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    Antonio Prieto

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    Antonio Prieto last won the day on September 8 2023

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      Medals, EOD, Engineers

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    1. Commemorative medal for the golden jubilee of the Artillery Corps https://manshurat.org/file/50577/download?token=Ur3zivMB
    2. Book Cover https://publicaciones.defensa.gob.es/media/downloadable/files/links/t/h/the_british_presence_in_the_spanish_military.pdf
    3. Is not from Spain. Perhaps Italian This is cap admiral cap post Spanish Civil War
    4. Approval of the President of the Reich to accept the Cross III. Class of the Royal Spanish Order for Naval Merit March 28, 1934 Approval of the President of the Reich to accept the Cross II. Class of the Royal Spanish Order for Naval Merit, same date March 28, 1934
    5. Los personajes condecorados del Museo del Ejército (in spanish, only) The decorated characters of the Army Museum Author: Fernando Yuste Romero This work aims to become a reference text for the knowledge of the decorations of the historical characters present in the works of the Army Museum. Description The intention of this study is to have a complete work on the description of decorations (phaleristics) of military, uniformed and decorated characters, both of the pieces in its permanent exhibition and those kept in its warehouses and which represent almost three times what is on display to the public. This work thus facilitates the work of scholars and researchers in this field and provides basic notions to curious people and the general public to contemplate a work, identify the character represented with his uniform and know the symbolism of his insignia and decorations. Free download https://publicaciones.defensa.gob.es/media/downloadable/files/links/l/o/los_personajes_condecorados_del_museo_del_ej_rcito.pdf
    6. Some medals for peace support operations exist Please see
    7. Friedrich Lissignolo from the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/1871. Cross of Saint Ferdinand and Africa Medal among others
    8. Thank you Glenn J. Very appreciated Searchin for von Bäumen I found on 11th to grant Captain August von Bäume from the General Quartermaster Staff, then the First Lieutenants Friedrich Lissignolo from the 13th Infantry Regiment Emperor Franz Joseph of Germany, — Edgar Baron von Harold from the Infantry - Life - Regiment and Eduard Schlagintweit from the 6th Chevaulegers - Regiment vacant Duke of Leuchtenberg permission to accept and wear the Royal Spanish Medal of the African War;
    9. I am looking for information about: a captain of the Bavarian army who participated as an attaché or observer in the African war of 1860 between Spain and Morocco. His name is not entirely clear, perhaps August Beaucumm. For the merit acquired in the battle of March 23, 1860 in the valley of Wad Ras, he was awarded the Cross of the 1st class of the Spanish Order of Saint Ferdinand. Bavarian Cavalry Brigade lieutenant, perhaps Eduardo Schlaginteil For the merit acquired in the battle of March 23, 1860 in the valley of Wad Ras, he was awarded the Cross of the 1st class of the Spanish Order of Saint Ferdinand. Bavarian 13 Infantry Regiment, lieutenant Federico Lisisgnole Prusian "Baron von Gena", officer of Chasseurs of the Guards in the Service of the King of Prussia Other participants were Rudolf von Kanitz, Karl Gustav von Sandrat, Max Schreckenstein and Otto Stolberg-Wernigerode. Edgar von Harold Thank you
    10. Good. At the moment all I need. It is just a comparison with the one that is really interesting, which is the Spanish Medal Sufrimientos por la Patria" Thank you
    11. Thank you mboro, Megan, all Updated chart País Nombre 1 2 3 4 Albania No Alemania Verwundetenabzeichen X X Bélgica No Bulgaria Награден знак "За пострадалите във военен конфликт, мисия и операция" X X Canadá The Sacrifice Medal / Médaille du Sacrifice X X República Checa Medaile Za zranění X Croacia No Dinamarca Forsvarets medalje for Sårede i Tjeneste X Forsvarets medalje for Faldne i Tjeneste X Estados Unidos Purple Heart X X X Eslovaquia No Eslovenia No España Cruz del Mérito Militar distintivo amarillo X X Estonia No Finlandia No Francia Médaille des blessés de guerre X X Grecia Μετάλλιο Εξόχου Πράξεως Hungría Sebesülési Emlékérem Islandia No Italia Distintivi d’Onore. Ferito. Mutilato. Alla Memoria X X X X Letonia No Lituania Kariuomenės medaliu „Sužeistajam“ X Luxemburgo Insigne de blessé X Macedonia del Norte No Montenegro No Noruega Forsvarets medalje for falne i strid X Forsvarets medalje for sårede i strid X Países Bajos Draaginsigne Gewonden Polonia Wojskowa odznaka „Za Rany i Kontuzje” X Portugal Medalha dos feridos en campanha X Reino Unido Elizabeth Cross X Rumania No Suecia Försvarsmaktens medalj för sårade i strid X X Turquía No 1. Wounded. 2. Decesased. 3. Prisoner. 4. Famiy
    12. Thank you From the electronic translation it seems that the reverse is plain
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