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    Tom Y

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    Posts posted by Tom Y

    1. On the IVI the uprights and diagonals are squared off at the tops and there's a distinct, though slight, separation. On Bill's the left upright and diagonal are joined and the right are tapered. This can be accounted fr by the slight angle of the mark and the curvature of the ring, causing an incomplete stamping. I still say definitely an M.

    2. It's hard to say what would go on the Vet's medal, but a black/white/red one with equal size stripes, ala the National Flag would be a good bet.

      Yes, the larger cross is probably a commem. loosely based on the Prussian Crown Order. The smaller one due to the tabs and size, makes me think, although I've never seen one, "soldier doll", sort of a 19th century GI Joe.

    3. Good question and good eyes Tom. Anything else come in with this? I can offer no clue on the swords, first time I've ever seen this medal with this type of presentation.

      Nope, just the medal. the swords appear to be real cast siver, but I can't get to the back due to the stitching.

      I seem to remember seeing a similar stickpin type mount on a French or Belgian medal, but my memory being what it is... :(

    4. You got me to looking at my M and IVI, and now I won't sleep tonight.

      Maybe because I have a night job? :cheeky: Anyhow, the gist of it is, the cores are identical. the only difference being about 1 gm. in weight.... and what I've called an M for years is really an IVI :o So, next question, does the M actually exist? Any good scans of a real M out there?

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