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    Posts posted by SillyOldGrandad

    1. The man in the first photo was in the Reconnaissance Corps which was raised in 1941 and disbanded in 1946. The man in the second photo could well be Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders going by what can be seen of his bonnet badge. If it is, as it appears, the same man in both photos then there is a likely explanation for the change of unit. In February 1941 the 51st Reconnaissance Regiment was formed from the Anti-Tank Companies of 51st Highland Division with C Squadron formed from personnel of the Black Watch and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. The third photo is unclear but he appears to be wearing Royal Artillery collar badges but without a clear image of the cap badge it's impossible to be certain.         Pete.

    2. Yes it is Victorian. It's a General Service button worn by other ranks from 1881 to 1902 and probably much later as well. They were churned out by the bucket load and are still common today and can be bought for a couple of quid. I suggest you ask for your money back. Your post was mentioned on the B&CMBForum on account of the £65 price tag, the price is ridiculous.    Pete.

    3. The reason I mentioned the 1939-1945 Star and War Medal was because there was no mention of him having seen full time service in WW2. The opening post only mentions Home Guard service which would only have merited the award of the Defence Medal. I therefore assumed he must have served full time early in WW2 and seen overseas service to qualify for those two medals. If not then he would not have been entitled to them.   Pete. 


    4. The Victoria Cross and the George Cross take precedence over all other honours, awards and medals. The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire consists of five levels, the three highest levels take precedence over the DSO and the lowest two levels are preceded by the DSO. The five levels are Knight Grand Cross (GBE), Knight Commander (KBE), Commander (CBE), Officer (OBE) and Member (MBE). The same medal ribbon is also used for the British Empire Medal. That gives you six choices as follows, VC, GC, GBE, DSO, DSC, MC., or VC, GC, KBE, DSO, DSC, MC., or VC, GC, CBE, DSO, DSC, MC., or VC, GC, DSO, OBE, DSC, MC., or VC, GC, DSO, MBE, DSC, MC., or VC, GC, DSO, DSC, MC, BEM. Your VC and GC medal ribbons are missing their miniature crosses.   Pete.


    5. On 02/09/2019 at 10:20, paddywhack said:

      Wondering if the forum could help me out and ID a button for me!I recently got an officers tunic and not sure of the regiment, iv a feeling this might be a staff officer as the officer was a major in the 70s and with the ribbon bar from the 2000s would make sense he could be a higher rank! Any help on this would be greatly appreciated 

      s-l1600 (34).jpg


      The Royal Logistic Corps.   Pete.

    6. Thanks for the reply. I understand what you mean about the Hartlepool soldiers being in an action against the enemy and about the Irish not being enemy forces. It just seems odd somehow that men can be placed in a situation where they face a good chance of being killed, and many of them were, at the hands of armed rebels/insurgents/freedom fighters and their efforts not being recognised as active service. Pete.

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