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    Antonio Prieto

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    Posts posted by Antonio Prieto

    1. (google translate version to swedish)

      New anniversary memory sign
      King Carl XVI Gustaf's anniversary memorial sign IV
      Carl XVI Gustaf's anniversary memory (IV) on the occasion of the 50-year-old government anniversary

      H.M. On the occasion of his 50-year government anniversary on September 15, 2023, the king established a new anniversary memory sign. The sign was established in Hovtrotocol on April 28, 2023 and awarded the Royal House, the Royal Family, as well as court officials and other permanent employees to the royal court states and other deserves.

      The sign is embossed in gilded fine silver and on the convete provided with Ernst Nordin's profile portrait by H.M. The king with five golden stars symbolizes over the past 50 years, as well as two crossed spruces. The from the side occupies H.M. The king's monogram, the years 1973–2023 and five golden stars. The sign has five corners, symbolizing in the five decades, crowned by a royal crown and is carried in the light blue tape of the Seraphim Order with five golden ducks marking the 50 government years.

      The anniversary memory sign is manufactured by Svenska Medalj AB in Eskilstuna, where the tool maker Stefan Siljemar has carried out the digital model for developing the sign. Great emphasis has been placed on the craftsmanship in terms of details of both original and miniatures, which has been done in close cooperation between Kungl. May: ts Order and Svenska Medalj AB.

      Great care has been placed on the design of the so-called Gustafs kroner (introduced in 1952), where the cross globe's cross is hand-filled, which means that the cross appears clearly and the high gloss-polished edges enhance the general impression. The band mounting follows old Swedish tradition: The men's band is straight weight, which means that the cross globe's cross is clearly visible, and the ladies rosette is mounted with classic slanted ends.

      The sign is named abbreviated CXVIG: SJMTIV.




    2. I belive that the two belt buckles not are from Spain. Perhaps Mexico

      The Oval emblem of the Civil Guard is created in 1945 to use by the chiefs and officers belonging to the different arms and corps of the army, which provide service in the Civil Guard. Oval gold metal oval 45 x 35 with red enamel with emblem of the Guardia Civil, that will be placed in the warrior on the right side of the chest and at the height of the first button.



    3. 1. I can't find information. I understand that it would only be granted from a single class and distinctive, possibly white (blanco)
      Remember that the other yellow and blue distinctives are only from 1995, never before

      2. For the above, I think that only one class, but I do not know the category, distinctive or date

      3. According to Archive Documents the red (rojo) Crosses were also granted, but they were generally with white Distinctive. In this document of the Avila Archive, there is no date of the Great Cross of the Naval Merit of Admiral Canaris (no consta)



    4. 1. No

      2. No. Only white or red

      3. No name


      I do not know the reason for the varied denominations of the decorations. For these years, and in the orders of military and naval merit there are different classes, but only two modalities that are the red badge and the white badge (there are no golden, yellow or others). The crosses are golden, enameled in red or white, except those of silver that are in this metal, without enamel
      The plates are in classes
      Grand Cruz, Gold with the upper rectangle of silver
      Third, gold
      Second, overwhelmed silver

    5. Then, there are two different dates listed, which I believe are the Spanish award dates: "25. 08. 1939" and "21. 08. 1939". Can you perhaps find out which one of these dates is the correct Spanish award date? At this time Marschall's position was the Commander of Armoured Ships (09 February 1938-20 October 1939).


      No more information available. Nothing to report


      Also, you can see that his Grand Cross of the Spanish-Moroccan Order of Mehdauia is also listed. However, the date listed here "31. 10. 1937" is incorrect because you sent me a PDF document which says he was awarded this order on 5 November 1938. Is that right?

      The correct date of the concession is 5.11.1937, although the date of October 31 corresponds to the acts in the port of Ceuta, where it would be delivered, noting the concession date a few days later

      Of our recent book "Honores olvidados. Las condecoraciones del protectorado ...."


      On May 29, 1937, the Republican Air Force bombers attacked the rada of the port of Ibiza, reaching the German battleship Deutschland (that breached the regulations of the non -intervention committee of anchoring in a belligerent port) which failed apparently, erroneously with the Canary Cruise, causing a hundred injureds, 31 of them dead. At the beginning of October 1937 the Deutschland was already repaired starting for Spanish waters next to a flotilla of destroyers, being tied between October 31 and November 2, 1937 in the port of Ceuta, where several acts and tributes for the deceased of the ship in May, both for the Falange and by the military and public authorities of the city. Taking advantage of the presence of the ship in Ceuta, at the beginning of that month, Brosch, the German consul in Tetuán, wrote to Tubau, of the diplomatic cabinet of the Alta Comisaria, providing him with a list of the Deutschland staff that should be convenient for the jalifa with la Mehdauia, finally granting twenty insignias on November 5, 1937. The Grand Cross for the Admiral Wilhelm Marschall, head of the German naval forces in Spanish waters at that time; the Commander of number of for Paul Wenneker, captain of the battleship Deutschland, who in 1940 would be appointed naval aggregate in Tokyo; that of the Officer, for ship lieutenant Felix Zymalkowski; the silver medals were for the sergeants Nikolaus Rathmann and Jakob Sehurnn, and 14 sailors received the bronze medal



    6. I have new informations for the concession of the plaque of 3rd class in 1823 for some general's who have served in the Peninsular War at the orders of the Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo


