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    Antonio Prieto

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    Posts posted by Antonio Prieto

    1. His real name is Military Sash -banda militar- (or cord -cordón militar-) for commemorating the end of the spanish civil war

      Sash (for chiefs and capitans). Constituted by a silk sash, of crimson color and of eight centimeters of width, of whose ends paths hang tassels with bangs of silk of equal color and of twelve centimeters of length. The union of both ends will be done spending the ribbon doubled by a golden ring that will take in his forehead the inscription 1936-1939. The length of the set will be such that the metallic ring stays approximately fifteen centimeters below the waist.

      Is placed always from the right shoulder to the left side (for chiefs and captains).

      Cord (for officers) His length and color are the same that those of the sash, and it finishes in made tassels of the same cord. The ring union of both ends takes the same inscription that the ring of the Band, and his dimensions adapted to the thickness of the ends of the cord. The diameter of this one is of a centimeter

      In use between 1940-1989

      Please see http://museoaviacionmilitarespaola.blogspot.com.es/2012/12/el-cordon-y-la-banda-militar.html

    2. Order of precedence in relation to other national and foreign decorations:

      1. Amilcar Cabral Order

      2. Order of the Dragon Tree;

      3. "Jaime Mota" Medal of Military Merit;

      4. Medal of the Honour Star of the Armed Forces;

      5. Military Virtues Medal

      6. Relevant Services Medal;

      7. Vulcan Medal

      8. Medal of Merit;

      9 Good Gonduct Medal;

      10 Volontary of the Armed Forces Medal

      11 Foreign military medals, according to the rules,being given precedence by the alphabetical order of names in their respective countries or international organizations in English;

      12 Other National Medals whose use by uniformed military, has been authorized by the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces;

      13 Other foreign orders and medals

    3. The Military Medal modalities (2005)

      a) Estrela de Honra das Forças Armadas / Medal of the Honour Star of the Armed Forces

      b) Virtudes Militares / Military Virtues Medal

      c) Serviços Relevantes / Relevant Services Medal

      d) Comportamento Exemplar / Good Gonduct Medal

      e) Medalhas Comemorativas (Medalha do Voluntário das Forças Armadas) / Commemorative Medals, at this time Volontary of the Armed Forces Medal.

      All in three classes: 1st or gold, 2nd or silver and 3rd or copper

      Please find attached the riibon sheet

    4. Is not the same the Charlist "Medalla de la Caridad", Charity Medal, created the 9.10.1874 under the classes or types of:

      - Gold Cross

      - SIlver Cross

      - Bronze Medal

      More samples


      That the "Orden Civil de Beneficencia" Civil Order of Mercy, created in the Reign of the Queen Isabel II by royal order of 28.3.1856

      - 1st Class with plaque

      - 2nd Class

      - 3rd Class

      More items:


      Best regards

    5. Yes.

      The CD have among others a file for the Republican Decorations 1931-1939, other for the National items 1936-1977, other for the ex-combatants and volunteers, other for the propagandictis and patriotic. Also for the Order of Saint Ferdinand, Military Medal, Wound Medal, Military Merit Cross. A special fiile for the Spanish Division in Russia, etc. Include images of the gazette, particular collections, variants, etc.

      Please see


    6. This book is now sold out, but USD 150 appear very expensive. This book is about 40-50 euros

      I can offer the


      Inetractive CD interactivo with the rules (with comments) of all (trhe most part) Spanish ODM

      Also some own articles (in spanish but with english navigation pages

      More of 120 PDF thematic files, for print in high quiality. More of 4300 pages with hundreds of colour and b/w pics and images, variants, etc

      Price: 36,00 € (plus postage)



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