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    Antonio Prieto

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    Posts posted by Antonio Prieto

    1. 1st row: Peruvian cross to the Naval Merit (1946), Distinguishing Internal front Combatant (Combatant Special), Unknown

      2nd row: Badge for Services Services in technical and Administratives Areas (4th time), Unkown, Badge for Academic Records (Professional Title, 2nd time)

      1? fila: Cruz Peruana al M?rito Naval, 1946, Distintivo Combatiente Frente Interno (Combatiente Especial), Desconocida

      2? fila: Distintivo Servicios en ?reas T?cnicas-Administrativas (4? vez), Descomocida, Distintivo Antecedentes Acad?micos (T?tulo Profesional, 2? vez)

    2. Exist the same, with the red ribbon with a yellow central stripe for the descendants of the heroes of Independence

      An also exist other variant (2nd type). It seems that this medal is made in March of 1908 by the 'Casa Rodriguez and Co' of Barcelona, due to the protests that the previous design generated. One is then the second commemorative medal, naturally unofficial

    3. Please see:


      Yes, this a one of some of Commemorative medals for the Centennial of the Peninsular War.

      In this case for the of the Sites of Zaragoza, created by Royal decree of 9 of July of 1908

      Granted to the people has collaborated in the commemorative celebrations

      The Medal has 3 centimeters of diameter

      Obverse: bust of general Palafox, surrounded by inscription PALAFOX GLORIOUS ? LAUDEMUS VIROS

      Reverse: allegory of the defense -one matrona with a lion and a flag, on a ruin background- and legend CIVES FALLS. AUG. 1908

      Ribbon: of the national flags

      Exist for gold, silver and bronze

    4. From the last Spanish National Parade (12 october) in Madrid

      This attach? wear a class of miniatures?

      1st. M?daille du Merite Militaire (Military Merit Medal)

      2nd. M?daille d'honneur ? titre militaite (Honour Medal, military)

      3rd. M?daille de l'Arm?e nationale populaire (ANP) (Medal of the National People's Army)

    5. Only a note.

      The royal crown appears since 1951 with the rules of this year

      1814-1931: Royal crown:

      1931-1939: Mural crown (republic)

      1939-1951: Imperial crown (open royal crown)

      1971-to date: Royal crown

    6. This is a electronic translation of my archive of spanish medals

      Propagandistic medal of Social Aid of the Feminine Section

      References. Calv? n? 285; Guerra n? 886

      Call of 11 of May of 1939 (BOE of the 12). In order to award a sketch of commemorative medal of the Day of the Glorious National Rise.

      Fisrt.-Se opens an call to award to the best sketch of commemorative medal of the day of the Glorious Rise and that will be used day 18 of July of the present year. Second.-The obverse of the medal will show an allegory of the date that is commemorated. Reverse of the medal free initiative of the offerer has left. Third.-Se will give to the author of the best sketch a prize in metalist by value of ten thousand pesetas (10000 pesetas). The prize will be able to be divided in two of five thousands (5000 pesetas) in the case of being awarded an obverse and reverse of medal made by different authors. Fourth.-The call will be failed by a jury who opportunely will designate itself. Fifth.-Which they aspire to the prize will have to present their works in the offices of the National Service of Propagand, in Burgos, before the twelve at night of the day first of next June. Sixth.-The rights of reproduction and awarded operation of the work or works will happen to the State.

      Call of 22 of May of 1939 (Gazette number 143, of the 23). For the construction, distribution and sale of the Commemorative Medal of the Rise.

