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    1. The 1914 Star ribbon is the wrong way round, it should be red white blue from left to right. The oak leaf should be on the ribbon of the Victory Medal. Pete.
    2. Going by the buttons I would say Durham Light Infantry and if so the facings should be dark green. Pete.
    3. Thanks, I thought that might be the case but it seems rather odd somehow. Pete.
    4. I am wondering if a holder of the QGM on being awarded the KGM would receive the KGM or a clasp to be worn on the QGM. Just a thought. Pete.
    5. He is a cadet with the Sedbergh School Officers Training Corps. The town of Sedbergh was, back then, in the former county of Westmorland but, thanks to interfering Government pen-pushers, is now of course in Cumbria. The arm badge is the shield from the school crest and bears representations of 3 wolves, 3 lilies, 2 escallop shells and the Tau Cross. Pete.
    6. Terry, if you look at it as a red x instead of a red + you have, with the blue circle, the emblem of the Saint Andrew's Ambulance Association. In 1904 they formed the Saint Andrew's Ambulance Corps which had sections serving in France attached to the medical services in WW1. They would have worn standard British Army uniforms with Red Cross insignia so maybe you have a StAAC sleeve badge or something like that. Pete.
    7. Tom, my advice to you is to join the British and Commonwealth Military Badge Forum, membership is free and there are some real badge experts on there. Your badge looks alright to my eyes but there are some clever fakers (con merchants, grasping scumbags) who know all the tricks of the trade. If your badge is the real deal then it's certainly not a common badge so get some advice from the experts before you part with it. Pete.
    8. Worn by Warrant Officers 1881-84, some sources say 1881-95, on the round forage cap. Pete.
    9. Royal Irish Regiment. The collar badges show the flat-topped shield above the thick curling scroll as worn by the regiment. Pete.
    10. Having looked more closely at the photo I am now of the opinion that those collar badges are Royal Irish Regiment. Pete.
    11. Tony, those ribbons are not attached to the collar, they are part of the glengarry. The collar badges are the best hope of identification but they are too vague although they do have a hint of the shamrock in the shape. Pete.
    12. It looks like something knocked up as a George 6th Coronation brooch. It has the style of lettering from the George 5th Royal Cypher combined with the George 6th numerals which only seems to have occurred in the early days following the sudden departure of "Eddie the Unsteady". The best example of this is the early (1936) issue of George 6th cap badges for the Royal Army Service Corps which had that combination. Later issues had the correct pattern of George 6th Royal Cypher but the early pattern badges continued to be issued until stocks were used up. What you have there is definitely not a military item of any sort in my opinion and what that circle of twisted wire is all about is beyond my comprehension. Pete.
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