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    Posts posted by Farkas

    1. Hi Gents, Glengenie, Peter

      On 04/01/2019 at 13:22, glenngenie said:

      Having read the thread on the 9th lancers I now have my doubts it is authentic, which brings the whole lot into question.


      i have had similar feelings about many of my badges....

      i enjoy badges because they can be picked up at a good price in groups like this. I used to think if one or two were maker marked, if just one or two were genuine then it was worth it, it turned out maker marks and ‘age’ meant little!

      So usually it’s a mixed bag....

      Ive shared images of a few of mine and it turns out some that look good are bad and  some the other way.... 

      let us know if you got any help on the other forum....

      best wishes




      Hi Peter 

      On 04/01/2019 at 14:54, peter monahan said:

      There is a British Badge Forum with a large section on Canadian as well as British badges and many badge experts too.  https://www.britishbadgeforum.com/forums

      Helpful link thanks...,


    2. Hi Gents

      i picked this up the other day with a few other postcards and pics.

      it stood out when I had a proper look.

      The French uniforms look old to me...


      the reverse does not have postcard format.

      i can’t make out the name written here either.

      (I only paid £1 by the way.... not €100)


      The front has been hand coloured in some places, the blue of the uniforms definitely.


      i’ve not worked out who the artist is from google...


      I hope you like it Gents.

      Any thoughts welcome.....


    3. Hi Bayern

      18 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello tony, USA made and supplied. thats clear but which Free French unit ? please, what colour is the piping? in the pics its not very clear.the Free Frenchs after the landings in North Africa begins to be supplied with USA made uniforms.the sidecaps were  the most french item of uniform . and of a great variety.

      my first inclination was it is ‘burgundy’ in colour but now you ask I’d say perhaps deep purple

      i would also say the cap itself is a very, very dark blue,  not quite black...



      Thanks Bayern


    4. Hi Gents

      i bought a couple of side caps the other day. It included this.

      It was described as a ‘Free French’ cap.

      i was wondering if anyone has seen anything similar to this combination?

      In particular, please, Is the red feather hackle a known ‘thing’?





      im happy the cap is a US issue side cap, dated 1942.

      I’ve seen another which was issued to a US nurse.


      the badge is pin backed with no maker mark. 

      The hackle is well secured , not just tucked in. I think it is reinforced with wire below the seam.

      Also a small label (below) has been roughly attached.




      Ive not found the same design of badge but there are many similar.


      Any thoughts welcome please Gents...



    5. Hi Gents.

      On 08/12/2018 at 09:37, Jerry B said:

      Show us the image and we can try and help you.


      Hello again John,

      apologies, once again I missed your reply,, but hopefully my thoughts are better late than never....No rush to respond,


      [[I hope you convince those kids of yours to try looking sideways a little, to look for that family not just backwards,  ]]


      First please,

      is there anything printed on the Back?  It looks like part of a bigger photo. If not framed Is there a Studio name on it? It might help date the picture....


      On 23/12/2018 at 05:31, Cochrane37787 said:

      Sorry I forgot about this website and having posted so only just seeing this. 


      The soldier in the picture is who we thought was my grandad Serjeant John Cochrane, 37787, HLI 1st & 18th battalion. Died 25th March 1917. Anyway turns out it isn’t him as we have a picture of John Cochrane from Coatbridge and the Great War book.... we also have a picture of his brother William from the same book so we know it’s not him!!

      Well anyway apparently the man in this picture is our family somewhere along the line but we don’t have anywhere to start... we aren’t able to scan the picture on to laptop so I’ve took as best I can of the cap badge on the hope someone can help and I noticed it looks very similar to many badges posted above! If we could get a regiment or a few to search through that would be fantastic. We want to be able to look at the regiments and skim the names to see if any match family members. 


      Thanks for any help! 

      John M






      Quite a few insignia incorporate the ‘fleur de lis’ feathers .  

      I think..  It ‘represents’ the Prince of Wales himself not always the country  ‘Wales’  

      I reckon maybe some Gents would be able to narrow down the potential candidates.,.



      Its an interesting photo in its own right.....

      I would love to see all of the picture if you can? Please post!

      Despite your Mans rank, a senior NCO. he has no medal bar. It seems strange to me. More that one has been removed?

