here are some details on the Marinestabsarzt Dr. Kosswig. In constrast to the auction description Kosswig's first name was Carl Moritz Reinhard (according to Rank List, award list Lübeck, baptism document and grave stone) and he was born 1882 not 1878.
Born 27th March 1882 in Hannover
Son of the Military doctor Carl Moritz Kosswig
Died 15th September 1972 (Buried in Bad Bederkesa, Lower Saxony)
1st April 1902 Entered Active Service
1906 Charité Berlin
1910 Naval Hospital Mürwik
1911 Small Cruiser KOLBERG
1912 Special Ship LORELEY
1913 1st Torpedo Division
1914 Medical Office of the Naval Station of the Baltic Sea in Kiel
Nov. 1914 Assistent of the Corps Medical of the Naval Corps
April 1918 senior physician of the Naval War Hospital 1 (Flanders)
22th June 1919 released from active service
17th August 1906 Marine-Unterarzt
10th November 1908 Marine-Oberassistenzarzt
13th Mai 1911 Marine-Stabsarzt
22th June 1919 Charakter als Marineoberstabsarzt
Orders and decorations
8th February 1913 Turkish Osmanje Order 4th class
6th June 1917 Lübeck Hanseatic Cross
Prussian Iron Cross 1st class
Prussian Red Cross Medal 3rd Class
Hamburg Hanseatic Cross
Best regards