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    Posts posted by Farkas

    1. Hi jf42

      thanks for your replies all along...

      I don't know why having this troubles me so much. But it does. Historically prob the most significant thing I have.

       I've offered this to a Gent who I think, based on his posts, should have it.

      A gift in return for its safekeeping....

      no answer yet- even to me it sounds like a scam so I understand that....

      I hope he wants it.




    2. Hi Gents, David, Simon

      i like these!

      id certainly give them a tin of their own and keep them together just in case....

      just noticed this on the badge.... which is a good start...


      and the tags look good to me. As at least they match later issued ones I have - maybe other Gents know if this design matches those issued up to 1916?

      That he was buried at home supports the case that his effects could have made it home to a relative...

      I agree the glue doesn't help the chances of authenticity but a modern fraudster would have known that and not used it so I would suggest, and I personally would  'choose' to beleive, that the  wings were bought in good faith by the 'keeper' of the other two items at a later date, rather than belonging to Morrell himself. I agree with Simon- they very unlikely his.... but part of the story that's lost in time!

      I like....,


    3. On 22/11/2017 at 13:21, peter monahan said:

      Well called.  The 55th were in Afghanistan and earned the N.W.F. 1919 bar.  After '22 they became the 1/13th FF Rifles - and medals issued 1923 and later would reflect that, I think - but also do not appear to have been in action again until WWII.

      Ah that's interesting, good to know....thanks as always Peter

      best wishes


    4. On 21/11/2017 at 03:20, Bayern said:

      Chris : Your mapcase is probably as i said , of a older type ,used by Austro Hungarian officers and cadet officers between 1880 and 1909 .made of black leather . but after the replacement by the tan leather type , your model continued in use .


      Bayern do you get frustrated with us?? I can't help laughing. You knew what it was all the time!

      Nice one both, pleasure


    5. 17 hours ago, Tony said:

      Tony, do you know Hewitt has two sets of records online? Under his 61598 number and 39204 too

      Hi Tony

      thanks for your reply

      Regrettably i have never researched it... or the majority of my others.

      I'm behind the times a bit when it comes to the web 

      Are Hewitt's records available to all  or pay per view??

      ((About 2 years ago I got given an old I phone. Until then i had been off line for about ten years, I didn't know what I was missing! a lot has changed since XP on my Pc))


      18 hours ago, Tony said:

      . I started collecting various cap badges back in the 90s only to find at a later date that many were restrikes, that put me off them.

      I found the same Tony. Both medals and badges - I still referred to books that said certain things proved originality - no longer. I had no idea how things had changed. Can't trust much nowadays.... sadly.



    6. Hi Gents

      i get sentimental sometimes.... moment of truth.

      As ive said I want to find this a good home.

      ive just read this thread through and I can see my struggle! to do what I should.

      It's wrong that I'm currently keeping this fella like this....


      amongst some army surplus.!.


      Bugler Jacobs is in danger of being lost in time. But today I received an e mail to which I have 


      On 18/07/2017 at 05:26, BlackWatch said:


      The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) have a museum in Low Parks Museum, Hamilton, Lanarkshire. They also may be able to shine a little more light on your object, but I think your fellow forum members have done a splendid job of helping out on this one.

      So - I have been mailing/'fishing' for any interest at the all the IWM and the museums you Gents have suggested... to no avail.


      Until today when I have got an answer....


      So Gents

      Tomorrow, I will think, by making this offer i am foolish..,,

      I hope by then you Gents might reassure me!!


    7. 17 hours ago, Iver said:

      ...look here..


      ...but i dont think it has to do something with army or imperial family or so. just a nice ornament for a draft horse...

      Iver, can't thank you enough for the picture....

      9 hours ago, peter monahan said:

      I agree: almost certainly a piece of horse harness, though it coukld I suppose be for a military horse as easily as a civilian one.

      Appreciated both....


      Hi Gents obviously I hope it's old and maybe military or even Royal!

      its the crest I thought made it worth a punt...

      I'll post pics once I've got it....


    8. Hi Gents

      I'd love some thoughts on this....

      i couldn't resist it... gulp!

      Its in the USA but on its way to me.

      it was described as an 'incomplete belt' 

      These are the pics from the advert.


      i reckon the crest is this one but wider...



      I think this piece is no belt as the crest would not be worn sideways. If so this looks like it would be worn on the chest or even the back as a 'plate'. Then the straps angle down and are wrapped somehow. The straps look surely incomplete to some degree.

      i haven't yet found a picture that's similar.... yet.

      Hope you like Gents.

      All replies appreciated.


    9. Hi Jerry.....

      i have the first one pegged as The Royal Welsh...

      Just looked at the third and there is that little bit left of the scroll...

      Nice one mate. Wouldn't have noticed that or thought of it as chopped even... nice one.

      Cheers from the 'Diff' !


      11 hours ago, Jerry B said:

      Tony, the first one is welsh brigade form the 60's or Gurkhas, second is welch and is possibly ok, last is the welsh with the bottom scroll cut off


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