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    1. Here is the book with a list of German recipients of the Libertycross and Libertymedal. Frihetskors till Tyskar 1918 - Medalj-forskning.se
    2. Here is another ribbon bar to a woman. The first medal is unfortunately missing.
    3. The precedence of the orders points towards a Spanish recipient. But there are a few questions that remain. The Falcon order is the pre 1944 version and only two spanish recipients got the knight cross of type 1. The Spanish order don't look as old as the others? Or am I fooled by the photos? It the Danish Order of Kristian X type? Does it look like there has been more miniatures before the Spanish one? It appears to be some black thread on the back of the ribbon.
    4. Here is a nice set with both full-size and miniatures. There MIGHT be a SMALL possibility to ID the owner, or at least narrow it down. I will hopefully get access to the roll over awarder civil defence medals for 1942 (it's hallmarked silver) within a few weeks. Then I need to get the list of Vasa medals for 1955 to cross-check against.
    5. Amazing! Thank you very much! I would never had been able to get all that information on my own. So he was a Feldwebel in the Luftwaffe and stationed at first a flight school and then a sea rescue team who rescued downed pilots? I wonder why he got the Finnish medal, perhaps he rescued the pilot of a downed Finnish aircraft?
    6. Today I got a few documents from the Bundesarchiv for free. Does this mean he was stationed at a Flight-school in Pütnitz between 1939 and 1944? Can someone help me to understand this document? My german is too basic to understand much more than he was born in Kiel and served as a Feldwebel.
    7. How do you do this? Have you made a database with recipients of medals and type in the different awards and it spits out a name or how does it work? The reason I ask is because I have some plans of a database like that for Swedish medals and orders.
    8. Here is a miniature bar that I am uncertain of its originality. There were only about 20 Swedish volunteers in Royal Air Force and as far as I have found only one person received these medals: Ulf "Chris" Christiernsson The only error is that his red cross medal should be with king Gustaf V not Gustaf VI Adolf... So I am not convinced about the originality of the bar. Swedish Red Cross medal "För fötjänster om den frivilliga sjukvården" The 1939-1945 Star The Aircrew Europe Star The Africa Star The Italy Star The War Medal 1939-1945
    9. von Wegerer got the Swedish Order of the Sword, knight 1st class as major on August 21st 1913 according to the roll.
    10. Here we have a really nice piece with a miniature of Litteris et Artibus medal:
    11. I don't know if these have been shown here before:
    12. Hello! Is there any way to find any information about Feldwebel Martin Herrnbrodt, born April 6th 1913? A google search turns up a person with the same name who received the Iron cross 1st class and was apparently a member of the Luftwaffe. But I don´t know if it is the same person. The one I am looking for got the Finnish Medal of Liberty 2nd class on July 7th 1942.
    13. I believe it is a religious badge related to The Salesians of Don Bosco. Search on google for the motto praeit ac tuetur and you can find similar badges.
    14. The Norwegian order in 1873. Unfortunately I can only find the year, not the date.
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