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    Posts posted by Farkas

    1. Hi Gents

      i’ve just bought this little bunch... 

      I just felt they should be kept together which they will.

      i’d normally wait to receive them before sharing but i’m really curious about the certificates in particular 

      They are performance awards but different perhaps? 

      I’m hoping someone may tell if this style is common place or unusual?

      All thoughts welcome Gents....396318AB-3234-4FBC-BF2C-83EB4EBE6EF8.jpeg.ee420f9a8007e6837f1274b00dc4b2d5.jpeg






      I’ll post my own pics once I receive them but any thoughts most welcome in the meantime....

      i can see a family connection and the musketeer seems to have won some awards c1900 and then presumably ‘enjoyed’ being recalled for WK1, also then  serving a son or family member.

      Of course, being an optimist I’d like to think the Kaiser and Empress signatures might be ‘real’.


      This signature is a printed example from a published fund raising card.....



    2. Hi Gents

      On 07/12/2018 at 16:08, Ralph A said:

      No greed here.

      What would be a fair price?


      this guy seems to have a good mix at a good price....



      i cannot comment on their originality.



      i bought a variety from a Japanese seller at similar prices  just a year or two ago, (I can’t resist combining postage) I’m pretty sure he is still on Ebay but I cannot now find him.

      Perhaps you can.

      Postage was direct from Japan.



    3. 2 hours ago, GreyC said:


      2nd card: Wants to know if mother has sent him money

      3rd card: I think the name is Baues. Compare the "n" in "Untf." They usually, but not always distinguished u and n by a horizontal stroke above the letter, that is missing here above the "u".


      PS: It would help considerably if the cards with writing on them would be posted in the right angle to read them, not in a 90 degree angle.

      Yes GreyC,

      the ‘n’ is so clear in ‘Unft’ ( I thought it was Unff!), totally unlike the ‘u’.... 



    4. 1 hour ago, GreyC said:

      PS: It would help considerably if the cards with writing on them would be posted in the right angle to read them, not in a 90 degree angle.

      Consider it done from now on GreyC... Thanks. 


      What did you think of these?

      I did actually post them with you in mind... 

      I think the first is a lovely portrait and the second is physically rather odd....





    5. Hi Gents

      3 I have that all caught my eye yesterday for one reason or another....



      This first one I liked, mainly, because they actually look happy

      and of course his medal bar.

      If he’s 80 in 1927 then he was born in 1847...

      Perhaps a Veteran of the Franco Prussian war?




      This one is different to anything else I have. The front is glossy, like plastic and reminds me of a film negative. And smaller than Rppc size.

      dated 2-9-1916

      I was surprised to see from the reverse , that it has not been cut down in size. It is to all effect a smaller version of a full card. 

      And, I’d say, it’s not reproduced from a larger original. The impression of the circular post stamp, as well as some of the writing, is visible in relief on the front.




      this 3rd one is a snapshot...

      dated 1 March 1917

      Peter Banes (I beleive)



      I can’t get over how ‘chilled’ he appears...


      Cheers Gents




      Hi GreyC

      On 12/12/2018 at 14:50, GreyC said:

      Shot down over the English Channel by 2nd (German) Torpedoboot-Zerstörer Flottille (small vessel between torpedoboat and destroyer)


      Thanks for the above info...

      i spent ages googling British airship losses last night. All new to me.

      However, more questions than answers. I beleive this is a rigid frame airship. Gondolier to the fore. Brits only had one that saw action and none reported lost.  There were quite a few other airships designs used mainly for shipping protection but the appearance doesnt match. They ere more like balloons.  ‘Gasbags’ were over the channel but this looks, as I said, like a Rigid Frame Airship... supposedly none were lost.....


      Thanks again GreyC


    6. Hi Gents

      Hi GreyC

      On 28/11/2018 at 23:30, GreyC said:


      would like to see that. Usually Regimentskarten bear the number of the specific regiment which makes them a Regimentskarte in the first place.


      Dated 24-10-1911

      Stamped ‘Strassburg’

      Field Artillery Regiment 10 

      F.A.R. 10.

