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    Posts posted by Farkas

    1. Don't give up asking Alex.

      some kind gents out there will answer in good time 

      in the meantime.... I don't really see a problem here yet, if there is one at all.

      as you realise your helm is not the same as the example you found, but that does not mean there is a problem surely?


      the pic of yours shows it has:

      a different shape shell - yours is less rounded

      a different 'plate' - the bottom of the eagle is wider on yours

      a different chin strap - yours taper more to the clasp

      a different base to the spike mounting - yours has four 'holes', the example two


      Until someone tells you what it is I wouldn't change a thing. 

      and then if both strap and cockades are original and of the period of the helm I see no problem and surely there are many scenarios to choose from to explain the mismatch.

      ie if worn in combat the cockades on it may have been more suitable being black rather than a stand out design with white. 

      and.. the example has a metal chin strap so why not yours?


      so again, until someone tells you what it is don't assume anything is 'wrong' 

      perhaps some pictures of the strap and cockades alone would establish if those too are original period or modern replacements.....

      the body of it has already passed that test surely.

      hope I haven't gone on too much

      best wishes


      On ‎08‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 02:22, Bayern said:

      Hello Alex K . I am not a wizard ,but some details of your pickelhaube are too genuine for a fake one


    2. Hi GreyC and Bayern

      very interesting to read your comments

      i keep saying it - they are always greatly appreciated.



      On 10/07/2018 at 08:37, GreyC said:

      Hi Tony,

      row standing: 3rd from left airforce, 11th and last police


      row seated: 8th from left police.


      The three in white could possibly be doctors, as they are given room in the middle, reserved usually for the most important people in the group.



      10 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello , Tony ,the Beamte is a  official , who served into the Armed Forces ,in some capacity ,and entitled to the use of Officer or senior NCO . the theme is complex , due the numerous classes of Beamten that existed into the German Armed forces .

      The use of officer or senior NCO uniform  . the beamten possesed the consideration of officer or NCO but they had not military authority .


    3. hi Morar

      thanks for posting the pictures...  

      as ever, they have great facial hair but myself, i cant tell you much more...

      the group photo in particular is really cool


      best wishes



      On ‎09‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 22:11, Morar Andrei said:

      What can I find about this photo? All I surely know is that the two gentlemen are from south-east Transylvania.




      And a bonus: soldiers returned home to their village, winter 1918. Location: Cuciulata, modern Brasov county.



    4. hi Christian

      thanks for the info , that's good to know...

      as a 'Farkas' I like the idea these might be of Hungarian descent too....




      6 hours ago, Christian1962 said:

      I must confess that I do not why, but it was common style for esp. hungarian officers in the Habsburg army to wear the swords upside down on MVK, Iron Crown and order of Leopold. I have seen it very often.




    5. Morning Bayern

      They are a dodgey looking group!

      as it’s not my usual thing could you translate/explain  beamte for me please?



      15 minutes ago, Bayern said:

      Hello Tony , A curious group , Some Police officers, a Luftwaffe Beamte and I think, nearly all the others are beamten too .


      Google says ‘civil servant’ ...?

      do you mean the three in the white?

      they are the ones I wouldn’t want to meet!


    6. Hi gents

      i bought this a little while back. It came with the medals pictured on the trifold ribbons.  Which I doubt belong. Someone must have put them together not recognising the Hindenburg ribbon and instead putting in a wound medal.  However the medals look like a related group of four including the wound medal and then three campaign medals added on. I also notice the ‘swords’  are upside down? But seems like a period made mistake to me. Do the swords on the bar look original to those who know I wonder?

      ive added my own spares to the bar and left the medals in their trifolds....

      hope you like it gents






    7. Hi gents

      a denazified belt buckle I have.....

      i’m wondering if someone recognises it?

      I bought a small group of assorted buckles old and new. And at first i thought this was scout related but started looking again because Ebay cancelled its listing.

      It came with another, also denazified. Which I thought may well be a copy.  But now wonder whether they belong together in fact....

      I beleive the fleur de lis was used by a French volunteer unit/SS?

      Any thoughts welcome gents....













    8. 20 hours ago, Bayern said:

      Hello Farkas , Idont laugh ,but i know that there were no cockades with F F for Franz Ferdinand . probably the cockades with the double F belonged to the Freiwillige Feuerwehr . The Firemen .


      18 hours ago, Christian1962 said:

      They are after 1918 until 1938.




      Hi both

      thanks for having a look

      and as always I do appreciate your help...

      Bayern - I do like your suggestion for the FF’s. Makes sense. Ive got one of those old imperial German fireman helmets so I might tuck these away with that.

      Christian - thanks for the date/period for these. They looked similar to more modern ones I have on a couple of caps from army surplus pickings.

      thanks again




    9. Hi Alex

      i hope my reply prompts those wizards  who know the finer signs to put you out of your misery (or not...) with a definitive answer...

      First though,  regardless, i think it looks great.

      It looks better than the example you picture.

      If it’s original then you’ve got a beauty and a bargain, if not original then still a beauty. To me, the fittings look undisturbed on yours and with the plate flush and tight... and the inside is lovely, the colours and condition is great looking.

      fingers crossed for you

      best wishes




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