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    Nihil Sine Deo

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    Everything posted by Nihil Sine Deo

    1. I found this page that might be relevant in the 1912 Braunschweig Staats-Handbuch. I think that these are the persons that were awarded with the Order of Henry the Lion.
    2. Hello, thank you for looking in the Saxon database, I appreciate. Tomorrow I will try to find the Saxon Rangliste and I will also look for a potential bearer. I hope to find the book. Best regards, Iulian
    3. Wow, what a formed eye! The horse tail is indeed towards down. Only someone specialised in miniatures could tell us if the miniature was indeed one on one with the award but I’m thinking that you are right. About looking in your databases, if you could do that, I would appreciate a lot, there is no hurry, and once again, thank you very much for your time, I am honoured. best regards, Iulian.
    4. Hello! Congratulations for writing the books on Brunswick Order of Henry the Lion, it really is an honor for me to talk to a person that literally helps unraveling the history. I have made a list with the awards but I'm not sure of the classes. -Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse 1914. Sachsen - Königreich: -Kriegsverdienstkreuz Bronze 1915; -Verdienstorden Ritterkreuz (KsachsV); -Albrechtsorden Ritterkreuz (KsachsA); -Landwehr-Dienstauszeichnung 2.Klasse (KsachsLwD 2). Oldenburg - Großherzogtum: -Friedrich August Kreuz 1914. Preußen - Königreich: -Königlicher Kronen-Orden Kreuz (PrKr); -Roter Adler Orden Kreuz 4.Klasse (PrRA4). Bayern - Königreich: -Verdienstorden vom Heiligen Michael Kreuz 2.Klasse (BayrMich2). -Possible Lippische Rose orden. Braunschweig - Herzogtum: -Orden Heinrich des Löwen Offizierkreuz (BrL2). Österreich: -Kriegskreuz für Zivilverdienste; -Orden der Eisernen Krone (OstrEKr); -Franz-Joseph-Orden (OstrFJ). Spanien: -Orden Isabella die Katholische (SpanI). Japan: -Orden des Heiligen Schatzes (JapSch). I hope that it will help, that is the best I can do. Thank you very much, I really apreciate the help, if we will ever find the bearer I promise that I will send you a 6 pack beer ?. Best regards, Iulian
    5. Hello, comparing it with the Bukhara war service medal, the Lippische Rose looks much more alike. And I think it would also have more sense. Best regards, Iulian
    6. Hello, Thank you very much for these important informations, I think it would take me around one week to gather all that informations. Right now I have found an Staatshandbuch für das Königreich Sachsen (the 1913 edition) and I’ve figured out the abbreviations for the orders, now I have to find out the person with the most orders awarded. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the 1914 or 1915 edition. From all the orders I’ve managed to find out BayrMich, BrL, Jap.H Sch, OstrEKr, OstrFJ, PrRAGk, PrKr, PrEK, KSächsV, KSächsA, KSächsLwD and SpanI. If I am wrong I would be pleased to correct me. I have also noticed that the pear shaped award is between two German Orders and at first I’ve thought that it could be an German award but now I’m starting to think that it could be possible to have been replaced but I don’t see any traces of bent metal. It seems to have patina. p.s. I would love to like these posts but I just don’t figure out how. Maybe it is because I’m typing from the phone. And thank you very much for accepting me on this wonderful group. Best regards, Iulian.
    7. Hello, Thank you very much. I suppose it is gold but I don’t want to go and check them because I am afraid that they need to be scratched to see if they are made of gold. About the seventh award, is it indeed very similarly but if it is that award then it must that the person that recieved it has made military service in that country? Best regards, Iulian.
    8. Hello, First of all I want to thank you very much for the sources, I really couldn’t find them myself because I don’t speak and understand very well German. I’ve tried to find the persons that were awarded with the Order of Henry the Lion but I couldn’t find too much because all the informations are in German and it’s very hard for me to search them. From my researches only 5 people recieved the order in Officer class, and from those I have found out that one or two also recieved the Order of the Sacred Treasure and those people are Ernst von Uechtritz and Steinkirch and Otto Reinke but I couldn’t find all the rest of the awards that they received. That is all I could find for now, and I’m searching since two or three days ago. If the informations were in English I think I could have found more. It is belonging to me now, thank you, it is indeed a nice frock chain, possible made of gold, but that doesn’t matter that much. Best regards, Iulian. Thank you very much.
    9. Hello! I’ve tried to find the people that had been decorated with the Order Henry the Lion but I couldn’t find much informations… I have found that only five people recieved the Officer grade but I couldn’t find the other awards that they recieved. Best regards
    10. Hello! Thank you for your information, step by step we will resolve the miniature puzzle. #7 might be linked to Bukhara, but I couldn’t find anything to look alike. Best regards. Hello, thank you for your information, that is the First (the last on the bar) order of the miniature bar. It is indeed the Order of the Sacred Treasure Japan. I’m trying to figure out what medal or order is #7, because maybe it will take me to the owner of the bar. I’m trying to find out the personality that has been awarded with such orders. Best regards.
    11. Thank you, Thank you very much, I will try to look after that list. Best regards, Iulian
    12. Thank you! I also think that it could be something asian, I’ve looked over the Japanese medals and orders but I couldn’t find something to look alike. I’m really hoping to find out the bearer, it would be an amazing thing for me.
    13. Hello! I would like to know more information about this beautiful 16 orders and medals miniature bar. I know the most of the orders and medals excepting the 7th one starting from left. I’m also trying to find out who owned the bar, and I’m thinking that he could be a German Diplomat. I’m thinking that there aren’t so many persons that recieved The Order of the Sacred Treasure (Japan) and the Spanish order of Isabella the Catholic. I hope someone can help me, I would appreciate, any information is useful. I have noticed that where the Austrian orders starts the the chain was modified, probably he recieved them later, in his career. Thank you very much.
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