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    Antonio Prieto

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    Posts posted by Antonio Prieto

    1. Ministry Of Defence of The Republic Of Armenia Official Web Site


      At this time only in armenian


      anbasir_carayutyan_1_2.jpgՀՀ զինված ուժերի ?Անբասիր ծառայության համար? քառաստիճան մեդալ

      ?Անբասիր ծառայության համար? քառաստիճան մեդալի Կանոնադրությունը գործում է 2001թ. օգոստոսի 13-ից: (ՀՀ ՊՆ 13.08.2001թ. N 608 հրաման)

      ?Անբասիր ծառայության համար? քառաստիճան մեդալի Կանոնադրությունը գործում է 2001թ. օգոստոսի 13-ից: (ՀՀ ՊՆ 13.08.2001թ. N 608 հրաման)

    2. Medalet e Policis? t? Kosov?s


      Medalja e Nderit

      Virtus et Honor

      Vrilina i Cast

      P?r Trim?ri

      Pro Valor

      Za Hrabrost


      Mburoj? e Policis?

      Fidelis Ad Mortem

      Odan do Smrti


      Shp?tim Jete

      Pro Vita

      Za Zivot

      Sh?rbim t? Dalluar

      Praestabilis Beneficium

      Istaknuti Cin Dobrocinstva

      P?r Merita

      Pro Meritum

      Za Zasluge

      Gjithmon? Besnik

      Semper Fidelis

      Zauvek Odan

      For Kosovo Police Medals, see:


    3. In this time of the politicalment correct... please see the list: not Head's of the Royal Houses (some politics of the Spanijh transition to the Democracy, The Emperor of Japan, the Quenn of the UK an NI, the Hing of Thailand....

      The present members of the Order are, in order of their appointment

      1. H.M. the King Juan Carlos I of Spain, 1941 (Chief and Sovereign).

      2. H.R.H. Charles of Borbon-Two Sicilies, Infant of Spain, Duke of Calabria, 1964.

      3. H.M. Constantine II King of Hellenes, 1964.

      4. H.R.H. Felipe de Borb?n, Prince of Asturias, 1981.

      5. H.R.H. Jean Grand Duke of Luxembourg, 1983.

      6. H.M. Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands, 1985.

      7. H.M. Marguerite II Queen of Denmark, 1985.

      8. H.M. the King Carl-Gustaf King of Sweden, 1983.

      9. H.M.I. the Emperor Aki-Hito of Japan, 1985.

      10. H.M. Elisabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1988.

      11. H.M. Albert II King of the Belgians, 1994.

      12. H.M. Harald V King of Norway, 1995.

      13. H.M. Simeon of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, 2004.

      14. H.M. Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand, 2006.

      15. Adolfo Su?rez Gonz?lez, Duke of Su?rez, 2007

      16. H.M. the King Abdul? bin Abdulaziz al Saud of Saudi Arabia

      In the past times the same...

    4. The Order of the Golden Fleece

      HM the King of Spain had granted two new concessions of Knight of the Order of Golden Fleece to:

      Adolfo Su?rez Gonz?lez, Duke of Su?rez (first president of the Government, in democratic period).


      HM the King Abdul? bin Abdulaziz al Saud of Saudi Arabia

      From the arrival to the throne, they have been 19 the concessions, of those that 16 live at the moment

    5. A new medal

      Star and Medal of Eissar (Pakistan)


      A gilt medal of 46 millimeters of diameter.

      The obverse takes crescent and five pointed star in the center -as the national flag- among those that a landscape appears.

      The growing one takes recorded the inscription IN THE SERVICE OF HUMANITY.

      The reverse is plain and it takes in relief the inscriptions EARTKQUAKE. 8 OCTOBER, 2005 in the center and PAKISTAN and FROM TO GRATEFUL NATION around.

      Also have a horizontal bar with inscription in Arabic.

      The ribbon is dark green with sky blue and white edges

      Imposed in their two categories Sitara-i-Eissar and Tamgha-i-Eissar to eight civilians and six military Spaniards of the 400 that participated in the operation of emergency help after the earthquake of October of 2005, 8 in recognition sign and gratefulness for this works.

    6. "San Lorenzo's" National Order is of character civilian and she have three grades: Grand Collar, Grand Cross and Grand Official. It will be granted to national and foreign outstanding personalities that has demonstrated their merits convincingly.

