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    Posts posted by Farkas

    1. 10 hours ago, IrishGunner said:

      Gebirgs Kannonen Batterie ... nice.


      Oh, and I have a Kunes in my family tree! :P

      What were the odds on that? Considering our previous conversation about family...  cool.

      and I started with those two because I thought you might like them. (More artillery to come)


      Hi gents 

      these 5 all stamped:

      K.k Landsturm-Etappen-Battaillon Nr 489

      Rppc from various places but locations crudely erased on some...











    2. 9 hours ago, Von Thronstahl said:

      Are you the owner of this photo? I am interested because because he is Croatian.


      5 hours ago, BalkanCollector said:

      Beautiful set of photos Overture!

      How do you know? I'm a rookie at KuK so I'd like to know when I see a fellow Croatian in KuK.

      I’m interested too Von Thronstahl...

      is it the medals , the 3rd and 4th?

      or the collar style maybe? 



    3. Hi gents

      i’ve got a group of about 30 all related in some way. Mainly addressed to ‘Joseph Kunes’. Faded pencil is hard enough to read but the kicker is they are in Hungarian...

      i’m going to post them all here over the next few days because they have a nice variety of stamps but because also i’d like them to be on the record so to speak.


      these two have the same sender 

      the first date stamped December 9 1916 from #50

      the second I can’t date but sent, I think, from #423 (maybe 123)









    4. If I’m honest it scares me to start. It’s an emotional issue and I have a ‘wall’ to get over...

       GreyC’s question set my heart racing.

      Your words made me well up.

      I’d love to know more about my Grandfather but if I research him I couldn’t stop there...

      I remember my Dad researching our family in the 90’s with limited results. Things have moved on since then and more information is out there now and if I don’t do it no-one else will because there are no little Farkas’s.

      I’m the last in line as they say.

      i’m adopted, my Dad was Jewish and the  family tree he did is filled with ‘missing presumed dead’... arrested, camps etc

      its a daunting task...

      one day I hope.


      Sorry for the heavy answer but I feel better for it! Fingers crossed for both of us I feel....


      To end on a lighter note!



      best wishes 




      58 minutes ago, IrishGunner said:

      Tony, I am envious. It's priceless to have family mementos.  There is a lot of opportunity for research.


    5. Thanks  both


      20 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello  The first pic is of the very beggining of the Reichswehr . observe the blusen except one man all others wears 1915 model ones. the only new piece is the peaked cap with new badges.


      8 hours ago, GreyC said:


      the photos are really to small to sayfor certain but I mean to see that the NCO (Unteroffizier) and the guy to his left in the 2nd photo both have marksman/Good shooting badges on their sleeves. The NCO one better than his comrade.



    6. Hi Gents

      Hi Bayern, GreyC, IrishGunner

      (Alphabetical order!)

      21 hours ago, IrishGunner said:

      I may have missed an earlier post.  Why is KuK Inf. Rgt. 83 your favorite?

      I’m glad you asked!






      When I was a lad my Dad used to buy militaria at antique shops etc. I still do but as a random hoarder still...

      When I found eBay a few years ago I started collecting my pics... in particular these Austro Hungarian group shots.

      Reason was that anyone of them could have been (in theory!) my Grandfather. And if not then they were still someone else’s.

      I only had a few photos of him and they were from the 1950’s and 60’s. I had nothing of him any younger. I wouldnt recognise him if I saw him in one.

      i always knew he had fought in the Austro Hungarian army... and survived the war of course. My mum recalls, in her youth, when my dad introduced them, she asked him over dinner...”did you ever kill anyone?” He didn’t answer...

      The story my Dad told me goes that there was a box of photos that showed his war. He carried a camera throughout and many were graphic. Friend and foe dead included....

      My Nan hated them but my Grandfather still had them when he died in 1968.

      Sadly before my Dad could claim them, she destroyed them. He said she burnt them immediately.  He wasn’t happy!

      So fast forward- just two years ago I find an envelope at my mums with his ID card, the badge, half a dozen studio cards and the platoon photo shown above.... They had survived the purge. I guess being Rppc they were not in the box.

      Treasure indeed and precisely the things I collected already. I couldn’t believe it.

      I guess my Dad wisely decided to keep them safe from me. He probably had shown me them once upon a time but I can’t recall.

      So that’s the short version!

      i don’t need much encouragement to share his story. Lost but now found - and now it can’t be lost again thanks to this forum. 

      Hope you like the photo.

      its absolutely my favourite!

      cheers all


      (Anthony George Farkas)

    7. Great photo Chris

      ’Tragic’ in so many ways...

      I too see the influence of the Fairer Sex!

      Maybe his Mum said ‘do as you’re told’...


      to continue the conversation with Girlfriend....

      (Later that evening)

      him - but you promised

      her - and I meant it baby.  But not tonight... it’ll be better if we wait until you get back

      him - but, but... what if I don’t get back?

      her - don’t say that

      him - well, whatever happens promise no-one else will ever see it....

      her -  I promise... and I’ll not let anyone see the flower photo either

    8. Hi Gents

      and hi GreyC....

      Thank you, thats really cool...

      my family and friends think I’m mad collecting these things I can’t read but it’s so much fun when, as now, something clicks!

      GreyC, i has not ‘sussed’ it was signed as

      uncle Gyulu

      I had thought it was the senders first and last name.

      But was confused that at the top it has been pencilled with

      Gyulu Nagy

      Now - it makes sense! Cool....

      Thanks again GreyC


      while i’m here...

      feldpost home from someone in my favourite regiment!

      KuK Infanterie Regiment No.83



      Hungarian so double trouble to read...



      sadly nothing on the reverse.


      hope you like gents




      15 hours ago, GreyC said:

      Uncle Gyulu wants to know from Aladar, how his Grandmother (probably Aladar´s) managed the trip to Ödenburg (Sopron).



    9. Hi IrishGunner, GreyC...

      Thanks both for your comments....

      it is a good one isn’t it, a little bit different to my usual ones, I was well chuffed when I found it.

      22 hours ago, IrishGunner said:

      The Feuerwehr photo is great!  I've been getting a lot of new artillery photos lately; guess I should just off the scanner.

      I’d enjoy seeing them Sir

      if you fancy starting a dedicated thread I’d enjoy contributing some of my own to it too...

      thanks again, appreciated as always gents


      22 hours ago, GreyC said:


      nice pix! Especially the Firefighters. The guy with the lantern is group-chief. Hermann sent the card (that he says turned out well) to his girlfriend or wife with "hot kisses". An appropriate choice of words for a firefighter!



    10. Hi gents






      21 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello tony ,the man with the white headwear is an Austrian he wears a kepi with the neutrality band wrapped around . other man is an austrian uhlan . lancer cap on head.

      evening Bayern

      yes I see it now...

      I thought the Uhlan cap was one of the pickelhaube with an eagle on top....

      thanks as always...


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