      The detail at the top of the card is largely embossed-swords, wreath, shields and Kaiser are all embossed.







      and the next one....


      Stamped 21-10-1913 in Harburg (I think) or Marburg?

      marked as : 9 Pioneer Batt. 3kompagnie,

      On this card the 3 is the only embossing. It is pressed into a metallic disc added separately but prior to embossing.

      Some of the leaves and the acorn have been hand coloured gold.





    7. Hi Gents



      This postcard image is dated as 1914 on the grave.

      Feldposte home stamped 23 November 1916.

      185 Infant.Div. stamp and marked by sender as 7 Kompagnie



      Sent to

      Fraulein ? Stokle ((...Maria / Muriel?  ))

      and family I think. ((Added as an afterthought))

      2 line address.




      To me, a 2 line address teases that it is either a small place or a big name ...

    8. Hi Gents

      this one turned up today... a bit special me thinks.



      It’s a german produced postcard written in Hungarian

      Stamped as sent from KuK IR27 and also marked as Feldkomp VII

      Censor stamp ‘Zur Weiterbeforderang geeignet’ I believe meaning, roughly : ‘suitable for further transport’

      It was sent home to Prague dated 14 October 1915.


      i hope you like it too Gents....


    9. Hi Andy

      to me, the knowledge is Harry Potter standard too.

      On 05/12/2018 at 17:15, arb said:


      The recipient of such an uncommon award as that deserves a name.

      C a r l Albert Ziehl, born 26.06.1868 in Flensburg.  He was a customs official in various locations in the north of Germany.

      Dates of rank:

      Hptm.d.L.  16.06.1911  Oberlt.  14.11.1903 and Sek.Lt. 24.07.1894.  He was initially a Sek.Lt.d.R. of Füsilier R. 86

      also, the document is signed by

      Gerhard Snethlage  (26.05.1863-00.00.1940)

      15.10.14-22.11.18     Chef d. St. d. stellv. Gen. Komdo. d. II. AK

      20.05.14  in Genehm. seines Abschiedsgesuchs m. Pens. u. d. Erlaubn. z. Tr. d. Regts. Unif. z. Disp. gestellt

      01.10.12-20.05.14  Kom. d. Feldart. R. 82  (Rastenburg)



    10. Hi Gents

      I F**kn love this thread.

      It’s interesting, entertaining and unique in my opinion

      It is everything you could want from a forum in my limited opinion.

      I used to google my things and often found GMIC as a source of information. One day I joined so I could contribute about a family history post Re IR83 that I related to.

      Then I said to myself now share some things I have...


      This thread is so interesting and informative about things I would never have enquired about.

      1812 Overture is in China..,,  he breaks the law to contribute...   I have his email just in case we ever lose him. He expects that one day he will loose access for sure.  I love him and his spirit!

      Tifes....  you have been a member a long time and when you post it is not flippant contribution!  

      922f your posts look from their ‘font’ to be translated. I know that takes time and effort. Thank you!’

      im not being condescending- I mean it.

      So, i choose here, after a couple of vino to say thank you all because this is what it is all about.


      MMO and MBO?

      could Gents please confirm the abbreviation for me?

      cheers tony


      On 25/11/2018 at 00:41, tifes said:

      I can serve only concerning A-H decoration

      Knight's Cross of the Austrian Military Order of Maria Theresa (awarded on 12 October 1921)
      -Military Merit Cross 2nd Class with War Decoration and Swords (Austria-Hungary) (1917) - this one is higher then EKO II (awarded after EKOII for sure)

      - Order of the Iron Crown 2nd Class with War Decoration and Swords (Austria-Hungary) (1916/1917)
      -Knight's Cross of the Austrian Imperial Order of Leopold with War Decoration  (1915) (no swords)

      -Order of the Iron Crown 3rd Class (Austria-Hungary) (1913) 

