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    Posts posted by Farkas

    1. Hi Gents

      Hi Bayern

      It’s funny you should mention this now. I bought this recently because I like dogs...



      However I have just noticed it mentions malaria on the reverse... 



      Thanks for your comments as always Bayern....


      21 hours ago, Bayern said:

      flies and mosquitoes were a consistent plague on the WW1 Ostfront specially into the Russian dominated Poland .Malaria and thyphus were also current.



    2. Hi Gents

      Bolewts58, thanks for the translation of the annotation. I had looked for a military connection of Schloss Godens so that it was an excursion makes sense.


      Gordon, thanks for the tally ID.

      What a cracking picture....

      i think the guy hiding in the background in my pic is wearing the same. I can see the stripes on his uniform just showing round the pole...

      (And he looks like Max Verstappen (F1) to me!)

      thanks again both





    3. Hi Gents

      A photo I have that I hope you’ll enjoy...

      Reverse says it was taken at a place called Scloss Godens in August 1925.


      I like the mix of ranks in the group with the inclusion of the lady placed within the group.


      On the front row my amateur eye sees the one officer with a bow tie, I presume he is the highest ranking and another two officers flanking him with long ties.

      The men either end I think are ‘nco’s as their collar tabs are different to the men on  the back row.

      However- On the back row there are four faces not three! 


      i have only just noticed the ‘guest’ who joined the back row  ...   for me it makes the picture....  i think the two men on the end find it funny but the middle fella is not so impressed.


      lastly , I can’t see all of the detail on the cap tallies of the two as they wrap around further than the picture shows but there is a word ending  ‘MMDIVISION’ and a space followed by another word


      i hope it’s of some interest to you Gents


    4. Hello Bayern

      thank you yes...

      ive even written it down!

      But I know I’ve got a lot to learn!


      Please tell me can you tell that from the pictures? Or is it from the additional info from the card addresses?

      I wonder - do you remember one of my first posts describing a supposed major general’s uniform which in fact was a majors uniform??

      I spent weeks getting that one wrong!


      10 minutes ago, Bayern said:

      Hello tony ,So you have understanded , first KF then Fahnrich and then Leutnant 


    5. Hi Bayern

      First Thanks again....

      I had googled fahnrich before and found out it was a rank not a name!

      please could you tell me what the 'ensign' rank you mention is?  perhaps does it mean no longer a cadet but 'full' rank?

      you,ve commented on pics of my grandfather before who seems to have followed a similar course through the ranks....


      22 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Farkas , The man portrayed was first a kadettfeldwebel then an ensign ad later a lieutenant


    6. hi gents,

      Thanks Bayern and Ian...

      the feldpostekarte on this and the other pics on the other thread have all got writing on them underneath the photos, I,m pretty sure the photos were added at a later date. the others are post sent to the soldier pictured which then have made it back 'home'.   so I disregarded the dates in relation to when the photo was taken.  I had googled the bits I could read. 

      I was reluctant to think the picture on the left of this card was the same man because of an apparent passing of time and lack of medals.... but puzzled why another man was attached to the same card.

      reading both your replies I see a possibility that they are the same man....

      As you say Ian, this could well be a reservist recalled, and, as you say Bayern, the date is significant in its own right and perhaps that is why he got the recall....  there are no other cards to or from him.

      lastly, the middle award does hang lower than the first so perhaps because of a crown. looking at the original with a glass it would fit but even the original picture sadly isn't clear enough to be sure

      thanks again both

      best wishes


      22 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Dear Farkas , the date is relevant , November of 1918 ,a more relevant is the location . Mobil Epidemiespital . that is a hospital created to thecare of the thousands of victims of the  pandemia of Flu known as Spanish Flu .

      The line at the back of the collar marks the unit of belonging . the old collar patches were replaced circa 1916 but not entirely with arm or branch of service stripes . that is what our man wears . of course he bears the rank of Feldwebel . 


      17 hours ago, Ian said:

      Looking at the photo I think he has been awarded the either a silver and gold Verdienstkreuz or two silver/gold Verdienstkreuz.  It also appears as if the second Verdientskreuz may have a crown.  Last medal is definitely a 1908 Jubileekreuz.

      My guess is he was a reservist who was recalled to serve during the war and therefore he has  no long service medal, 1913 mobilisation cross or other indications of 'long' service.





    7. Hi Gents

      ive been looking at this for days!


      i looked through the whole of this thread - (which is awesome) - so I could do a bit more than just post the picture....

      Rank.....I’m usually wrong! And based on this chart I see 2 or 3 that wouldn’t surprise me.


      my guess is,currently, he is a feldwebel ((but the line at the back of the collar is likely to be relevant. )?) 

