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    Christian L

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    Posts posted by Christian L

    1. nice document!

      such documents with a large picture/print where used for special medal-documents, as honor document (for a got raid and as commemorative documents (as there are the dates of ww1 on, i think this is only for commemorative purpose) but still very nice, as the people decorating their wall with it, where very proud on the soldier who got it.

      it would be great, if the forum can help to find out more about it!


    2. wow - the box advert is rare and interesting but i have never seen the informing postcard for getting the honorcross!

      as it was stated in the postcard itself, i always thought that you need to apply for recieving it.

      its really a "shame" that we know the awarding numbers, production varieties, ... on rare and often not affortable awards but nearly nothing on awards we are able to get and to study!

      added a front and reverse picture of an application i ones owned:

      (which proofs that they really required some sort of service for recieving the cross!)

    3. wow! thats a really nice forwarding letter you have there (much more infos containing than mine!)

      but the hindenburg doc is GREAT :cheers:

      thats only possible when civil servants akt with a high bureaucracy! :rolleyes:

      i'd say that this is the most interesting one i've ever seen, as so much is behind it you'd never would guess!!!

      and with other papers from the same person - its wonderfull for research i guess!


    4. fakes of this medal are existing!

      the one i've seen was a cast medal and painted (the casting was not too bad - but was vissible because of the "casting-bubbles" and the tipical rim of casted medals)

      sadly i don't have a picture - but as the price of this medal is not so low, you'll notice it while you have a closer look at the medal before buying.


    5. i'm not able to show any kind of special and rare items - but i like this small "grouping".

      its an often seen frontfighers doc for a baker with the rarer seen "shipping" paper - and as they have on the left hand side a form for other things they shipped with it, i wonder if many of them used it (for getting the military pass entry for recieving the honorcross)

      also i'm interested if they shipped it to the recipients or if they had to collect it up at the office / or at an awarding ceremony (as no adress is fild in)

      beside the doc i have the original cross which came with it as well :blush:

      (and the marker mark is: 87 R.V. Pforzheim - whoever it was, it was not that far away of the recipient so i'm interested as well, if the officies purchased the honorcrosses directly or if berlin bought them and send them those with different mm's around germany?)

      now the doc (if someone wants to see the cross, let me know :P )


    6. indeed a nice medalbar - even if you would never recognice if it would lay between other medalbars with big enamel on (including me for sure)!

      but i guess, on these NICE items you are able to get them sometimes for "almost" nothing, with getting something rare / or at least not often seen!


      thanks a lot for the discount!

      but if it is possible i'd like to "trade" it for another quiz :blush::catjava:

      its very enjoyable to take part in a quiz, but the quizmaster is the one who have to recognice

      "IT" (in this case the noncombattantes medal on the combattants ribbon) first - so to him is the wreath!


    7. i'm looking quiet often in this area during the last time, as the regimental badges, jetons and decorations are really beautifull and very interesting with all the infos given (as i'm not able to read any russian word)

      but until now i wasn't able to get, why in imperial russia they used to have so many jetons - my questions now are:

      are those official (as i've seen a pic of one in wear by a soldier in uniform)?

      for what they are?

      and if there is something mayor "behind" those i should know to understand it?

      thanks much for the help christian

    8. i personally like the design of this award - and now try to get some more infos about it.

      (have seen the other thread, but thought, it would be best, to creat an extra thread for the badge and its varietys)

      used the pictures from the battushig book

      J 01 - best herder

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