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    Posts posted by Farkas

    1. Hi Uffz. Rohleder and Gents,



      Sir, I read your post about your fight with your health and I wish you all the strength you need. Best wishes from all of us.


      On 13/10/2018 at 21:11, Uffz. Rohleder said:

      Hello all, 


      I found a picture of Hermann. I saw a similar one online as well. Are those just 3rd Reich merchandise or are this Luftwaffe related? 


      I remember, back in the 70’s, an Austrian uncle who lived in the US, sent a picture to my Sister who loved ‘ Starsky and Hutch ‘

      Not a picture of hermann I admit, it was a signed picture  of David Soul, (Hutch) it was pasted to a ‘chopping block’ of wood, about A4 size and an inch thick.

      ...with that in mind

      My thought is that perhaps this is a picture attached to the wood?

      The crazing on the image itself reminds me of hand coloured CDV....

      The description says only “print on board”

      I think perhaps it is a’ print on board ‘ attached to wood block

      so would be a gamble i suppose?





    2. Thanks hucks216,

      its of no surprise to hear there were many more , the islands are still heavily fortified!



      On 14/11/2018 at 17:28, hucks216 said:

      Unfortunately, without looking in to the records it won't be possible to determine what unit he belonged to. At one time or another there would of been a few Pionier related units based on Guernsey. Some examples being:

      4./Festung-Bau-Btl 157
      Stab & 1./Bau.Pi.Btl 158
      3./Brücken-Bau-Btl 521
      Eisenbahn-Bau-Btl 511
      2./Festung-Bau-Btl 152


    3. Hi Gents, 1812 Overture 

      i thought these were on display not for sale. Currency value mean these may be extremely tempting in this part of the world. Please show us more if you visit again....


      On 06/11/2018 at 01:30, Ulsterman said:

      outstanding!! what is the address? 



    4. On 06/11/2018 at 01:23, Ulsterman said:

      Oh. My. God!

      That is the holy grail of Korean medal collecting! You are the luckiest collector on the site for 2018! I would cheerfully trade twelve EK1s for that!

      The value of this medal has skyrocketed since “ Mr Sunshine” aired on KBS/ KBT. 

      Also, one of Asias’ biggest films of last year was about this couples’ daughter- “The Last Princess! “

      The last one I saw at auction in the USA went for $2000 and was resold in Seol six weeks later to the Blue House collection for $5000. 

      This is one of the very few independent Korean Empire ( Joeson) medals actually awarded! Estimates are about 1000 were given out- mostly bronze. After the Japanese military intelligence coup d’tat was completed this medal was banned. 

      It is VERY desirable in Korea now! 

      I love a happy ending!

      usually the unknown is not so interesting!



    5. Hi 1812 Overture

      Well done for braving the dogs and old men for our cause! 

      i hope people like yourself can protect history such as this from development....

      i enjoy your posts...

      Very interesting











    6. Hi Gents

      Since I posted this thread, this soldier has caught and kept my interest. 

      Thanks to hucks216 (thanks!) and his grave information I have been able to dig a little... 

      I don’t usually ‘dig’ , I’m more a hoarder than historian (copyright Brian Wolfe!)

      Why this man and not an Austro-Hungarian, as I would expect -perhaps it is as simple as, me being able to find answers in English language on google.


      Oberpionier Johann Buckreus still lies in the British Fort George military cemetery. 

      These first pics are from Wiki:





      Johann Buckreus plot below



      There were already German WW1 POW’s buried on the Islands and during the occupation German soldiers were buried alongside the older graves in St. Brelade church cemetery.

      Also as in this case, some at the British Garrison Cemetery, Fort George.



      As it says in the above, in 1960 the German authorities requested agreement for the transfer of their Soldiers remains to  France. This was agreed to, and, all were exhumed and moved - with the exception of the 111 men at Fort George. 

      I’m unsure if this was agreed by both sides but I can imagine that it was. The graves at Fort George being respectfully cared for by the CWGC whereas the others were in church yards.


      i was curious which unit he might have served with...



      according to the above:

      The ‘pionierbattalion 15’ were stationed on Guernsey at some point.

      The ‘319th infantry division’ were the only ones stationed on the islands from late 1941, as the rest were sent off to Russia. Quite a shock I bet.

      This man died February ‘42.


      So Gents

      i hope I haven’t gone on too long.

      this is my new ‘longest thread’....!










    7. On 25/10/2018 at 16:17, Jerry B said:

      Sadly they are also copies, the originals have a number of quite different details, note the wings of the dragons for one and the lettering of the CARDIFF at the base, both very different

      16th Cardiff service bn not pals badges detail.jpg

      Hi Jerry

      the one below is on Ebay at the moment.


      .....I see a FAKE!

      * wings wrong

      * CARDIFF lettering wrong

      * Motto across the top has no gaps


      I’m learning!

      thanks for your help....




