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    Posts posted by Farkas

    1. Hi IrishGunner

      I forgot to thank you for your comments on the heavy gun pics so... thank you, it’s always appreciated...

      and, as you ‘gently’ reminded me, the mortar is a 30.5cm and not a 20.5cm as I had labelled it....

      thanks again


      On 05/08/2018 at 14:57, IrishGunner said:

      Tony, As far as I know, Škoda did not make a 20,5cm mörser.  Your photo is a Škoda 30,5 cm Mörser M11.

      See here: http://www.landships.info/landships/artillery_articles.html#

      The other two are heavy guns in fortress mounts.  Heavy fortress guns are always difficult to identify; it's helpful to know which fortress or the country.  For example, in Grodno, the Russians mounted Japanese guns.  Sometimes they are also naval guns for coastal defense mounted in fortresses.

      The gun if the bottom photo of Post #37 is a 76,5mm Feldkanone; which model year is difficult to see (there are three possible: M05, M17, M18. The later M17/18 models are the most likely).


    2. Hi Bayern 

      you know I readily jump to conclusions!

      I thought maybe the guy with his back to camera? And the one behind the ‘blurry’ guy?

      The headwear was the reason...

      18 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello tony , War games ,but i dont see Germans , only Austrians


    3. Hi Gents

      i’ve just received this today...



      i noticed it it listed as a Signum Memoriae and grabbed it sharpish....

      To my distraction when I tried google it only offered me ‘porn’ and I didn’t find anything out that this thread didn’t already tell me....

      So does anyone have a link to some info about this please?

      i’m particularly interested in knowing how many were issued.....




    4. hello Bayern

      great detail thank you

      you never fail to surprise me with the details you provide....

      ive decided to try using my scanner to do the pictures justice so who knows what you'll be able to spot then!

      thanks again


      On ‎04‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 05:58, Bayern said:

      Hello Farkas . The men on the first pic are Bavarian Light Horsemen . which regiment '? hard to say but ,existed eight regiments two with white facing colour , two with carmine, two with madder red and two with pfirsich that is peach colour. the collars and cuffs appears as lighter than reds and obviously not white . then could be peach used by the third and sixth regiments one with gold the other with silver buttons and etc. the third was garnisoning Dieuze .


    5. Hi Bayern

      I am surprised at the description of the card as a munition column - far more interesting than that. when I saw it first hand I was glad I got it. 

      I don’t have another photo where the hussars are equipped with them.

      Would you agree Hungarian? I say that because no cap peak. Or is that not the case with this headwear ?

      10 minutes ago, Bayern said:

      Hello ,interesting enough , the lancers are in fact Hussars and in some number , thats was more current in the eastern front were cavalry was deployed at regimental level . 

      cheers tony 


      ps /. You’re on early tonight... nice one!


    6. On 26/07/2018 at 01:07, Farkas said:

      Hi Gents



      Hi gents

      A few more that go with the above....

      Three pics of artillery pieces 


      First two are out of action.

      I don’t know if they are Austrian or Italian perhaps?

      Breech blocks missing on both.

      First appears to have sustained battle damage



      Second one looks like the barrel has been cut off.



      this third pic is I believe of a skoda 20.5cm





    7. Hi GreyC

      Of course (!) I didn’t know that... so nice one thanks.

      I now see the Sa on the back ....


      i know you like such things... cheers.

      10 hours ago, GreyC said:

      Hi Farkas,

      1st photo #82 is a Saxon note the German cuffs and the green/white cockade.


      Would it be cheeky to ask if you know what the first 2 words of the 1908 annotation say please??

      or even just is it a name or phrase?



      i have a spare one.....



    8. Hi gents  

      this first one was sent as German feldpost.

      The stamp is ‘Orstkommandantur Halles’ : District command in Halles

      6th March 1917

      the front title says it shows a munitions column but also more interestingly notice the ‘lancers’ amongst them.....







    9. Of course!

      it should have occurred to me the ‘badge’ was also a stain.

      i do tend to post these late at night after a couple of drinks - that’s my excuse.....

      thanks Bayern


      14 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello tony, too poor the quality of the photo. so perhaps the man is a german wearing a battered feldmutze and the badge and the hackle ara stains 


    10. Hi Bayern

      ive just been having a look at Wikipedia.

      it says the East African Schutztruppen were the last Germans to surrender, only doing so a number of days after the Armistice. Also there were only a total of some 128 European combatant officers, warrant officers and NCO’s....

      Thanks for the info- i had noticed his hat before before but thought he had acquired himself an Aussie slouch hat!

      would his rank make him the senior officer in the other picture hence his central position ?





    11. Hi Gents

      these three aren’t in the best condition and the one I really want to show was never clear in the first place.

      They came together with others and I believe most likely are related. The style they wear their feldmutze being more beret than ‘pork pie’ in two of them.

      it is the third though, in particular, that I’ve been looking at (with trusty eyeglass) and may be interesting....

      So here they are:




      The man second from left appears to have a fusiliers beret on.


      Certainly there is an attached badge however the ‘plume’ could be a mark on the photo. With this in mind...I thought maybe the next man has a Scottish cap on?


      And then putting the two potential oddities together I started wondering if :

      maybe some on the back row are British?

      maybe they are German but wearing trophy headwear?

      Or... maybe none of the above!!


      whatever I think these guys were worth sharing.... 


      hope you like them too gents.


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