      The GRAN COLLAR will be dedicated for the Chief of the Ecuadorian State, as Supreme Chief of the Order, and for the Chiefs of State, kings and royal princes linked to reining monarchies and in exercise of functions you specify, for decision of the President of the Republic.

      To receive the badge in GRAND CROSS it is required: to be Chief of Government, Vice-president or being Prince Heir or member of Royal House; or, besides having received Grand Cross Cruz from the National Order "To the Merit", to be or to have been: President of the National Congress, President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Secretary of Listing. General secretary of the Public Administration, Cardinal, Chief of the Combined Command of the Armed forces, General of Army, Admiral, General of the Air, General Commandant of the National Police or Ambassador of the External Service of the Republic.

      To receive the badge in GRAND OFFICIAL it is needed, besides having received Grand Official medal from the National Order "To the Merit", to be or to have been: General commandant of the Army, General Commandant of the Navy, General Commandant of the Air force, Legislator, Major, Provincial Prefect, Archbishop, General of Brigade or of Division of the Republic, Rear admiral or Vice-admiral, General Brigadier or Lieutenant general. General of the Police.

      A) GRAND COLLAR: Great Cruz's Medal that describes it to him in literal b), it will be suspended of a crown of laurels in gold to a chain of old gold, of 100 centimeters of extension and a width four centimeters whose links reproduce, alternately, the shield of Ecuador, the canyons that adorn the frontispiece of Government's Palace and the badge of the Order, with initial S.L. on a grill. She understands, besides the Badge of Gold, similar to that of Great Cruz;

      B) GREAT CROSS: Consist on a badge of old alternate gold with brilliant gold, of eight centimeters of diameter, enameled in red in their ends and a part of the circle central with a black edge in the one that will consist the legend "Republic of Ecuador - August of 1809", 10 and in the center she will have a grill in gold on which initial S.L will inscribe.

      Grand Cross possessors will take arbitrated her to the chest, with a red band ten centimeters wide, with black edges of a centimeter wide in whose part interior suspends a rosette of which will loll the medal, of the same characteristics previous of four centimeters of diameter. For the ladies, the band will be similar, but of eight centimeters wide; and,

      C) GRAND OFFICIAL: It will consist on a badge of gold, similar to that of Great Cruz. For the ladies, the medal will be suspended by a golden ring and a knot of red color with black edges to both sides.

      Que, a fin de satisfacer plenamente los requisitos de la orden creada por los patriotas quite?os el 10 de agosto de 1809, es imperativo actualizar la reglamentaci?n existente para el otorgamiento de la Condecoraci?n Nacional de la Orden de 'San Lorenzo". restaurada mediante Decreto Ejecutivo N? 1329 de 10 de agosto de 1959, publicado en el Registro Oficial N? 923 de 19 de septiembre de 1959; y,

      En ejercido de las atribuciones que le confiere el numeral 5 del Art. 171 de la Constituci?n Pol?tica de la Rep?blica.



      Art. 1 .- La Orden Nacional de "San Lorenzo" es de car?cter civil y comprende tres grados: Gran Collar, Gran Cruz y Gran Oficial. Ser? otorgada a destacadas personalidades nacionales y extranjeras, que hubieren demostrado fehacientemente sus m?ritos.

      Art. 2.- Las condecoraciones de la Orden ser?n discernidas por el Presidente de la Rep?blica, a propuesta del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores.

      Art. 3.- El GRAN COLLAR estar? destinado para el Jefe del Estado Ecuatoriano, como Jefe Supremo de la Orden, y para los jefes de Estado, monarcas y pr?ncipes reales vinculados a monarqu?as reinantes y en ejercicio de funciones especificas, por decisi?n del Presidente de la Rep?blica.

      Art. 4.- Para recibir la condecoraci?n en el Grado de GRAN CRUZ se requiere: ser Jefe de Gobierno, Vicepresidente o ser Pr?ncipe Heredero o miembro de Casa Real; o, adem?s de haber recibido la Gran Cruz de la Orden Nacional "Al M?rito", ser o haber sido: Presidente del Congreso Nacional, Presidente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Ministro de Listado. Secretario General de la Administraci?n P?blica, Cardenal, Jefe del Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, General de Ej?rcito, Almirante, General del Aire, Comandante General de la Polic?a Nacional o Embajador del Servicio Exterior de la Rep?blica.