      The belt buckle is likely WW1


      No collar tabs.


      maybe the uniform was provided by the studio on the day, an older set of props....

      Best wishes


    6. Thanks Gents

      i had only hoped to hear back so soon!


      6 minutes ago, BalkanCollector said:

      They don't. It's a box for Austria-Hungary Merit Cross. Here's an example in the exact box: (photo taken from the internet)




      6 minutes ago, speedytop said:

      Hi Farkas,

      please see here:

      Verdienstkreuz mit der Krone


      thanks again both.....



      heres the lot.....


      Shame they don’t match but I I’d prefer that box anyway...


      Any thoughts Gents?

      cheers tony

    7. Hi Gents



      And from the 20’s




      On 23/12/2018 at 01:04, GreyC said:

      Hi Tony,

      as always, very welcome. This is an interesting lot. It´s late, so I won´t be taking out my books, but I dare say that

      1) Gardegrenadierregiment

      2) seems to have been comandeered to a school (Maybe NCO school) see light striped thread on shoulder flap

      3)Einjährigfreiwillige of an Infanterie Regiment with a regiment that has a monogram on its flaps

      4) seem to me like Kadetten

      5) Firemen, first row muscians.


      Thank you GreyC..... always


    8. Hi Gents

      im trying to post pics that are less ‘run of the mill’?((to me anyway.....))


      this Royal event is in my Austro Hung’  box...

      ...wedding or funeral?





      83E78B6B-16DD-4C84-A25B-13C4892952BA.thumb.jpeg.71375a00b72500c62657a32658556c1c.jpeg Based on nothing I think he’s French?? But upturned collar always catches my eye! Maybe Austrian?


      Think this next photo i think is of training?

      A Sign on the tree.

       To me their uniform and gear in good order... 

      But maybe this is republic era? 

      ((( Bayern,

      i think rifles look older?)))




      On 07/12/2018 at 02:31, Bayern said:

      Hello tony , The men of the mounted Artillery ,carried sabre and pistol . The man in the last pic wears rosettes and not stars , probably due to the dark shade of his uniform he is policeman .


    9. Hi gents


      Nice one Markgraf,

      9 hours ago, Markgraf said:

      The 10th medal isn't the German Comemmorative Medal. It is 2nd class of the Service Cross for military officials. The crosses itself were the same, but the ribbons were different for officers, doctors/judges etc. and the military officials.

      The HK abbrevation means Honvédségi Közlöny - the Army Gazette. It is a reference for the award.

      The Cross itself the lower left on the picture (otherwise it is a rare medal).

      Kásás Árpád wounded on 1916.09.20 on his neck. He spent 4 months on sick leave.

      BTW the Hindenburg Cross awarded for German citizens only. 


      The picture posted by after our replies helps to cross reference....


      Medals 1, 3 and 11 shown on the above picture are not listed on his records....



      On 29/11/2018 at 02:43, tifes said:

      ...just my 2cents

      1. Military Merit Cross 3rd Class with WD and Swords

      2. Bronze Military Merit Medal  (Signum Laudis)  - issue Karl

      3. Silver Bravery Medal 1st Class

      4. Silver Bravery Medals 2nd Class

      5. KTK - Karl Army Cross

      6. Medal for Injury - for one time

      7. Commemorative Hungarian Medal

      8. Commemorative Austrian Medal

      9. Commemorative Bulgarian Medal

      10. Commemorative German Medal



      And both the

      8: Austrian commemorative

      9: Bulgarian commemorative 

      are missing from the collection....



      On 30/11/2017 at 22:08, Ulsterman said:

      As an aside-very few of the residents of Ostmark applied for and received an HK. The medal was authorized for Ostmarkers only in 1939 and frozen in early 1940. 


      A previous answer I had about a bar I have.

    10. Hi gents










      12 hours ago, GreyC said:


      first one informs addressee that they have arrived in Berlin, won´t sray there long and visit soon.

      2nd from Landwehr-Infanterie-Reg. 40 is to brother. A thank-you note for a parcel. Unfortunately can´t read the 2nd part.



      Ah thanks GreyC -

      very kind (( and awesome!! )) again

      Tonight i’ve chosen cards with nothing on them so you can take it easy!


      ***.  All early****

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