      However the medals as I see them  (poorly named sorry ...) are of an officer.?



      Possibly medals are

      a 1908  jubilee

      verdiest kreuze (red enamel arms?)

      military merit cross

      the last of these was,I believe, only issued to officers...


      So If an NCO then maye the crosses are a 12/13 mobilisation and length of service .... but I really don’t think so... ribbon etc


      Anyway - thats the best I can do gents... !!



      I think it’s a nice picture whichever





      the date on the card is not relevant to the picture but the photo is likely to be of the man who sent it ...


    8. Hi Bayern


      different to a kepi(!) that I know...




      Just curious though  .. why do think the guy on the left looks all dressed up compared to the rest?is he different or.. Just because he is prepared to brave the cold with coat off?






      1 hour ago, Bayern said:

      Christian , The hungarian knot over the trousers ,certainly was common to all Hungarian Infantry Regiments , but the Honved ones weared madder red braid and the Common Army ones ,yellow and black braid. The Common Army retained the yellow and black with the pike grey uniform. the Honved adopted slate grey braid. 

      Farkas , The men wearing tellermutzen, are Austrian Republican Gendarms , the men with the mortar ,Hungarian Honved soldiers of about 1930






    9. Good evening IrishGunner!

      at 01.57 Welsh time I decided to see what time it was for you by checking your location and the answer was 02.01 and I’m telling you this at 02.06(?).....

      i’m not The quickest but that’s not the problem cos I am keen!

      I really appreciate your reply. I hoped for one like yours...


      if I write a considerably long reply, pouring my heart out ish will you reply because if I did then I’d be gutted if you didn’t acknowledge it!

      Shall I go for it...?






      48 minutes ago, IrishGunner said:

      Tony, my approach usually is to research as much as I can about an object before asking questions in a post here on GMIC.  So, I will at least see what I can find with Google before posting questions.  Doing the research yourself is part of the fun.  That said, Google searches can be tricky things and take some practice (at least in my opinion) to get the phrases that return the best results.  Of course, frequently the "experts" here on GMIC do not need to search for an answer as they have the resources readily to hand; in many cases, those resources are print books or years of experience that Google just can't replicate.


    10. Hi Both

      Many thanks for your thoughts and the info...

      i do hope they ‘belong’ together, having been together for 100+ years, that was the attraction for me.  For now at least, I’ll treat them as such...!

      i’d rather post my stuff and ask about it here than google search it. It must seem lazy sometimes when the answer is ‘obvious’ but when you gents have questions too I don’t feel so bad!

      So thanks again

      best wishes


      22 hours ago, ccj said:

      Even on the Fiedgray uniform? This strap looks like a slip on for the 1907/10 but I may be wrong.


      its a very nice strap...

      23 hours ago, IrishGunner said:

      Often the case.  However, Bavarian infantry was also red.



    11. Hi Bayern, Christian

      these are a little challenge for you to enjoy I hope...

      i know the dates - they’ve all got them on the reverse.

      I wonder if you can work them out??

      The first two are related and taken a few months apart 

      the third is separate....









      Hope you like






      20 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hungarian Lanwdwehr infantry ,around 1895  1900


      On 16/07/2018 at 05:23, Christian1962 said:

      Dear Tony,

      the decoration on the trousers were worn by hungarian Honved infantry too. And as far as I remember by all hungarian troops, infantry of the regular common k.u.k. army included.




    12. hi Morar

      thanks for posting the pics on the other thread...


      interesting selection you've found

      I posted a link on the Austro Hungarian forum a little while back that leads to a list of weapon markings

      I cant read the ones on your sword from the picture but maybe you can find out a bit more about if you find a match for yours on there...

      perhaps too, it is of note that the helm has a cruciform base to the spike....


      best wishes





    13. hi Morar

      Great photo and what a cool frame it is in

      I saw your other post about your journey which led to this and some other nice finds...

      Did the lady tell you which one of these was her relative? and maybe his name?

      I also notice each of the three has decoration on their trousers.

      the sort of thing I would have expected on a hussar tunic ….


      once again great photo , nice find...



      On ‎13‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 09:31, Morar Andrei said:

      A recent discovery







    14. Hi Gents

      i feel I was lucky to get these together the other day....


      the photo is a large framed photo of recruits for the reserve battalion of the Bayern 3rd infantry regiment 



      and the bonus was this collar board that came with it.




      As it is the only one I have Gents, I wonder if it is a good example?

      I don’t mind a couple of moth holes!

      any thoughts or opinions welcome as always Gents



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