst Lt. F. Brinkmann Oberst Freiherr von Slicher Oberst Lt. (General-Major) E. Brinckmann Oberst Lt. (General-Lieut) Wehner Oberst Lt. D. Thorbeck Names extracted from p. 216 - Klenau 'Order in Deutschland und Osterreich' Thanks, Allan
    11. Does anyone have any suggestions where I might find an illusration of Generalmajor Bernard Riefkugel? Here is a picture of his MGS. MGS 1793-1814, Talavera, Busaco, Albuhera, Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Vittoria, St Sebastian, Nivelle, Nive. (B. Riefkugel, 2nd Lt. ARTy. 1st Lt. & ADJt 2nd Lt. Bn. K.G.L.)
    12. Many thanks BlackcowboyBS. You have made things a little clearer. Perhaps the bows were awarded to those who remained particularly loyal to Ernest Augustus during the revolutionary upheavals? I do hope you manage to discover the reasons for this award, as it is very unusual to have an addition to an order which no-one seems to know anything definitive about.
    13. On looking at the Hannover section of volume II of 'Orden in Deutschland und Osterreich by Klenau, page 216, he mentions the award in 1849 of a 'Schleife' (bow) to seven recipients of the KH. I am afraid that my translation of the German language is very poor. Can anyone tell me exactly what these bows were awarded for? I can find no other detailed reference to them anywhere. They seem a little 'odd' to me, but that may simply be my lack of understanding of the finer nuances of later Hannoverian awards. I am very interested in discovering the life story of Generalmajor Bernard Riefkugel who took part in the defence of La Haye Sainte at Waterloo, who received one of these bows.
    14. IXHS, Since my post I have discovered that the crosses never were solid gold The first type (1837-1859) were hollow gold, and the second type (1860-1866) were gilded bronze. Here is a a picture of a group I have which was awarded to a Captain, later major, in the 1st Line Bn. KGL. He did not serve at Waterloo, as he was still recovering from serious wounds received in February 1814 at St. Etienne (Bayonne). (Royal Guelphic Order 3rd class (knight), Wilhelm 25 year Cross, MGS 1793-1814 medal. with 9 clasps, Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes d’Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Vittoria, St Sebastian, Nivelle & Nive)
    15. I understand that this gold cross was only issued between 1837 and 1866 Can anybody advise when the cross changed from sold gold to 'hollow' gold? I know that it changed from 'hollow' gold to gilded bronze in 1860. I have also read reports that the cross was awarded for 25 years service in the army, with war service time both counting as double time, and single time. Which is correct? Can anyone advise me where could possibly purchase an example? (I guess from a dealer in Germany?) Many thanks.
    16. Thank you for that. My apologies for late response, I had missed it for some unknown reason. I also have a query about the 25 year Wilhelm Cross of Hanover, which I will post on the forum. Allan
    17. Can anyone tell me what a 3rd class Guelphic Order with bow signifies? Thanks
    18. I have a keen interest in the history and medals awarded to the King's German Legion, and am hoping that someone can tell me about the Venta del Pozo medal. As far as I know, the medal commemorating the rearguard defence on 23rd October 1812, was awarded to surviving members of the KGL who took part in the action on the 50th anniversary, 23rd October 1862. My own researches indicate that a bronze medal was given to rank and file, while a silver medal was awarded to officers. Can anyone tell me any more about this medal please? Are the facts above correct, and is it a scarce medal to find? Allan
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