      Frederick Adam
      George    Anson
      William    Anson
      Matthew    Aylmer
      David    Baird
      Edward    Barnes
      Thomas Sidney    Beckwith
      William Cavendish    Bentinck
      Thomas    Bradford
      Thomas Makdougall    Brisbane
      John    Byng
      Grandby Thomas    Calcraft
      Alexander    Cameron
      Alexander Gartsford    Campbell
      James Inverneil    Campbell
      Henry Frederick    Campbell
      Henry    Clinton
      William Henry    Clinton
      Charles    Colville
      George    Cooke
      Stapleton    Cotton
      Robert    Cheney
      George    Dalhousie
      Ralph    Darling
      William Thomas    Dilkes
      Moore    Disney
      Rufane Shawe    Donkin
      James    Duff
      Henry    Fane
      Joseph    Fuller
      William    Grant
      Colquhoun    Grant
      William    Guard
      Colin    Halkett
      John    Hamilton
      Michael    Head
      Rowland    Hill
      Samuel Venables    Hinde
      John    Hope
      Earl of    Hopetoun
      Kenneth Alexander    Howard
      Edward    Howorth
      William    Inglis
      John    Keane
      James    Kemmis
      James    Kempt
      John    Lambert
      John Gaspard    Le Marchant
      Robert Ballard    Long
      Armar    Lowry
      William    Lumley
      Thomas Graham    Lynedoch
      James    Lyon
      John    Mackenzie
      Duncan    McDougall
      George    Murray
      Robert William    O'Callagan
      John    Oswald
      Denis    Pack
      Edward    Paget
      William    Payne
      Manley    Power
      William Henry    Pringle
      Frederick Philpse    Robinson
      Phillip Keating    Roche
      John Cope    Sherbrooke
      Robert Edward H.    Somerset
      Brent    Spencer
      William    Stewart
      Charles    Stewart
      James    Stirling
      Edward    Stopford
      John Ormsby    Vandeleur
      George Townsend    Walker
      Henry    Warde


      Any information are very wellcome: decrees, portraits, pictures, etc.

      Thank you


    7. 2023 EDITION


      The Historical Tour and its seven halls, which are identified in red in the guide, intend to show the evolution of the Army from the Hispanic Monarchy to the present day. This articulation of the exhibition model developed for the historical discourse, promotes and enriches the reading of the report as it allows not only a linear chronological tracking, but it is possible to establish cross-cutting thematic readings that have as a basis the described routes. The Thematic Tour and its thirteen rooms, identified in yellow, are oriented to the collections, complementing the historical discourse with the reading of other aspects related to the military institution, sometimes showing items belonging to the same discipline and others belonging to a multidisciplinary character.


      The Alcazar has preserved within its walls a series of unique spaces that have been put in value so that the public can visit them and know them in situ. These places are the Alcazar Tour and are identified in the guide in blue color in the different halls. In each of them we will find an explanatory text with the history and the use they were given. The Imperial Chapel, included in this tour due to its size and architectural importance, has been incorporated as an independent exhibition space.





    8. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have awarded 14 Spanish military who are part of the Ukrainian personnel training operation in Spain.

      In the presence of the Spanish Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, the Ukrainian Defense aggregate, Colonel Serhii Vtorykh has delivered the decorations granted by the commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces in "name of all Ukrainians."

      They have received the ‘Honor Distinction for Army Assistance’, granted by the Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

      The Ukrainian military aggregate highlighted in his speech that Spain "was one of the first countries to offer material help for their struggle" and "which is also among the first they offered to train our troops at the most dramatic moment for Ukraine." “Our soldiers appreciate the spirit of camaraderie, equality and human concern that reigns in the center of Toledo. Know all those present that Ukraine will never forget what our friends have done so far, or what they will do in the future. ”

      Since November 2022, in which Spanish participation in this training mission was approved under the operational control of the MOPS, in the Eumam-UA operation, more than 600 military has participated. This huge effort of personnel and media are a sample of the involvement of the Spanish State with the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the defense of its population and its democratic values.


    9. The last regulation of 20.11.2022 established the size of the ribbon bar: width - 35 mm, height - 9.5 mm.


      Планка нагрудного знака являє собою металеву пластинку, обтягнуту стрічкою шовковою муаровою з поздовжніми смужками (зліва направо): жовтого кольору - 7 мм, малинового кольору - 5,5 мм, жовтого кольору - 2 мм, синього кольору - 6 мм, жовтого кольору - 2 мм, малинового кольору - 5,5 мм, жовтого кольору - 7 мм.

      Розмір планки: ширина - 35 мм, висота - 9,5 мм.


      Also the ribbon length - variable, width - 35 mm,

    10. L I G J Nr.9215, datë 1.4.2004

      Neni 3
      Ushtarakëve dhe punonjësve civilë të Forcave të Armatosura të Republikës së Shqipërisë u jepen këto medalje:


      7. Medalja "Komandanti".


      Medalja "Komandanti"
      Medalja "Komandanti" u jepet: a) nga Shefi i Shtabit të Përgjithshëm të Forcave të Armatosura ushtarakëve, që kanë kryer me sukses detyrën e komandantit të brigadës ose një detyrë të të njëjtit rang, për një periudhë jo më pak se dy vjet; b) nga komandanti i forcës për komandantët e batalionit; c) nga komandanti i brigadës për komandantin e kompanisë.


      by translator

      Medal "Commander"
      The "Commander" medal is given: a) by the Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, who have successfully performed the task of the Brigade Commander or a task of the same rank, for a period of not less than two years; b) by the commander of the force for the battalion commanders; c) by the commander of the brigade for the company commander.
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