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    Posts posted by pat66

    1. Bonjour de France,

      pour la période, c'est le modèle de la 3° république, à partir de 1870, en 1951 le modèle est modifié et existe encore un peu plus tard avec le stock.

      le ruban a toujours été rouge pour la légion d'honneur.

      sur la queue a 6h, il s'agit probablement d'une tête de sanglier.

      le poinçon du fabricant doit se trouver a environ 9h sur l'anneau "AB & Cie" avec le dessin : une roue surmontée d'une étoile.

      cordialement, Pat


    2. hello from France,

      10 - the french clasp is not official on this médal

      11- j think tha's a modern (and bad) issue, a knight of the merite order of the Malaguasy republic.

      12 - that's a knight of the order of the star of the great comore island 

      13 - that's a sport medal of deutchland.

      sorry for my poor englich please 

      regards, pat66

    3. hello from France, 

      That's an original issue made by MARIE STUART house in Paris and named "modèle René", but that's no the model given by the "town of Verdun" and j think it was subsequently made than the "modèle VERNIER".

      Copie exist, but made with a verry bad quality in the design.

      regards, Patrick


    4. hello,

      TALABOT was (is?) known like french tool maker, especially (hammer, machete, knife for spécific works and others. The running zebra stamped was something like insigna because TALABOT export many many products in french black Africa.

      that's what j think and can write with my poor english.

      best regards, pat66





    5. hello, j agree,

      "médaille commémorative du Maroc" the crescent at the top of the médal is charactéristic.

      at right (médaille commémorative de la campagne d'orient giving for the first world war.

      best regards. 



    6. hello from France.

      j'have never seen this beautiful patch on regular uniform, because it's not an official patch to be worn.

      a possibility is on sport wear.

      the first j have in my ex collect, it was in 1882.

      j sea in french forum if it's more informations.

      all the best. Patrick.

      scuse my English too





    7. hello, that's the first model, with inscriptions in the branch (points) of the star, périod (1913-1926).

      the second model, didn't have the inscriptions and made a suite of the first model.

      scuse my english please. Patrick


    8. Hello from France,

      the first, is an insigna  of member of the U.N.C "Union Nationale des Combattant" founded in 1920, association created for grouping ancients soldiers.

      at time, j think it was the gratest society of ancients soldiers.

      the second was the Military Medal, enter 1870 and 1951. it's with 1870 in the bottom of the center and the more current model.

      scuse my english, Patrick



    9. Hello from France,

      the Maroc commémorative médal, créated in 1909, was awarded for the opérations enter 1907 and 1912.

      the combattant cross was created in 1930.

      scuse my english, Patrick



    10. hello from France,

      j think that's an hold and good french made, j have a same piece;

      and j have seen your's or the exactly same at Castres in France the 8 of this month.

      scuse my english please



    11. Hello, 

      a gold book (livre d'or) existe, j think it's deposed at achives municipales (archives of the town of Metz) précedently at the town hall. 

      A priori, all soldiers of the XX° corps can received this médal but just some a few part have receveid the médal  after a herself request. Some U.S. VIP have receive and also the flag of the XX° corps bear this médal.

       The requests ar'nt received after 1980.

      scuse my poor english please. 

      all the best. Patrick


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