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    Christian L

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    Posts posted by Christian L

    1. while i was vieing the battushig book, it came to my mind, asking you, if you would collect the pins, badges and academy awards from mongolia.

      i would compare them with german day badges (or at least something like this) - they are not that expensive, and you have a huge variety to choose from and they can be also very interesting.

      let me know what you think!


    2. THANKS MUCH TO ALL for their comments!

      Didn't realiced the issue on the Sudetenland ribbon at first - but it would be very interesting to get more light in the dark of this award.

      About the clasps i'm 100% percent SURE!!!

      The quality is superb but sadly its not possible to show the polished fire gilding of them :speechless1::love:

      And something i found at the weekend ...

      (OMM no. 68 p. 36)

      That i know what i have to look for!

    3. Today i realized, that you have to VISIT a dealer for seeing great stuff and picking up THE items you NEED!

      (went out yesterday in the eavening and had a lot of fun - a little pain in the head today in the morning, but i KNEW why i had to get up and have to go to the "treasure cave" from Uwe Bretzendorfer) - i've seen a lot of nice items there :love: , laying on the table and where only waiting for getting touched from my fingers :rolleyes: - but than i saw the HOLY GRAIL :jumping:

      and even better, it wasn't sold until now :jumping::jumping: - and so I GOT IT!!! :cheers:

      (if my budged will allow it - i'll visit him for sure more often and don't wait that long; like those famous words describe it best - The early bird catches the worm!)

      But now i'll share the beauty with which Mr. Bretzendorfer made MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. intersting paperwork you have george! :cheers:

      tried to id the ribbons - but its very difficult, because there are many mongol ribbons which only differ in the color, but not in the way they "split the ribbon for adding the color".

      will try it a little harder, but i don't think i'll be a real help!


    5. i'm looking for any information about the order nishan el iftikar from tunisia i can get.

      for any help i'm very pleasend:

      - web sites

      - books and magazines

      - pictures of examples

      - pictures of examples in wear

      - miniaures

      - cases

      - ribbons

      thanks very much in advance christian

      ps: here is one i have - arabic mm, and awarded under the rule of Sidi Ahmed (1929-1942)

    6. i don't collect lithuanian awards, but the artwork on the documents and the "uncommon" design of their awards is fascinating!

      and i think this is the reason why i have 4 or 5 books about lithuanian medals in my shelf - and they are GREAT!!!!!!


      ps: the document is, at least in my opinion, one of the best in artwork and design of the time it was issued

    7. thats THE PROBLEM - prices!!!!!!!!!

      i would call me as a REAL starter - but money is short and not growing on the trees.

      but i would never slaughter a bar - i'm "happy" if i get "parts" because they are affortable, but i can look into the mirror every morning and say, its the way i got it - but if i have to decide between having and slaugthering, i would say not having - otherwise i wouldn't enjoy the medal with knowing in which "neighborhood" it could be.

      but does anyone of the "older" generation have an idea about getting new blood into collecting (collecting frontfighter crosses can be nice but for many it isn't!)


    8. stogieman

      i calculated the price on the everage "market"

      if you find those guys - you sure can get more - but the "normal" marked will never pay the price for rare and unusal items (thats the feeling i got)

      mr. research

      yes - but how about trying to get all the nameings together (with dates) will this leed to a solution :unsure:

      i don't think so :blush:

      but hey - do we want to know everything? there should be something left for further generations :D


    9. don't try rick - if someone was born as an idiot, your not above god, allah (or however you want to call him/it) - those people will stick to what they are.

      and they can be happy - because they are so stupid they don't realize it - and something i thought very long (much longer than i thought about some copies of the battle clasps of the Kolonialdenkm?nze - its never possible to change something/anything - try to live with it and make it better - perhaps than something changes - or not, but don't tell others that they are stupid, idiots, ... than they'll never change - give them yourself as an example how something can work, and this have to be enough)

      anyway, as long as we keep history as what it is, we do the best in this world - (and who knows, if the guy gets a few "nice" fakes into his collection - and is happy about it, do you want to tell him - i don't - because if no one asks me about comments, i don't give them, and every one is happy :rolleyes::catjava:)

      hope its not offending what i wrote - but thats the life - at least what i think about after those 20 years i stay here.


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