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    Posts posted by Farkas

    1. Hi Greg

      (sorry for ranting on your thread ?)


      ...i think $100 is about £80 

      With those lovely ribbons that’s a better price than i’m seeing in the UK at the moment...


      i’d have snapped them up too!
















      6 hours ago, Simius Rex said:

      After a medal bar is determined to be fake, discussing the order in which the faker mounted the medals is a bit absurd.  The OP's bar is a modern, put-together fake and that, quite frankly, is the end of the discussion.


      So why did you get to decide discussion is ended upon the conclusion the bar was a fake?


      You said it was ‘fake’, then you still went into great detail after yourself making that clear, you shared your anecdote about a dealer bumping prices... yet you put me down for simply mentioning the order. ?‍♂️


      Would i have called your comments (by your standards) absurd or irrelevant because the conclusion was already clear? No. 

      Did you tell Gordon or 922F that their contribution was irrelevant? No.

      But you have a dig a me over F all...

      That doesn’t encourage engagement by me or others, especially those new, on gmic in general.


      Anyway It’s been ‘interesting’ talking to you but i think best now i leave you to yourself.








    3. Hi Gents,

      another one i’m stuck on...


      does anyone recognise this?




      Fasteners behind ornamental balls.




      No makers label on it.




      No detail on the reverse.




      Buckle marked ‘Paris’

      and ‘Birmingham xxxx’

      (looks like ware/mark/make?)



      i’ve seen a similar looking oldish

      Honourable Artillery Company piece.

      Also one i think was a more modern tank regiment that had similar fastenings which made me think perhaps a mounted unit.


      Any thoughts welcome.



    4. 11007B3F-F7D9-45CD-8413-466599F5C302.thumb.jpeg.7eff2f615393bbcb06bac0a57de06bea.jpeg



      not relevant?

      the title is literally...

      ’Does this look okay’





      And yes i read it all.

      It was very interesting.

      I just read it again.


      On 20/05/2022 at 17:55, Simius Rex said:

      the order in which the awards are mounted doesn't really matter.  I guess one would have had to actually read the other posts in the thread in order to know that


      I still didn’t see anything that makes me think the order medals are mounted  ‘doesn’t really matter’.



    5. It may have been addressed already or i may be wrong ( cos it happens ?) but i’m pretty sure the Karl Kreuz should be second after the bravery regardless...






      On 31/01/2022 at 14:55, gjw said:

      Hey all,  does this mounting look okay?  Period or recent?


      Your thoughts please.


      Thanks so much 






    6. Hi John,

      my guess would be they are related to the British Red Cross...


      the BRC are fond of dated clasps/bars on their awards and red & white are their colours.I haven’t managed to find a match for your ribbon although there are so many it may well be.


      It also seems possible that these may be ‘wartime’ Budget examples.


      I hope this helps,

      Best wishes,












    7. Hi Gents

      i was reading a post about para wings.

      I thought i would share a pic of a nice one i have.

      It is sewn to the top of the right sleeve of a Staffordshire Yeomanry officers tunic that has WW2 medal ribbons and appears to be that of a Brigadier however i have no provenance.






      In the right light it appears the wings and the bottom six little stripes are gold and the rest silver...





    8. Morning Bayern, i was hoping to hear from you ?, long time no speak, i hope you’re well...


      I do know a bit about this.

      I’ve bought a few other bits from the same place previously , all were in good condition.


      This mess jacket is dated 1924... 22D19F50-8ADF-4A01-B9DA-2C6F4BE284DF.thumb.jpeg.cc5bdd30ca7ddc30bd29d1d89237eee8.jpeg


      So now I’ve had a pick at a few more bits...82734C6B-5DBE-4689-B588-C4BAD400D1FF.thumb.jpeg.1bbc6b372e186a9a5d24693b2804ce28.jpeg


      it is intact, just some moth nibbles and the same type of wear and tear, ripped armpits that there is on a few old guards tunics i have. It also has the ‘scars’ from missing buttons where expected.


      In the pic below the right hand side is original whereas the left still has the new bright stuff.

      I really wasn’t expecting the tail lining (facing?) to be underneath the nylon but it is ?






      So far so good,

      thanks Bayern...



    9. Hi Gents


      So far so good. The modern material has been sewn over the original detail.


      i really didn’t think the stripes on the front reflected a real design let alone covering over the real ones.






      The detail on the tail is also intact.






      The collar revealed...




      I’ll update with pics of progress soon.




      PS I know from experience that silence from you Gents can mean i’ve got my sht wrong... I remember my first ever post on GMIC enthusiastically declared ‘ Austro Hungarian Major-Generals Uniform’...it wasn’t.


      But i would really welcome any thoughts or comments even if crushing in nature ?


    10. Hi Gents

      Don’t laugh yet... 


      I saw this ‘theatrical piece’






      However i noticed the button and also the cuff...




      It came the other day.

      It’s the same type of cloth as a Guards tunic. The cuffs are original.


      The surprise was under the collar.

      So though i’m not sure yet how much of if it is still original underneath the other bits, I’m pleased to say its not a total bust...







    11. Hi Gents,

      i hope this appeals to you too...

      I would love to re-unite a WW1 Naval GSM with its fellow medals


      i supported an appeal on Twitter and found myself talking to true Hero.



      A British Army veteran of 23 years service. Bear now raises funds, through cycling, for military charities.


      He’ s missing a Naval GSM that was issued to his Grandfather.

      Ill share the details once I have them so maybe someone finds this one day....


      Cheers Gents


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