      -Military Merit Cross 3rd Class (peace version) (Austria-Hungary) (1909)
      -Honour Cross 1st Class for Services to the Red Cross (Austria-Hungary) -during WWI (quite high decoration form only general-major)
      -Bronze Military Merit Medal (Signum Laudis) with Swords on the Ribbon of the Military Merit Cross (Austria-Hungary)
      -Bronze Military Merit Medal (Signum Laudis) on the Red Ribbon (peace version) (Austria-Hungary)
      -Military Long Service Decoration for Officers for 25 years (Austria-Hungary)
      -War Service Medal 1873 (Kriegsmedaille) (Austria-Hungary) -  not official award
      -Commemorative Medal 1898 on the Ribbon for Military (Austria-Hungary)
      -Commemorative Cross 1908 on the Ribbon for Military (Austria-Hungary)
      -Balkan Mobilisation Cross 1912-1913 (Austria-Hungary) - never awarded


      It seems that for some period of time he was not active on battlefield, just on hinterland. 


      On 24/11/2018 at 03:39, 1812 Overture said:


      Photo of Austrian-Hungarian military wearing a large cross-class Bulgarian military order


      As for the bar, you can refer to this photo. Austria’s military meritorious cross and the “Certificate of Glory” medal can be obtained many times, and the war period must be arranged in front of peacetime.


      On 23/11/2018 at 22:52, 922F said:

      After 1936, the Bulgarian MMO comprised 6 enameled classes + 2 unenameled crosses.  Grand Cross, First Class, [both with sash, badge & 8 point star but differing details like star body format & sash width and color dimensions to distinguish grade difference], Grand Officer [neck badge, cravat & 4 point star], Commander, Officer & Knight + 2 unenameled crosses.   All could be awarded after 1916 with KD [an enameled laurel/oak wreath applied around the obverse center].  This KD appurtenance appeared only for the Order grades NOT the unenameled crosses.  Officer, Knight, & unenameled crosses used the Military Bravery ribbon rather than the MMO ribbon to demonstrate KD entitlement.   One 'grade' of the  unenameled crosses had a suspension crown & the other did not.

      As sometimes typical, wiki's entry is faulty--the actual grade illustrated as Grand Cross on the site you linked [2nd image below] is a First Class with KD insignia set. 

      Images of a GC with KD insignia set follow

      GC set.jpg

      First Class set (1).jpg


      Silver cross without crown but with MBO ribbon signifying KD award



    11. 1 hour ago, Bayern said:

      Hello tony , The men of the mounted Artillery ,carried sabre and pistol . The man in the last pic wears rosettes and not stars , probably due to the dark shade of his uniform he is policeman .

      There is hope for me yet!

      thanks Bayern.





      i hope I have said this before....

      Bayern, i wish you were my next door neighbour.....


    12. Hi Gents

      this first one is the funeral procession for ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie.


      Next one dated 18 August 1918









      Hi Bayern

      thanks as always.

      Cavalryman picture - i now see the republic cap badge

      On 01/12/2018 at 01:29, Bayern said:

      Hello tony, The first cavalryman is of the republican army .

      the other man with sabre and cap without peak looks like an artillerymen of the imperial army .the rank Geschutzvormeister ,Korporal in the Infantry

      The second pic had looked a little odd to me. An Nco with a sword.  

      Was it usual for the artillery Korporal to have a sabre please?

      Lastly, I wonder what you make of this next one?

      Maybe not military?Is it police perhaps? 

      Dated 1928 and taken in a Vienna studio.


      Cheers Bayern.....



    13. Hi Cochrane,

      ive just seen your post.

      You’re most welcome to add to this thread. Show us your picture if you want....

      Go for it....

      Best wishes


      On 03/12/2018 at 19:52, Cochrane37787 said:

      Jerry B, I would really like to PM you with my dilemma but it wouldn’t let me so I’m guessing I need to be commenting on things first. I think the picture of my family member might be wearing the same cap badge as the young man above with his cap on the table. We are confused because we think it’s welsh of some sorts but he was born and raised in Coatbridge, Scotland. I just don’t want to annoy people by commenting like crazy on here :) 




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