      19 minutes ago, GreyC said:

      Hi Tony,

      not quite. Lazarett and Spital and Hospital basically mean the same thing, as does Krankenhaus. Basically. The older word is (Ho)spital. HoSpitäler were originally run by the church as home for the old or feeble from which evolved the meaning of home for the sick. During the time of the plague from 14th c. HosSpitale/Spitäler that specifically catered for the need of the "plagued" began to be called Lazarett. This word was later used for military hospitals.


      Ah wicked thanks GreyC

      I was confused as i have loads of cards stamped field-lazarett, not related to some kind of quarantine.... (eg flu epedemic)

      ‘Krankenhaus’ sounds like the sort of place I should be locked up in after an evening googling translations!!

      it’s not just us Brits who have more than one word for the same thing (or more than one thing for the same word probably!)


    9. Hi Gents

      Today I was going to post a thread with some pics of my feuerwehr helmet.




      I bought it together with this horse harness piece from an antique dealer in the US last year. I know they were from the same estate but hadn’t thought to actually connect the two

      Having looked back at the replies here I realise a possible link between the two.....


      i wonder if the harness was also a momento of service in the feuerwehr?

      perhaps the horse that wore it also served!


      Wurflach population :


      I don’t suppose there were many of these....

      cheers gents


    10. Hi Gents

      interesting reading your posts

      i didn’t question Spitale as it sounds like Hospital which is familiar to me....

      my ‘naive’ input is... 

      I thought the word for hospital was Lazarette, but upon checking now that seems to refer to ‘epedemic/isolation’ treatment......

      So thanks both

      16 hours ago, Chris Boonzaier said:

      Is Spitale an Austrian only word for Hospital? I have not seen it used on German Death cards?


      11 hours ago, GreyC said:

       As Spital is an abbreviation of Hospital you find them as Spital or Spitäler (plur) also (mostly) in southern parts of Germany (Heiligengeistspital Freising e.g.)



      These two are (I think) both from the same unit.  Landwehr Unit/Regiment 11.

      There is such a resemblance in my opinion. Different surnames but still maybe related? Perhaps uncle and nephew?







    11. On 05/11/2018 at 11:48, hucks216 said:

      Johann Buckreus died on the 4th February 1942 and is buried on Guernsey at Fort George cemetery in St. Peter Port in Grave 68. 

      He was born on 4th October 1906 in Haag am Hausrueck and held the rank of Oberpionier when he died. 

      (Source: Volksbund)

      There is a photo of his grave headstone available from this site:

      Buckreus Grave

      Thank you hucks216

      What a great site....

      I've requested the image from them today and will share it here (if copyright permits)



    12. Hi Gents

      i have this incomplete photo album.





      I know the most juicy photos have been removed. I was interested in stopping its deconstruction.

      I like that the photos have annotations and some haven’t been removed so who knows what they say.

      i don’t know if the album itself is that old however the photo mounts are brittle and surely of some age.

      its not something I would usually buy but I was annoyed it was being broken up and the photos being sold for 2quid each.


      So Gents, if I may,  I’m curious if anyone could tell me if there is anything to know of the man named in the death notice please?





      hi hucks216

      i bought this album from the same person as some of these other photos because of your comment on the other post... you are so right.

      On 08/11/2017 at 16:51, hucks216 said:

      Pity that some have been removed from photo albums.


    13. Hi gents

      ive just been reading a post called ‘fakes’ about Allied AVM.

      Ebay was mentioned more than once.

      it reminded me of a seller who has sold literally hundreds of ‘flachettes’.... when I searched I found him - flachettes for sale currently of course and guess what else...

      Another tank mask......




      For the record...

      I’ve no idea if I’m right or wrong and I’ve not reported this fella.


      but for sure....

      Ebay likes:

      offshore tax

      quoting ‘buyer beware’

      ignoring reports of fraud






      prices are getting lower as more people realise.... 



    14. Hi Gents

      Photo card of ‘musikcorps’ 8, IR107

      Card written 4/12/01

      i think it has those shown listed on it.....



      and Leib-Grenad.-Regts

      dated 16/12/07







      hi GreyC and Bayern,

      Thanks again again and again both.

      you both are very kind with your time and I never take it for granted....

      16 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Their are men of a Saxon Regiment . Probably of the 108 th Schutzen Regiment . one man wears tschako , the uniform colour was dark green with black collar and cuffs all piped in red . They could be also of the second saxon jaeger bataillon both units were stationed in Dresden

      I had wondered what headwear the man on the left was wearing - I didn’t think of a tschako cover.

      On 01/11/2018 at 21:44, GreyC said:

      The middle one says on the front something like (rhymed in German):

      Oh how well does he feel, who just finished his last watch/guard duty.

      On the reverse the brother writes to his sister, that he rather enjoys having just ended his military duty. He is now in some business-premises he used to work in in Dresden and looks forward to coming to Manheim.



      Given the date I guess he wouldn’t have known war was round the corner and that he would have been back in uniform before long....



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