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    1. I just found this picture of Sailor Malan in a suit wearing his medals. I think it is probably a “France and Germany” clasp on his Air Crew Europe medal. I would still love to find perfect photos of all of his medals and clasps/devices up close. Hopefully someone eventually can obtain some for me. Cheers, Matt
    2. I am constantly trying to collect old/unique Flight Surgeon Wings and RAF Medical items. I recently picked up the below Cap Badge with a medical caduceus. It has features that are similar to WW2 RAF Cap Badges, but it does not have a Crown. Does anyone know what this is from? Thanks, Matt
    3. Does anyone know what Clasp is on his ACE Star? (is it an "Atlantic" or a "France & Germany" Clasp)?
    4. THANK YOU! I actually just ordered 4 of his biographies from abebooks in the hopes that at least one would have a photo of the medals (I am still waiting for the books to arrive). As such, the photo provided is very appreciated. Given my last name (Malan), I would like to re-create his medal rack to display next to my own military medals as well as my Dad's medals and my Grandfather's WW2 medals. If anyone has advice about where to obtain "reasonably" priced original medals for the Belgium, Czech and French WW2 medals and/or a source for museum quality reproductions of the DSO, DFC and ACE, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!
    5. The only photo of his Medals that I can find on the internet is found at the following website (poor quality and only partial photo of the medals): https://www.flying-tigers.co.uk/2017/adolph-sailor-malan-latest-hobbymaster-announcements-and-oxford-diecast-vehicle-additions/
    6. Has anyone found a photo of Sailor Malan's Medals yet? If possible, please post a photo online. Alternatively, a confirmed List of the names and devices of each of his medals would be very appreciated.
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