      Art. 5.- Para recibir la condecoraci?n en el Grado de GRAN OFICIAL se necesita, adem?s de haber recibido una medalla de Gran Oficial de la Orden Nacional "Al M?rito", ser o haber sido: Comandante General del Ej?rcito, Comandante General de la Armada, Comandante General de la Fuerza A?rea, Legislador, Alcalde, Prefecto Provincial, Arzobispo, General de Brigada o de Divisi?n de la Rep?blica, Contralmirante o Vicealmirante, Brigadier General o Teniente General. General de la Polic?a.

      Art. 6.- Los diplomas ser?n autorizados por las firmas del Presidente Constitucional de la Rep?blica y del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, y refrendadas por el Director General de Protocolo.

      Art. 7.- La Direcci?n General de Protocolo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores guardar? las insignias y diplomas y llevar? el registro detallado de las condecoraciones otorgadas, con la anotaci?n correspondiente.

      Art. 8.- Las caracter?sticas de las joyas, en sus diferentes grados, son las siguientes:

      a) GRAN COLLAR: La Medalla de Gran Cruz, que se la describe en el literal b), estar? suspendida de una corona de laureles en oro a una cadena de oro viejo, de 100 cent?metros de extensi?n y un ancho de cuatro cent?metros, cuyos eslabones reproducen, alternadamente, el escudo del Ecuador, los ca?ones que adornan el frontispicio del Palacio de Gobierno y el Sello de la Orden, con las iniciales S.L. sobre una parrilla. Comprende, adem?s de la Placa de Oro, igual a la de Gran Cruz;

      b) GRAN CRUZ: Consistir? en una placa de oro viejo alternado con oro brillante, de ocho cent?metros de di?metro, esmaltada en rojo en sus extremos y una parte del circulo central con un ribete negro en el que constar? la leyenda "Rep?blica del Ecuador - 10 de agosto de 1809", y en el centro tendr? una parrilla en oro sobre la que inscribir?n las iniciales S.L.

      Los poseedores de Gran Cruz deber?n llevarla terciada al pecho, con una banda roja de diez cent?metros de ancho, con filetes negros a uno y otro lado de un cent?metro de ancho, en cuya parte interior suspende una roseta de la que pender? la medalla, de las mismas caracter?sticas anteriores de cuatro cent?metros de di?metro. Para las damas, la banda ser? similar, pero de ocho cent?metros de ancho; y,

      c) GRAN OFICIAL: Consistir? en una placa de oro, similar a la de Gran Cruz. Para las damas, la medalla estar? suspendida por un anillo dorado y un lazo de color rojo con ribetes negros a ambos lados.

      Art. 9 - Der?gase el Decreto N0 737 de 29 de abril de 1968, publicado en el Registro Oficial N? 387 de 29 de mayo de 1968.

      Art. 10.- De la ejecuci?n del presente decreto, que entrar? en vigencia a partir de la presente fecha, sin perjuicio de su publicaci?n en el Registro Oficial, enc?rguese el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores.

      Dado en el Palacio Nacional, en Quito, a los cuatro d?as del mes de junio del dos mil uno

      f) Gustavo Noboa Bejarano. Presidente Constitucional de la Rep?blica.

      f) Heinz Moeller Freile, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores.

      Es fiel copia del original.- lo certifico.

      f) Marcelo Santos Vera. Secretario General de la Administraci?n P?blica

    7. Some Ecuatorian Medals

      Neck: Commander of the Naval Merit "Comadante Mor?n Valverde"

      Below, the ribbon of the Cross of Military Honour

      Star "Abdon Calderon"

      Academic Merit "Eloy Alfaro"

      And also the ribbon plates of my page




    8. This is the Order of the Liberation of Spain

      Created in Paris that of September 3 1947 for the Spanish Government of the Republic in the exile to reward the Spaniards and foreigners that surrendered important services to the republican cause

      It was granted in three classes: plaque, cross with rossette and cross. It existed other a medal of merit.

      The ribbon takes the colors of the flag of the Republic (red, yellow and purple). The insignias were carried out by Arthus-Bertand of Paris.

    9. My opinion, and possibly the one of most of the members of the forum, is that it is truly a little simple, but she doesn't stop to represent the chosen signs or emblems to represent Europe: the twelve stars, the blue color of the ribbon, and the motto.

      They have surely kept in mind the economy for their making, but I believe that the important thing is the own act of rewarding, it doesn't care if the medal is beautiful or ugly, simple or complex.

      I'm sure that in many Armed Forces, this medal is valued, not for its design, but for added questions that it can bear: scale points for courses, promotionsa, posts, pride to shine it, sign of having participated in these missions, etc.

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