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    Posts posted by JohanH

    1. My opinion is that I don't believe the bar belonged to Dr. Martin. 


      Yes, Dr. Martin received the Knight 1st class of the Vasa order in 1912, on July 20th to be precise. He never got a 2nd class Vasa-order. 

      I can't see any logical reason to mount a 2nd class silver order instead of the gold one he received.  


      The 2nd class Knight cross is much rarer than the 1st class. A total of 1471 awards of 2nd class compared to many thousands of 1st class crosses. (I'm not done with the rolls of the Vasa order yet so the total number is still unknown.)


      The Swedish government decided that from 1924 (or 1926, I don't remember) that all orders (Sword, North star and Vasa) awarded to foreigners would be made from gilded bronze/silver and not 18k gold. The decision was made to save money. 


      If you have the list of German functionaries I can check it against my list of 2nd class crosses and hopefully we find something. 

    2. Here are my little contribution of Swedes with the Hohenzollern House Order. 


      I don't know if these are known already or whether they received it with or without swords. 


      Hjalmar Mauritz Lagerström 

      Born 1888-01-13 in Enköping, Sweden

      Died 1975-10-19 in Stockholm, Sweden


      Albert Edvin Ekdahl

      Born 1885-08-17 in Karlsborg, Sweden

      Died 1967-12-06 in Solna, Sweden


      Carl Robert Douglas

      Born 1880-04-24 in Konstanz, Germany

      Died 1955-08-26


      Ernst Lars Isaac Silfversvärd

      Born 1863-12-26 in Stockholm, Sweden

      Died 1949-08-01 in Stockholm, Sweden


      And finally one "with crown and swords"


      Gustaf David Gilbert John William Hamilton

      Born 1869-03-20 in Tillberga, Sweden

      Died 1947-08-11 in Linköping, Sweden

    3. 1 hour ago, Valter said:

      Simius, I greatly appreciate your explanations and gratefuly learn you and other experienced members who are willing to share knowledge. I also appreciate chechaco's intial post with calculations, spasibo bolšoje!


      ‎ När Simius förklarade om det grälande bråket bland Meckelnburgspecialisten om dessa korss aukitiitet får jag en idé. Försökte någon analisera metallinnehållet i dessa kors? Jag är medveten om att de flesta samlare inte har resurser för det, men kanske skulle det vara möjligt med analys av metall (‎‎några strimlar av originalkors‎) to compare the composition of these crosses with composition of late-19th century cannon bronze (which should be recorded in some period manufacturing documents). I'm not a metallurgist so I don't know if this is possible, but I believe it should be. The same way as collectors of paintings analyze the paint of supposed original vs. fake paintings and compare these with known components of old paint.

      It might work to use a handheld PMI XRF gun to do an material analyze.
      It does not make any damage on the tested subject and since it's handheld it could easily be carried with you and do the same test on any old cannon. Then you might find out if they are both made from the same type of material composition. 


      The biggest problem with these test guns is the price...

    4. On 02/06/2014 at 16:28, Claudius said:

      This is a terrific outcome to Christer’s hard work. :love:


      There would have been no identifying this medal bar without Christer’s list and his perseverance in checking each possible combination. Antti Ruokonen informed me of the situation with the Romanian award lists and it was clear that there would be no Order of Culture list to cross-check.


      Christer, my words of thanks fall short of expressing my gratitude to your efforts. Thank you for your work in giving back a name to medal bar that had lost its owner. :cheers:


      I would really like to learn about Dr. Paul Emmanuel Karl Martin, WWI and post war service if there is anyone who has additional information.



      Old thread I know. :)


      Is the Order of Vasa gold/gilded or silver?

      On the pictures it looks like silver which would mean that it's a 2nd class and Dr. Martin isn't the original owner. 


      Since Dr. Martin received his Vasa order in 1912 it should be made of 18k gold. If I remember correctly they year they changed to gilded bronze to foreigners was in 1924. 


      Only 196 germans received the Order of Vasa 2nd class knight.

    5. Hello!


      Can anybody help me to find what awards Carl Johannes Hugo Frahne from Prussia was awarded. Or any other information available. 
      What I know is that he is listed as leutnant and attaché in Sweden in 1910, in 1925 he is listed as a former captain. 


      He received the Swedish order of the Sword Knight 2nd class in 1908 and the Swedish order of Vasa knight 1st class in 1911.

    6. Hello!


      It's the grand cross with red decoration (con distintivo rojo).


      Red decoration is awarded for courage, actions, deeds or service during an armed conflict or military operations that involve or may involve the use of armed force and may require significant military or command skills; since 2007 it can be awarded to for acts of gallantry while on an overseas mission and to soldiers fallen during such a mission.


      Cross of Military Merit - Wikipedia

    7. The photograph is from the collection of the Swedish war museum. 


      I have thought about the same thing myself and I don't think there are two miniatures missing. 

      All of Aminoffs awards is on the chain except for a commander grade of the North star order. But he would wear that one around his neck so that might explain why it's not on the chain. 


      I think that the brighter part of the chain where it looks like a miniature once was is the place where the two chains have been soldered together. There is a similar bright part on the other end of the chain too. 


      And finally, if there has been a bracket for another miniature, then it must have been cut of by a jeweller or similar. My guess would be that a person in Aminoffs position would have the chain totally re-done rather than just cutting of a bracket. 

    8. The marks on the ring are Swedish hallmarks and maker marks. As far as I have found, only 8 swedes received the grand officer of the Star of Ethiopia. 


      Here it is mounted on the chain with the other miniatures. 

      The one missing is probably the commemorative medal of the kings jubilee 1928. I think I have a spare mini of that one somewhere. When I find it I will mount it to complete the chain. 


    9. You are absolutely right. I do mean Legion of Honour. Don't know what I was thinking. :)


      Considering the arrangement of the orders my guess would be that he is French. 


      I think you are right that the brilliants is just a matter of taste and nothing special. 


      THANK you for the tip. That is exactly what I need. Not only for helping me ID this chain but also to find information for my other lists. Thank you once again!


      I'll post a few photos tomorrow when (hopefully) the sun can provide some good light. 

    10. Hello!


      I just got a nice miniature chain who belonged to a French individual and since I have no experience in researching French orders I feel the need to ask for your expertise. 


      The orders on the chain are:

      Legion of Honour with brilliants

      Ordre des Palmes académiques with brilliants

      Ordre du Mérite agricole with brilliants

      Swedish order of Vasa

      Italian order of the crown

      Swedish order of the Sword II class

      Italian order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus


      The Swedish Sword order 2nd class have only been awarded to 70 French nationals. When I am done with checking the rolls for the order of Vasa I will probably (hopefully) end up with a lot fewer possible individuals. 


      When I have done that, is there any way to find out if these remaining individuals received the orders on the chain to further narrow it down?

      Like a state calender or similar which shows all decorations for an individual. To add to the mix is that I can't read or understand French. 

    11. I don't believe medal 5 is the Swedish Pro Patria medal, it would not make sense since it's a civilian medal awarded for long and faithful service. The Pro Patria medal also has the kings profile on the front and the ribbon is black with yellow edges, which this medal don't seem to have. 


      I rather believe it's the Swedish medal of the Sword (Svärdsmedaljen) which was awarded to military personnel. Kaiser Wilhelm II received a special gold version in 1875. It was the only gold medal ever awarded. 



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