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    Christian L

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    Posts posted by Christian L

    1. thanks a lot to all for participating!!!

      these rarly or (at least for me) some never seen decorations are very nice and interesting!

      if there will be a picturebook available on these, i'm pretty sure that i'd like to get one - as those are real eye candys with a lot of research potential in the way of historical background (not for the recipient, but for the decoration itself!)


    2. here is a bigger scann of the markers tag and catch - also from the bar itself i'm selling it and (as much you can trust a sellers comment - or perhaps not) i really like the bar (very much)!

      the catch is not a "rounded" hand made one - its not U shape like it has real corners like this [] (its impossible to make a scann of it, but i hope you understand my poor explanation).

    3. as africa is such a big part on the map, i'm really trying to get some orders of the different states to my mind - but it is harder than i thought!

      from the more common ones like egypt, tunesia and ethiopia i get some - but others - even with looking up in some databases i would really enjoy if forum members have some and would like to share!


    4. this very well worn ribbonbar looks very good to me - but i have a few problems in iding the ribbons, as there are no devices on.

      so my guess would be:

      1.) ek 2

      2.) nco plm (so made it to officer during the war)

      3.) house order of hohenzollern with swords

      4.) saxonian albrechts order

      5.) hessen bravery medal

      6.) long service decoration

      7.) centenial medal

      8.) kyffh?user medal

      am i correct on these?


    5. after looking and thinking more and more on the bar, i'd say, that the missing award is a foreign decoration which was awarded during the war.

      veterans award - no, as if he would have been entitled for wearing the honor legion medal at the time he ordered the lapel bow he would have worn it there as well or he prefered an "official" lapel bow - with the orders and medals in the official way mounted - so the missing award is the last one.

      so i'd say, this order was awarded during the war and was related to "something-real" not like his awards he choose to wear behind his honor legion medal on the medalbar (as a way of showing his way of preference) and the lapel bow as the official way.

      (hard to explain my thinkings of the bar - even in german :speechless: )

      but i would say - foreign wartime award!


    6. wow - great breast star!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love::love::love:

      (if you ask like this - It is cased and, if you wish, I can haul out the camera and snap the case while the goodie is on "home leave". - than i can't say no :rolleyes: )

      thanks much and a great work of art!


    7. :speechless1:

      please help me - (i'm a job student - so i would be very pleasent if you can provid me more infos on this for replacing the medals - otherwise it wouldn't be possible anymore as i will ran out of money :o:speechless: )

      but another question - do you think it will be traceable? (if i'll be able to find the correct medals?)

      i know at the moment only another medalbar with a english medal on (i'm thinking on a ww2 medalbar now)


    8. this trapez medalbar without medals confuses me a bit.

      ribbons are:

      1.) prussian long service

      2.) prussian crown order (but why behind a long service decoration?), w?rttemberg friedrichs order, greek order of redeemer

      3.) russian saint stanislaus order, or medal for zeal

      4.) wasn't able to find this ribbon :speechless1:

      or was my guess wrong that this is a german bar? (construction is very german i think, and the ribbons, construction and everything else makes me feel that it is old and original)

      but perhaps someone else is able to help me a little.

      now the pics:

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