      By the National Service of Propaganda the construction removes to public aid, distribution and sale of the commemorative medal of the 18 of 1936 July, date of the Glorious Rise, in accordance with the following bases: First.-The construction of the medals will have to adjust to the sketch that is awarded in the aid opened to the effect by this Service and announced in the Government reporter of the State of date 12 of the currents. This sketch will be given to the awardee of the present aid before day 12 of next June. Second.-Will construct at least two series of medals: one in silver and another one in material of reduced cost more. Third.-La construction, distribution and sale of the medals will not be able to be adjudged separately, reason why the proposals will have to jointly include the three indicated operations. Fourth.-The medals will have to be puttings on sale to the public day 18 of 1939 July. Villa the offerers will accompany to their proposals a medal already made, according to a design anyone, that will serve as sample. The awardee commits itself to that those that make they are not of inferior quality to this model. Sixth. - The proposals will include the following ends:

      a) Number of medals of each series that the offerer commits itself to construct and to distribute.

      b) Class of material to use in its construction.

      c) Sale price in each series.

      d) Percentage to perceive by the offerer, globally by construction, distribution and sale.

      Seventh.-Of each series it will be given, gratuitously, to the National Service of Propaganda, at least, 1% of the made medals.

      Eitgh.-The proposals, directed to the Head of the National Service of Propaganda, will have to appear in sheet closed in the General Secretariat of this Service in Towns (Palace of the Hearing), before the 14 hours of day 2 of next June. To each proposal it will be accompanied in addition to the sample to that the base talks about fifth, the defense acreditativo of to have made a temporary depot of five thousand pesetas to disposition of the Headquarters of the Service, or in the General Box of Deposits or its branches; well in the Box of the General Administration of the National Services of Press and Propaganda. Nineth.-The aid will be failed in the form anticipated for the concessions that suppose exclusive right of operation in the order of the Ministry of the Interior of 27 of last April, on control of emblems, standards, et cetera....

      Propagandistic medal instituted by Social Aid to collect bottoms for the maintenance of the dining rooms in Civil War 1936-1939 and after her. It exists in three categories, gold (rarest), silver (rare) and bronze (it frequents). It is of bronze, of 33 millimeters of suspended diameter and of a golden metal pin, that in its interior takes a tape with the national flags. She was granted to that they contributed with some money to the support of this work of the Feminine Spanish phalange Section. She was well-known like Medal of the "Rise and Victory".

      Also please see http://www.coleccionesmilitares.com/medall...xto/falange.htm


    7. El Bicentenario de la Guerra de la Independencia, portada de la RED

      El primer acto conmemorativo del bicentenario de la Guerra de la Independencia presidido por los Pr?ncipes de Asturias en Madrid es uno de los contenidos destacados del ?ltimo n?mero de la Revista Espa?ola de Defensa. Una cr?nica detalla el desarrollo de la ceremonia organizada por el Ministerio de Defensa y en la que participaron junto a Espa?a, representaciones de Francia, Polonia, Portugal y Reino Unido.


      The Bicentennial of the War of Independence, cover of the REVISTA ESPA?OLA DE DEFENSA

      The first commemorative act of the bicentennial of the War of the Independence presided over by Princes de Asturias in Madrid is one of the outstanding contents of the last number of the Spanish Magazine of Defense. A chronicle details the development of the ceremony organized by the Ministry of Defense and in which they participated next to Spain, representations of France, Poland, Portugal and United Kingdom.

    8. Dear Sirs

      I need information about the indian name (turban?) and criteria or comments of the headgear of the indian troops

      Thank you


      trans.gifPhoto # 168633 UN Photo/Marie Frechon

      UN Messenger for Peace Visits MONUC
      George Clooney, a newly appointed United Nations Messenger for Peace, greets members of the Indian Battalion of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) during his tour of UN Peacekeeping Mission in Africa.

      High-resolution image (Please right-click and choose Save As)
    9. The Princes de Asturias, have presided yesterday (12.02.2008) the institutional act of commemoration del Bicentennial of the Peninsular War, organized by the Ministry of Defense, that has been celebrated in the Bail?n street, in front al Royal Palace.

      The commemorative act they have attended, next to the Spanish Minister of Defense, Jose Antonio Alonso, the holders of Defense of Poland and Portugal, Bogdan Klich and Nuno Severiano Teixeira; the Minister of Veterans of United Kingdom, Derek Twigg; and the Secretary of State of Defense of France, Alain Marleix.

      Please see:


      and also



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