Hello, I'm trying to research British WW1 and WW2 dated Special Constabulary lapel badges. In particular trying to identify which badges belong to which period. Does anyone know of any useful websites or books that I could refer to please?
I've recently acquired this small ATS lapel badge and surprised to see that it has a serial number stamped on the rear.
Has anyone come across this before or know what the serial number refers too please?
Yes, that is really annoying. There must be stacks of Commonwealth and Imperial records out there, but not accessible unless you visit the actual records office.
I remember though when all you could get of UK records was the Medal Index Card.
Can someone tell me what the lightening flashes on the Belgian 1940-45 Commemorative Medal ribbon were specifically for please. There's some vague references online to 'Intelligence' or the resistance, but not much detail.
Thank you, Duncan.
Hi, just an update, the rolls and legders are not searchable online, so you have to visit the records office in Australia to manually search.
Thanks for the help, Duncan.
I bought a few WW2 Australian badges, all numbered on the rear. Are there any online records where I might be able to find the recipient using these numbers please.
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